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 like a kid in a sweet shop

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 08, 2018 2:59 pm

I just couldn't decide what model/s to build next, but finally decided a couple of days ago, and have settled on.....................

the Shannon class lifeboat.................well, two to be exact........

so what's the story behind two............

my friend Mick in Canada asked me to go down to Leicestershire last July with a wodge of fifty's that he had sent me to buy a 1;12 and a 1;16th scale Shannon lifeboat and then send to him..............

on acquiring both models from Adrian at Speedline mick decided that he wanted me to keep the 1;12 scale lifeboat over here and build it for myself as he would never get round to doing it.............and made a present of it to me...........What a wonderful man he is...........and we regularly chat on the phone.

the other Shannon is a Models By Design basic kit, including the KMB jet drives. my friend mick French, battleshipbuff on here asked me if I would build it for him if he bought it off mayhem, and as mick in Canada had been so incredibly generous in his gift to me, I thought I would repay a little to the friends I have and told mick French that I would build his Shannon along side mine.

I did ask speedline models about a set of fittings from his model for the MBD  boat, and initially he said yes, but to my immense disappointment when he came to pick up my steam lifeboat that he wants to proceed with, he told me that he would no longer be supplying me with a set of fittings for the MBD boat...............bit of a bummer really and so, at the moment the MBD Shannon will be just a partial build until someone starts developing their own sets of fittings for the 1;12 Shannon................ but I will on here post pictures only of the two models and how they are constructed, in slightly different ways, for anyone wishing to follow it. 

the speedline and the Models By Design Shannons.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8216

The MBD basic kit on the right.

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and the joys of having an Elephant size drawing board with parallel slide in your workshop to show the basic Speedline plans.........sadly the only ones available as the RNLI  won't supply them.

those plans are full size.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8218

Last edited by nhp651 on Sat May 12, 2018 12:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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Forum Overlord
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 08, 2018 4:01 pm


Here’s we go again 2thumbsup

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 08, 2018 11:03 pm the MBD Shannon.........first thing I wanted to do with both boats is to fit the  intake tunnels, and so with careful measurements drilling and cutting, then sanding down with a rolled up tube of abrasive paper and then filing the intake inlet, the job was done in little over an hour.......with no need to go out and buy a special hole cutter at 45 quid a time.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8318
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 08, 2018 11:21 pm

and then it was on to the Speedline jets.......they are not finished but got a little peed off when one wouldn't turn the impellor after I had bolted them up, so removed to find that one of the shaft couplings wasn't tight and was binding on the sorted it and then abandoned it for tonight......but here so far.measurements for positioning were the same for the outlets, taken from the plans.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 09, 2018 12:17 am

Twin jet drives, nice, actually I forgot these have those, I’ve got used to seeing the older tunnels under the hull on lifeboats.

Which type of jet drives are those? I’ve seen many “cheaper” one on fleabay or are those the grauphner expensive ones?

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 09, 2018 12:46 am

the ones on the mbd are German manufacture, but the speedline ones are miniature Hamilton jets..........he got permission to put the Hamilton badge onto them the end nozzles are so accurate.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 09, 2018 11:40 am

Good start Neil.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 10, 2018 4:28 pm

Time to fit the main induction tunnel bodies.

now comes the tricky bit.....the floor of the hull and the rear transom plate where the two parts of the tunnel body fit, are not at right angles to each other, where as the end plate and the intakes are on the actual jets are..........

so I made a surrounding plate 2.5mm thick out of plasticard to go around the intake. This is to give some purchase to the glue where one end sticks above the actual grp hull.

I also dispensed with the plasticard  gaskets supplied with the kit, in favour of proper repellent gasket material and gasket glue [ahh, remembrance of the times I replaced cylinder head gaskets on my rocket gold star and other old brit bikes, lol]. I did this because the gasket material and glue will contour to the unevenness of the grp whereas a plastic gasket won't.

and so it the gaskets were fitted with gasket glue both sides, and 5 minute epoxy laid onto the flange and working quickly I got one and then the other glued in and bolted up ready to set in position.

on the last shot you can see how even the best of hulls and layers can get one more even thickness than the other........not a problem and unless you are spray laying  mould, there will always be slight irregularities in a lay up, and that is why just a few minutes pondering over a subject and the problems that might arise can be overcome without histrionics and cursing the manufacturer.......simple slight problem overcome easily.....

