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 1# Forum rules admendment 2018

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3 posters
Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1715
Join date : 2011-06-10

1# Forum rules admendment 2018 Empty
PostSubject: 1# Forum rules admendment 2018   1# Forum rules admendment 2018 EmptyMon May 21, 2018 4:21 pm

Due to a recent infringement of the forum rules and a disgruntled member. I’ve had to revise the forums rules.
The revisments have not changed the rules but just expanded upon why some rules are in place.

Let me make it clear, I do not enjoy these types of disagreements nor removing members from our community unless absolutely necessary but on rare occasions I’m left with little choice but to do just that. Many who have known me for many years also know I also couldn’t give two fishes about removing members from the forum who cause issues but also know I do not do things lightly or with out cause.
Also please keep in mind I pay for the majority of the forum from my own pocket ( with help from a few donations) for you all to enjoy, and for that reason I do keep the forum in check at all times as I will not pay for others to abuse me or the system.

I’m sure you can all agree clear rules for using the forum are there to protect members and expanding upon them only makes it clearer still.

The first amendment is to the forums sale rules... and given the fact trading for cash values for items is based on trust on forums the rules have been amended to I hope avoid any nasty situations.

The 2nd amendment is to the forums own main rules to which I’ve added another segment to do with private policy and personal data.

I have tried to be as fair as possible regarding these amendments if you have an issues please messgae me at the first instance to discuss and see if a change is warranted to them.

Please familiarise yourself with these amendments.

Most know I am a fair person with the forum and rarly have to get involved with enforcing rules or disputes so you will understand adjustments to the forum rules have not come lightly, nor are the rules much diffrent from those on other forum platforms ( to which I personally believe we are the less harsh)



I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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1# Forum rules admendment 2018 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1# Forum rules admendment 2018   1# Forum rules admendment 2018 EmptyTue May 22, 2018 2:10 am

missed this, Aron, but you have my full support...……… is too short to have to tolerate such behaviour.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 8
Join date : 2015-02-19

1# Forum rules admendment 2018 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1# Forum rules admendment 2018   1# Forum rules admendment 2018 EmptyThu May 24, 2018 7:45 am

Such a shame that it needed to be put into print.   These forums are a godsend to those who need information.  We all like a rant every now and then but dont make it personal, I do it one way you do it another, i might take your way as better than mine but if i dont so what!!!!

Mods, you do a difficult job, THANKS.

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1# Forum rules admendment 2018 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1# Forum rules admendment 2018   1# Forum rules admendment 2018 EmptyThu May 24, 2018 9:19 am

Thanks for your support Mike. ...appreciated.thankfully this is the first spot of bother on here in eons. Nice to say..
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-06-14
Location : Brisbane, Sunshine State, Qld, Australia

1# Forum rules admendment 2018 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1# Forum rules admendment 2018   1# Forum rules admendment 2018 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 12:00 am

Roadrunner wrote:
Due to a recent infringement of the forum rules and a disgruntled member. I’ve had to revise the forums rules.
The revisments have not changed the rules but just expanded upon why some rules are in place.

Let me make it clear, I do not enjoy these types of disagreements nor removing members from our community unless absolutely necessary but on rare occasions I’m left with little choice but to do just that. Many who have known me for many years also know I also couldn’t give two fishes about removing members from the forum who cause issues but also know I do not do things lightly or with out cause.
Also please keep in mind I pay for the majority of the forum from my own pocket ( with help from a few donations) for you all to enjoy, and for that reason I do keep the forum in check at all times as I will not pay for others to abuse me or the system.

I’m sure you can all agree clear rules for using the forum are there to protect members and expanding upon them only makes it clearer still.

The first amendment is to the forums sale rules... and given the fact trading for cash values for items is based on trust on forums the rules have been amended to I hope avoid any nasty situations.

The 2nd amendment is to the forums own main rules to which I’ve added another segment to do with private policy and personal data.

I have tried to be as fair as possible regarding these amendments if you have an issues please messgae me at the first instance to discuss and see if a change is warranted to them.

Please familiarise yourself with these amendments.

Most know I am a fair person with the forum and rarly have to get involved with enforcing rules or disputes so you will understand adjustments to the forum rules have not come lightly, nor are the rules much diffrent from those on other forum platforms ( to which I personally believe we are the less harsh)



I particularly liked the commentary about knickers getting twisted.

Love it and pointless me saying I agree, which I do,  as 'you iz da boss' Smile Smile Smile
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