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 Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....

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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....    Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 10:27 pm

Rostock came closer but I wanted to have a few spots on the boathouse exit.
Used 5mm LEDs which may have a SMDLED inside, no idea but they have a wider angle than usual 5mm LEDs.
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2145
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2146
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2147

That looks not bad, got some more rounds of paint to cover the light from leaving through the walls.

Last edited by JoJoElbe on Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: fair/exhibition   Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 10:34 pm

Hi, so that's the actual looking.

I could mount the spots and the roof the evening before I left. Filling up the car with all my ships in the morning.

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Dsc07611
the boathouse surrounded by various RNLI and former RNLI units.  And a MBD 1:12 Shannon kit....

Sorry, but this one had to be:
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Dsc07610

I'll clear this up for the next time Very Happy
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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: fair/exhibition 2   Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 10:41 pm

The fair/exhibition in Rostock covered 3 parts: games, crativity and modell building. Each had a 3rd of the big hall to show and sell many games and various crativity hobbies. A lot of things to try and build. Around  100 tables for lend games an play. Finally the 3rd part was for model building, trains, cars, a few flyer, trucks and 4 clups or groups with boats. I joined a small group of model builders which focused on lifeboats, no matter what scale, material and country.

It was a nice experience to show germans the idea of a boathouse for lifeboats, maybe next year I'll put it to the small pool and let the tyne splash.

A few views of the inside, many things far from ready and just made in a rush for the exhibition:

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Dsc07612
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Dsc07613
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2148

well.... and guess who took the Shannon 1:12 kit home .....
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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....    Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 10:53 pm

not much on the Tyne or boathouse but some wellie-art:
FDm printed, 1/20, 3 different sizes. Painted yellow (no time to order yellow filament), black sole, RNLI with a fine Edding... need to leard to make decals!

First was an 'Adventskranz', 4 lamps, from the 1st to the 4th advent one 'candle' more on light.  Then I thought of an christmas tree out of wellies, there are some examples, either real or graphics. So I built my own for the boathouse and for my cristmas card.

I wish you a nice, calm and harmonic christmas time, peace and a soft glide into the new year. Low stress and hopefully no calls for all people on duty. 

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2150
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2149
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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....    Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptySat Dec 23, 2023 10:55 pm

Well... the making of and the card:

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Jmh_8211

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  2023-s11
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Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....    Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  EmptyTue Feb 13, 2024 3:26 pm

the wellie xmas tree got me some contact to one of the Douglas crew. Which got me some images of the tank over the boathouse slip exit. In the usual online photos it was hard to guess what that is. Since my visit at Wicklow boathouse I know that it's the diesel tank (storage) for the lifeboats.

A few days stay of my wife at their parents were used to build the tank and the wooden floor around.

Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2151
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2152
Tyne class 1:20 + boathouse ....  Img_2153

The width of the floor boars s a bit too wide, but as it will be a look-a-like built and I sure will fill the space up, it shouldn't matter much.

The tank now just covers the spot electrics, later it will cover the gate electronics.

Best regards, Joerg
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