I have left the two jets setting until later when I can then fill in those gaps with filler.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 10, 2018 7:52 pm

Nice start Neil. 2thumbsup 

I really must get these other commissions finished and get started on my own Shannon. lol!
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 10, 2018 10:40 pm

gribeauval wrote:
Nice start Neil. 2thumbsup 

I really must get these other commissions finished and get started on my own Shannon. lol!
I won't suggest a sponsored sail up loch, I won't go there, lol.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 10, 2018 11:57 pm

lol! lol! lol! lol! Ya just did mate.  lol! lol! lol! lol!
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 11, 2018 10:56 am

the jets on both boats have now been well and truly bedded in now, but instead of using filler which, in my hands at least can be a messy finish, I have used Milliput white which is both very sticky and also water proof and acts as a water barrier when pressed home into the cracks............and it also looks far better and neater.

first the MBD boat...

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8338

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and the Speedline jets.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8341
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 11, 2018 11:26 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySat May 12, 2018 10:39 pm

whilst its dark outside, I thought I'd shed a little blood inside, and start reforming some of my old figures that I made some years ago, into lifeboat men of the modern dry suit era, with modern life vests and helmets........

was going well until I cut myself on the thumb twice in the same spot, so plastered up I went for a beer and decided to call it a night until I can use my power tools on then tomorrow without fear of removing one of my fingers in the process.

I like the figures I use because they have much more realistic faces than those produced by other companies.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8342

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySun May 13, 2018 7:14 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySun May 13, 2018 11:30 pm

four out of the five crew now nude, and waiting for their new uniforms............the other man will wait till tomorrow and then on goes their gear, life preservers and boots............then into new moulds.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8412
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyMon May 14, 2018 11:58 pm

they look h..armless enough , lol.

now got their up to date ALB [All weather Life Boat] waterproof gear and life preservers on.....they have to be sanded and trimmed but that will wait till the milliput had hardened. then I can mould them in RTV rubber and do some casting..............the bit I like best.............well, apart from making them in the first place.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8414

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like a kid in a sweet shop Rnli_a11

like a kid in a sweet shop Rnli_a10
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 15, 2018 1:15 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 16, 2018 11:00 pm

There I was...………...thought I'd finished..………...even given one of the crew a pony tail to keep up with status quo and introduced the first female into the crew, and whilst taking a photo from the back, realised a glaring mistake, and not put the two straps connecting the waste belt to the shoulder straps and so back to the milliput and added these.........will wait till tomorrow for them to set and cure before trimming up and looking for the arms to set them to each figure before putting them into rubber moulds......….and casting a few. 

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8416

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 17, 2018 2:32 am

Looking good Neil  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 17, 2018 4:03 pm

The crew figures look great!

However I rather be rescued by this beauty than some salty old sea dawgs


like a kid in a sweet shop 3a30b310

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 17, 2018 5:28 pm

yep/……………….totally right there...……...but the fun comes in unpeeling the suit, lol. lol! drunken drunken
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 17, 2018 8:52 pm

its not often I have the central heating on on a mid summers night, especially when its still warm and beautiful sunny outside...………..but I need to soften my modellers plasticine to make my mould bases and the only way is to heat it up as its normally rock solid...……

the box bases have been lego'd and just waiting for the soft plasticine to set the figures in to them...…

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8420

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like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8422
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 18, 2018 1:36 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup WOW.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 18, 2018 8:34 pm

the first half of each mould once cured was then rubbed all over with Vaseline to act as a barrier/release agent between that half and the second half of the full mould...……….

the second half was then laid into the box.
you will see that two of them are shaped like wedges.....the thinner parts are where the heads of the figures lie and the thicker part of the wedge is where the feet lie...…….this saves around 300 grams of rubber each time...….a fair saving.

just have to cut the flow channels and air escape furrows in them, and they are ready for casting

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8423

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 18, 2018 11:53 pm

the final piece to the jigsaw is the moulding of the 12 different sets of arms, depending on what position you want the crew to take on boat...…… these have to be moulded...……….as I seem to have mislaid the original moulds...…….this will be done in sets, left and right arms and then I can choose. 

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8427

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8428
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySat May 19, 2018 2:13 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup Marvelous Neil.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySat May 19, 2018 1:37 pm

mould boxes have been made for the 5 initial sets of arms, so that I can put the figurines together and paint up for demonstration at the Blackpool show and other venues. 

