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 Forum Rules

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1715
Join date : 2011-06-10

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 2:08 pm

Before I lay down the law, I would like to thank all those who have supported the site during this difficult time and I hope that my speedy workmanship was up the task of getting you guys back up and running with little disruption.

Now the rules!

The forum is supposed to be a friendly place for adults and children alike.

1. No bad language to be used, if any is found it will be moderated and you will look silly cos I will moderate the word in bright pink!

2. I will not tolerate bullying or Poop stirring of any kind. Each member will get 2 warnings (yellow card, red card, BAN)  before being issues a permanent IP ban ( for those who think they are clever and can change their IP's at will, be warned i don't get bored easily and can quite happily ban every account you make! )

If you feel that you are being bullied please speak to a forum administrator at first point of call before going off on a rampage its likely to get you banned as well, most disputes can be resolved quickly with little fuss but disruption towards the forum itself is not acceptable!

3. If you do not like an Administrators decision, Tough! Going off on a rant will not help your case either!

If you feel an Administrators decision was unfair, discriminate, or anything else that's got ya panties in a twist, please pm me with your story and I will look into it, but my Decision is Final!

4. You will all show each other repect even if you do not agree with an opinion.

5. The PM system is there for private communications and misuse of it will result it in being removed! (I have the power!)

That means no bullying, threatening  behaviour racial comments etc. you get the idea...
If you have been sent anything offending, please forward the message to an Administrator and it will be delt with quickly.

6. Try to be truthful ~i hate lies~, its counter productive!

7. I have the right to amend/change the rules as and when and without question. These are a basic guide!

8. I take no responsibility for anything you say on this forum, after all I'm not writing your comments

9. The Text Colour Blue Is Reserved For Admin & Moderators only, if you post with blue, someone will edit it to some other amusing colour.

10. Due to recent data protection laws ( may of 2018) should members request to leave the forum (requesting account deletion) I will endevor to purge your personal info, name, age, d.o.b, email and any other personal Info submitted to your user account however I will not remove your posts or photos as once posted they become the intellectual property of the forum and it’s data base.
This is a hard fact to which every member here has agreed to upon joining the forum through its terms of service on the sign up page.
For those who want to play legal games with this, I can only say go ahead and waste your money and my time but when you loose, which you will, given the extensive terms of service you agreeded to ,will you not only be out of pocket trying your luck but my counter claim will cost you more than the effort it took to swallow your pride. But go for it I don’t mind free money!
For those who wish to peruse this legal method message me for my solicitors info I’ll be happy to give it out along with the contact details of the hosting company and their legal teams which also protect the forum.
I will on rare occasions delete posts subject to the relevant issue at the time ( at my disgressions) but I will not remove large sections from the forum data base as you can imagin for some memebers asking me to manaually delete several thousand posts can be a time consuming act which not only wastes my time but also damages the forum itself, you may be annoyed but continuing to request your entire history on the forum removed, will lead to other members suffering through your little knicker twist.

Frank Bullitt, Westcoast, Elelid and Maarten_Forklifttruck like this post

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