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 50 ft Thames class lifeboat

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 2:57 pm

Development of the 44 ft Waveny by the RNLI was the 50 ft Thames Class. However as the Arun was also being developed at the same time the RNLI decided that was the better option and so only two boats of the class were built.

50-001 based at Dover.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat ThamesClass05_zps16778f65

50-002 based at Islay in Scotland.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat ThamesClass04_zps4f6d2d5c

Copies of the drawings for the profile, body lines and the table of offsets were obtained and over the last few days were scanned into a vector format and resized to produce 1/12th scale printouts. These were checked for dimensional accuracy against the table of offsets and the listed dimensions of the boat, glued to card and cut to shape, with a planking allowance removed, to produce the patterns needed to cut the parts.

Main keel pattern.

 50 ft Thames class lifeboat Patterns-01_zpsf45655e2

Patterns for the hull shapes at the stations given on the keel.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Patterns-02_zps5e3e39b2

Now it's time to put new blades in the bandsaw and the jigsaw ( brand new B&D Christmas prezzie from SWMBO!  queen ) and make some sawdust in the next few days !!

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 12:27 am

I'm looking forward to the build Mike.  Thumbup  2thumbsup    Thumbup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Feb 19, 2014 7:07 pm

so am I.......I think I'll be getting the job of making the moulds for this lovely craft...........looked forward to this for a long time......good on yer mike.

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Feb 23, 2014 1:09 pm

After much making of mess and sawdust over the past couple of days the patterns have been converted into timber sections ready to fit onto the keel. The building board has been marked up ready to take the parts. 

50 ft Thames class lifeboat <a href=50 ft Thames class lifeboat Patterns-03_zps6c9b2979
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 2:28 pm

The Keel has now been positioned on the building board with a spacer under the fore part of the keel to give a parallel datum line that will be used to fit all the frames.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-01_zps50988587

The fitting of the frames has now started with the half frames on either side of the bow section of the keel. This first half frame sets the way the bow will be shaped hence the many clamps and set squares!!

 50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-02_zps359741ba
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 11:44 pm

OMG this is looking good Mike.....My mouth is starting to drool!!!!
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Feb 26, 2014 1:03 pm

Glad you like it so far Neil!

Here are the results of yesterday's building. More of the bow frames fixed in place and the top edges fitted with spaces to make the frame rigid. When planked sections at the top of the frames will be removed where the coamings for the superstructure will fit. Before you ask, the bit sticking up on frame three is only there to allow the hull to be gripped upside down in the workmate when planking the bottom of the hull. (There will be another bit sticking up near the stern.)

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-03_zpscdd6742e

Low angle view of the bow frames where you can see the shape of the hull beginning to develop along the lines of the 44 ft Waveny of which this 50 ft Class was to be the next step.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-04_zps3f1eaefd
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Feb 26, 2014 11:10 pm

Wowsers  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 12:27 pm know me by now........I never ask and never pry into another man's build..and I know your work is always have your reasons for doing all that you do.......and it's looking superb. neil.

carry on my good man, lol!  lol!  lol!  lol!
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Feb 28, 2014 6:15 pm

The rest of the frames have now been fitted onto the keel. The formers that will make the curve of the stern are also been fitted ready for the stern wrapper. I have also started to remove the beam sections at the front where the access through the deck under the wheelhouse will be. Also I can now finish the shaping of the upper surface of the midship frame 5 (the one near the can with the green top) which was the main reference for keeping the frame straight and true.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-05_zps510b124e

Day off tomorrow as I am going to the model boat show at Ellesmere Port.  2thumbsup 
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Feb 28, 2014 10:26 pm

2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySat Mar 01, 2014 7:41 pm

superb mate.......superb.........enjoy the show. neil.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Mar 04, 2014 3:58 pm

The access holes through the deck and into the hull have now been defined, the frame upper sections removed where needed and the bar across the two upstands screwed in place. This bar will allow the hull to be held in the workmate inverted for planking.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-06_zpsd4a7191c

Hull skeleton inverted and ready for the frames to be chamfered before planking.

 50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-07_zpsb2d75e0a

View along the hull from the stern, the keel is not bent it's an optical illusion!

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-08_zpsbad90782

View from the bow.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-09_zps9c77a9d8
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Mar 04, 2014 11:20 pm

Coming along nicely  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Mar 13, 2014 1:34 pm

All the frames have now been chamfered ready to take the planking. As is my usual build practice I have started with the deck. This is being done in several parts as the boat has camber and sheer (including a small rising sheer at the stern) as well as a stepped deck.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-10_zpsdbcfbb6a

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-11_zpsaf0813ed

Nice to be able to work outside in the sunshine!! sunny  sunny  sunny 
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Mar 13, 2014 9:56 pm

that is really looking superb Mike......

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Mar 17, 2014 12:59 pm

The deck has now been completed and the structure is rigid and ready to turn over for the planking of the hull. The bow section took several attempts to get right as the angle of the sides constantly changes from vertical at the deck step to the lean back at the stem.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-12_zpsec20c958

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-13_zpsaf855349
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Mar 21, 2014 9:57 pm

looking superb MIke..this is going to be one very nice lifeboat. neil.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Mar 21, 2014 10:06 pm

Some lovely work there.  Very impressed.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 4:01 pm

Another small step forward with the build.

