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 Mini tug suggestions and ideas?

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Mini tug suggestions and ideas? Empty
PostSubject: Mini tug suggestions and ideas?   Mini tug suggestions and ideas? EmptyTue May 01, 2018 1:58 pm

A few years ago I acquired a mini tug, it was in pretty rough shape and I had planned to restore it however once I removed the majority of the god awful paint I found most of the wood and such was literally being held together by the paint and many places rotten, although a rebuild wouldn’t have been out of the question. I opted to make a new boat from it.

The hull is fibreglass, although not perfect in some places like the stern not being quite perfect not the bow however the glass is thick so I’m able to go in and sculpt it into the right shape, the hull is heavy but not a fully from the fibreglass the model has a false keel made of lead on the base it’s easily 6mm thick and as wide as the keel which on its own is rather over size. But I had played with the model before it’s stripping and found it very stable in the water thanks to this keel weight.

My question would be what to make for this hull, I had original ideals of making a tug tug as it’s a similar shape, but there are other various boats of this hull shape which could be replicated to a semi scale model.

The hull is 13” long with a 4” beam

My other thoughts were something from a cartoon...

Maybe from the original “tugs” tv show but more recently my 3 year old is fascinated by paw patrol to which there is a tug boat featured a lot to which the hull could be converted to suit the tv show, it would need an extensive rear modification from round to squared off but it’s not a massive deal.

Anyway undecided and not letting a 3 year old dictate a model suggestions with photos would be useful to give me some unique ideas...

I’ve included some photos of my thought the last photo being “the flounder “ from paw patrol.

If anyone wants me to just go for the paw part too build let me know. It’s been on my mind for a while but commiting to a larger modification to the hull had put that on hold until I had other ideas.

Mini tug suggestions and ideas? D3b35d10
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Mini tug suggestions and ideas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mini tug suggestions and ideas?   Mini tug suggestions and ideas? EmptyTue May 01, 2018 4:29 pm

hi aron 

I like the old kids programme of the tugs, there was a few of them but top hat. warrior and Lillie the light ship I like best .I have a video of this from the T V show  my grand kids loved it.
back to what you want to do, I think you might like the plan in model boats dec 2004 which has a 12 inch tug built by R Webb  I have it some where and could try to scan it for you if it helps. look on ebay you can see it there under Thomas the tug 12 inch magm2020. hope I have helped you in your quest to build one.

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