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8429

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_8430
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Another sweet shop lover!   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySun May 20, 2018 12:31 am

I know how good and life-like your other figures were Neil,and I am amazed at the transformation that you have maid using milliput.These are going to be superb when finished
As for the moulding and casting,you make it all seem so simple.There sure is a meaning to the old saying,Practice makes perfect,except for the seemingly excessive use of elastoplast lol
Mick F
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySun May 20, 2018 9:25 am

Ah ha yes.........keep those very handy when I'm carving and whittling these days.......arthritic fingers don't make for good precise handling and coordination of a very sharp craft knife and after a spell it usually looks like a war zone lol.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyMon May 21, 2018 12:42 am

back to the boat build now that I have completed the moulds for the crew men...……

I have started by making the servo holders for the jet drive operations.

I have made these from 2 and 3mm thickness plasticard, strengthened with buttresses...…………..

I have seen 3D printed ones, but just a couple of hours work and a little plastic weld I have reached the same result, not as neat by any stretch of the imagination, but saved a good wodge, not having them printed. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyMon May 21, 2018 11:51 pm

Began this evening by sanding the surplus filler from around the inlets and outlets to the jets of the Speedline boat and once done, by siting the position of the trays that would hold the servo mounts and the battery holders, 

Then moved on to setting up the mounting plates for the brushless motors to the main bodies of the jets on the Models by Design boat...………..took a little brain manipulation but eventually got there...….the Speedline boat was much easier, having had the single plate already fitted to the motor.

tomorrow I'll set the trays in and screw the servo holders to the trays, before I start working on the hull fittings for the Speedline model...……...the parts are there for that one, but I'll have to fabricate as much as I can for the MBD boat before I stop building until fittings are available for it, and as such, I have gone as far as I can with it, sadly.

below, the Speedline hull.

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the MBD motors with adapter plates to allow fitting to the KMB German waterjets

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The Speedline jets with motors.

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below, the Speedline jets with motors.

like a kid in a sweet shop Img_0219
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 22, 2018 4:45 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 23, 2018 12:30 am

and tonight I've been putting the outer jet fittings including the reversing stators together using the parts supplied for the KMB jets which are for the MBD boat. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 23, 2018 1:04 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 23, 2018 8:16 pm

and the build goes on.....

I cleaned up the inlet ports on the Models by Design, and then added the bilge keels by drilling and gluing in 3mm screw threads..they were screws but the heads had been cut off.

Hull was drilled and then the bilge keels added using 2 part epoxy and 3mm nuts with washers to hold them tight up to the hull.

The keels foe the Speedline boat were different in that the fixing face had a ridge on it created when they were 3Dprinted...and so a line of holes were drilled in the hull to take the ridge of the keels.....they were also pinned with the same 3mm screws and bolts, and set in place using 2 part epoxy.

finally the stern spray rail for the Speedline were prepared from the 3D printed set of fittings and glued in place using 2 part epoxy.

however for the MBD boat I had to fabricate these by using 3mm x 7mm plasticard strip, sanded to profile of the speedline boat and then drilled and pinned with 1.2mm stainless steel rod, and glued in place with cyano acrylate. 

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from the inside...

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the penetrations on the inside of the hull will be sealed with grp mat and resin within the next day or so.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 24, 2018 2:32 am

Coming along nicely Neil.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 24, 2018 4:28 pm

I've come to the point where I have more to do above waterline and outside of the boats than inside now, and so have made preparations for fixing the deck on the MBD boat.

on this boat the deck mould is an integral part of the hull, unlike the speedline model which is a different entity altogether, and as such, once fitted, very few of the workings of the motors, jets and connecting rods will be able to be reached, as the stern counter of the deck covers them and makes then rather inaccessible. so I will wait for the supply of the servos from a 3rd party to come before I fix the deck in place. However this hasn't stopped me from preparing the deck sheet and hull for that moment.
first I found the very faint line scored into the deck pronouncing the cut line to oincide with the top of the hull, and marked with a pencil.

I changed the blade in my band saw for a much finer toothed one, and then cut ouit the deck.

next I offered the deck up to the hull to find that the reverse side moulding of the deck, with the topside recesses for the engine room access wouldn't allow the deck to lie flat on the hull, and so cut out a 10mm piece of the hull flange at the extreme stern by drilling and reaming out to allow the deck to face up fat onto the hull.

now comes a point of conjecture...…..I drilled both the deck and the hull flange every 15mm [ didn't count exactly lol] with a 2.5mm bit. some say that they fear it weakens the structure. I say that not only does it strengthen it, it also adds to the gluing and gripping power of deck to hull by around 250% over just a standard lay and but joint......have always found this joint to open up in the event of a head on collision with the bank or a sideways shunt from another equally heavy or fast boat.
As in another thread on a US site about how delicate one builds ones boat, I build mine like a brick dunny.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 25, 2018 1:26 am

Ahh reminder I really must look at my bandsaw to discover why I won't cut a straight line.  Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 25, 2018 12:56 pm

it is usually one of 3 things, Damien...…..lack of tension on the blade, too wide a gap on the guides to the blade, or quite simply...…...the blade is blunt.

there is a fourth problem and that is the bearings on one of the wheels...……………..but that on a hobby saw is very rare indeed as they take minimal punishment, unless you are sawing logs for the fire all day long...……

check the three above symptoms.