The bow section of the hull has a complex shape and making planks conform is a bit of a nightmare. To overcome the problem the forward sections have been filled with expanded urethane foam sheets which will act as a base to support the planks as they twist and bend. It also adds some reserve buoyancy in the event of an accident!

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-14_zpsf0f7ee3c

View showing the shape of the bow.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-15_zpsb18562e6
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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 9:23 pm

That's a tidy idea with the bow.  Mind if i copy it   ?


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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 9:29 pm

Tug--Kenny wrote:
That's a tidy idea with the bow.  Mind if i copy it   ?



It;s not my idea nor is it new, people have been doing it for years when building model aircraft wings. Just make sure you use urethane foam and not polystyrene as with the urethane you can put resin on it without it melting. If you can't get foam sheets then use expanded urethane in a can that is used to seal gaps.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Mar 24, 2014 9:52 am

Thanks for the advice Mike.

I didn't know about the two types.   Cool I had never fitted this stuff to any of my boats but will from now on.  A sort of sinking protection as well as making the sides sturdy.

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Forum Overlord
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Mar 24, 2014 7:55 pm

Just be aware if you decide to use the Squirty in a Can Expanding foam then dont use to much!!

just a little squirt and let it finish its expanding cycle, I've seen many 'amateurs' fill a section on full size boats and its expanded so much its deformed the shape, popped planks and split seams! that stuff is lethal if not used sparingly.

Other options if your worried about that ''sinking feeling'' you can create polystyrene shapes that fit into gaps between bulkheads and secure with some PVA glue, or in some cases i've used in the past, Create watertight compartments between the hull skin and the bulkheads outta edges fitting a layer of foam board in-between (much like in the dolphin build) guaranteed way to stop sinking, which i tested with the dolphin, she can be totally filled with water and still remain above the water surface significant enough to be retrieved ( i was actually testing for leaks when i tipped the boat over adding weight to it looking for the best waterline, when i discovered she wouldn't sink!)

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Mar 25, 2014 10:38 am

yes, I knew about the squirty type, but have taken to the idea of the sheets which can be shaped afterwards.

Very tidy.

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Mar 25, 2014 11:47 am

Here is the reason why this Thames build has been going slowly, I have just posted this video on youtube of the Tyne class build Which I will be delivering to its neew owner at the weekend.

Build of the RFA Sir Galahad

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Mar 26, 2014 12:15 pm

Looking forward very much to moulding this one off to ballycotton in 3 weeks and hopefully will get a lot of photos of 001 which is up for sale in Cork Harbour, so will have plenty of detailing on photos for you......will email them to you when I get back home on Good Friday.

the plug is looking beautiful. neil.
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Able Seaman
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Mar 27, 2014 1:14 am


I wouldnt be so sure externally a lot has been removed in the way of deck fittings and all of the stanchions need replacing (removed for pilot boat use).

Will email you again tomorrow afternoon.


Good job so far, awesome build already! Can't wait to see further progress and can't wait for my delivery from Neil!!! What are your thoughts with the Superstructure? The plans Neil has sent over to me show the original design superstructure so I couldn't produce 3D printed windows from them.

Ta for now
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 02, 2014 2:52 pm

Tyne class lifeboat delivered, client overjoyed, back to work!!

The foam supporting structure at the bow has now been planked over.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-16_zpsd85f364c

Planking of the rest of the hull has also commenced and now that the tricky bow section has been done the planks are an easy fit.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-17_zps4aaf6a38
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Able Seaman
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 02, 2014 3:28 pm


Just another quick thought which hull are the lines for?

I've just been looking at some of my pics of the two and noticed a very small difference between them both at the stern.

50-001 has a squared off stern at the waterline by having some blocks welded on.

will post pics up later on Smile
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Able Seaman
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 02, 2014 3:50 pm

50-001 showing hull modification
50 ft Thames class lifeboat Image124DS

50-002 showing lack of hull modification
50 ft Thames class lifeboat 1591991
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 02, 2014 4:17 pm

spongie wrote:

Just another quick thought which hull are the lines for?

I've just been looking at some of my pics of the two and noticed a very small difference between them both at the stern.

50-001 has a squared off stern at the waterline by having some blocks welded on.

will post pics up later on Smile

The lines plan says that it's for both 1031 and 1032 so such modifications will have to be added after the basic hull has been moulded. Same with the upper works as they were both slightly different, especially at the rear of the wheelhouse and the stern rails.
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Able Seaman
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 02, 2014 4:20 pm

Sorted Smile
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 2:19 pm

Finally fitted the last of the planks onto the frame and can now peel off the dried glue from the fingers!!

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-18_zpsea353f73

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-19_zpsa331f838

This view shows off the knuckle in the hull that starts at midships and continues all the way to the bow. 

