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 Wants & Swaps Rules

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1715
Join date : 2011-06-10

Wants & Swaps Rules Empty
PostSubject: Wants & Swaps Rules   Wants & Swaps Rules EmptyMon Jun 13, 2011 11:56 am

Some rules to be followed when using the wants and swaps section...

1. The Forum & Its Owner(s) Accept NO responsibility for sales conducted over the forum.

Anything you sell or buy you do at your own risk! you have been warned.

Complaints about sales will be ignored and this section should be treated like your local free adds... As A Pinch Of Salt!

2. Wanted & swap adds will only be advertised for a period of 12 weeks, after that they are automatically deleted by the system. (you may re-post again)

3. Swap adds must state what you wish to swap it for, This must include photos of the items up for swap. (no photos, no add, simples!)

4. Wanted adds must state clearly what you are after, you do not have to state how much you are willing to spend that is between you and the other party(s) involved.

5. All communication to do with any advert placed must take place using the PM system, outside email or by phone, bartering and offers over the open forum are not accepted and will be deleted.

6. The rules are subject to amendment at any time, and will be, should situations occur that the rules do not cover.

RR Site Admin

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