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 25, 2018 1:01 pm

the surrounds to the jet nozzles have been filled and sanded, as there were two strange groves cut into each that made no sense at all, and not part of the actual boats make up...…

they have been placed on the transom temporarily with the jets sitting in the milled circles, but until I can get a position for the trim tabs which I will have to make out of plasticard I won't fit them permanently. 

I also have to make the protecting skeg which I might make from brass or heavy gauge plasticard….just have to see, but i'm waiting for the servos to come so that I can position the connecting rods to the jets before I do anything else. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyFri May 25, 2018 1:36 pm

Real nice Neil. 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySat May 26, 2018 8:31 am

talking about the holes neil, you only have to look at the old ships that were riveted holes drilled every inch our so then rivets, no glue on them Laughing  and they took some bangs I bet. great build neil just how I like it calm and Cool   2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptySat May 26, 2018 9:11 am

TBH David.......I don't know what all the fuss was about on other sites......they are kits or semi kits and the fun in buying such is  you don't have to make the parts on one and if you like making parts you build the other.....on these I have the best of both worlds in that I can if no parts are available for the MID  boat use the kit to allow me to fabricate others by looking at those already there as a guide without too much research...…

I can't understand why people will pay a grand on a kit and then scratch build half of it lol..unless the parts are crap.....which they are not.....just stupid to me...………....or very egotistical.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyMon May 28, 2018 6:39 pm

today I got the kids paddling pool out to test the water integrity of the two hulls with the jet tunnels installed where the tunnel intakes meet with the bilge.

everything was fine for 4 hours...…absolutely no leaks at all...………..and then I decided to put a heavy battery in the stern to make sure I also had water integrity around the exit holes in the stern transom...…….the MBD boat...…….. ..just the same and has been sat there for an hour or more with absolutely no leaks...…………. 

but that is where the project went absolutely pear shaped...….. put another battery into the speedline boat..............and water gushed in as fast as the Ruhr dam after guy Gibson and 617 squadron had done their job 75 years ago...…..and then I realised...…….I'd forgotten to put the shaft back into the impeller tunnel.....duurrrrr.....what a muppet. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 29, 2018 1:21 am

Don't berate yourself Neil it's just a senior moment and ya next birthday is 6 days away matey.

Wink Wink Wink Wink
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyTue May 29, 2018 1:36 am

Yippee. ...and the weather is holding up for my 3rd BBQ of the season...especially as last year I didn't have a single one lol.....good night one and off to bed.....need my beauty sleep. Lol.
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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 30, 2018 8:18 pm

today I glued the transom face plates for the jet nozzles in place and taped them on, using 30 minute setting ZAP epoxy.

I also glued in place the servo holders after drilling quite a few 2mm holes into the base of each to give an anchor hold between the plastic of the holders to the timber bases. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyWed May 30, 2018 10:46 pm

the motors have been added loosely to give an idea as to where the link rods are going to go...…

and then the crew have been cast in polyurethane resin and ready for the arms to be fitted. 

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like a kid in a sweet shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: like a kid in a sweet shop   like a kid in a sweet shop EmptyThu May 31, 2018 9:51 pm

spent the latter part of the afternoon setting up the link rods and tiller arms for the two different sets of jets.

sadly one of the speedline jets has a small fault in that the brass thread and nuts won't tighten on the tiller for directional use of the jet nozzle...… also has a crack in the upper mould...……..having moulded fittings for years, it is quite impossible to pick out such a small problem until you get down to the job...……….but have emailed Adrian this evening asking what we can do to get it working again.

otherwise I have used either clevis clips and ball and cup connecters on the jets...………..just hate bits of bent wire when you are building kits of such magnitude and a kid in a sweet shop Img_8526

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thank goodness for my old sets of magneto spanners.

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didn't know whether to use model aircraft snakes to operate the KMB  reversing buckets...…….or steel rods...………….in the end I decided on steel rods.

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and then it was down to fitting the links to the speedline jets

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in the end I settled for a shorter plastic clevis clip for the Speedline reversing buckets.

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