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-20_zps57c3958f

After leaving overnight to fully set the hull will be given an overall sanding to remove the main high spots from the planks. This will be followed by a layer of grp surface tissue and body filler to allow the shape to be finalised before producing the final finish.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 2:52 pm

Coming along nicely Mike  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 5:59 pm

that is looking superb Mike.......great off to Cork nest sunday and am hoping to go to castletownbere where 001 is stationed as a pilot boat and up for sale so hope to get some photos of her..........will email them to you when I get home. neil.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 7:07 pm

The planks have now been turned into a "solid entity" by adding resin and cloth on the inside of the hull.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-21_zpse24a1fb2

After sanding the outside of the hull was coated with easy sand body filler and allowed to harden. 

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-22_zpsb13119d6

Most of today was spent with a combination of power sanders (belt and detail) and hand sanders (block and flexible) to get the starboard side of the hull to the correct shape.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-23_zps4e05b582

Result of the days work. Just need to repeat the whole process tomorrow and produce a matching Port side.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-24_zps4e1ef290

This will be followed by a light coat of primer and more filler as needed, then it's on to the spray primer, sanding, spray primer, sanding, spr................ etc.
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 10:37 pm

Wow looking incredible!
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Apr 10, 2014 1:19 am

Mike you make hard work look easy. Well done.  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Apr 10, 2014 2:30 pm

spongie wrote:
Wow looking incredible!

I must admit it does have a very nice shape

Damien wrote:
Mike you make hard work look easy. Well done.  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup

Looking easy or not it's still hard work!!  lol! 

The Port side has now been shaped to match the Starboard side completed yesterday

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-25_zps88b12b9a

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-26_zps2d144d06

The hull has now had a coat of matt black. This is then sanded off to allow me to see where the smaller defects are on the hull.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-27_zps77f45b11

After sanding off the hull has now developed a case of the measles where filler has been spotted into the small holes!

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-28_zpsa0965ac5

Back to sanding and filling again tomorrow!! Crying or Very sad
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyThu Apr 10, 2014 4:03 pm

matey...that is almost orgasmic......superb. neil.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySat Apr 12, 2014 7:56 pm

The hull has now had a couple of coats of grey primer to allow the locations for the hull details to be plotted.

The fairings for the propshafts have been made and fitted onto the hull as well as the locations marked for the rudders. These have been moved outboard of the centre line of the shafts by 6 mm. This will allow the shafts to be removed as needed for maintenance without dismantling the rudders.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-29_zpseabb1772

Close up of the shaft fairings.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-30_zps0de4975d

Finally for today the bases for the rubber fenders have been plotted and fitted in place. The other side and the stern will be done tomorrow. The tip of the bow will have to be built to the correct shape when both sides are in place.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-31_zps5d7cb6ed
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptySun Apr 13, 2014 4:10 pm

Sun shining this morning, birds singing.....................COCK UP TIME!!!! 

The upper base for the fenders I fitted yesterday is in the wrong position from the step in the deck to the bow. pale  

This has meant the removal of the fender base and repairing the hull surface ready to refit in the correct, higher position.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-32_zps6e51d880

The moral to this tale is never assume, CHECK WITH THE DRAWINGS !!!!
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 7:29 pm

The fender bases are now in place as well as the forward spray rails on the lower part of the hull. The upper forward section of the hull has also had the pipe section added to the joint between it and the deck. The whole hull has now had the first of many coats of grey primer to be followed by sanding, primer, etc until I get the finish I want or the cows come home. Sleep 

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-33_zps92f4b39f

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-34_zpscdbad28a

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-35_zps08f33119
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 3:43 pm

Having become sick of seeing sandpaper and primer I have made a start on sorting out the templates for the superstructure.

The drawings from the RNLI are at 1/20th scale so it was out with the calculator, ruler and engage brain to draw up the first of the templates for the sides.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Superstructure-01_zps4046a37e

After much creaking of the old brain cells here is the first part in place to check it fits where it should.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Superstructure-02_zpsb5816ad0

Back to the sanding this evening!!
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 1:28 pm

cheers gotta love sanding!!!

looking great so far keep up the good work!

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 1:44 pm

Looking real good Mike.  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 6:38 pm

Further information has come to light in relation to the block at the bow. As a result of this the boat has been in for a "nose job" today to reduce the size and shape of the block.

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-36_zps91a89df4

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Keel-37_zpsa3878e1d

Back to the primer and sanding tomorrow !!
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:55 pm

my god, you've done a lot since I've been away........

sadly I got called home early from Ireland because of illness in the family so never got to castletownbere.........but Songie has said that he is thinking of taking a flight direct to cork and then on to take some photos..........he'll find what a wonderful country Eire is........I had a wonderful time in just the short few days we were there...........hope to go back some time. neil.
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Join date : 2014-03-27
Age : 37
Location : Lowestoft

50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 6:12 pm

Probably going to fly over second week in may as looks too expensive next weekend. can't take any holiday from work at the moment. so will fly out Saturday and back Sunday as not feasible same day travel.
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50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 50 ft Thames class lifeboat   50 ft Thames class lifeboat Empty

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50 ft Thames class lifeboat
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