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 Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.

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Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Empty
PostSubject: Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.   Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. EmptyWed Jun 22, 2022 1:25 am

This is a Danube Shipyard Type 303 vizibusz (waterbus or motorcycle, it depends which translation programme you use) from Hungary and to say it was designed as a bus, I think it's quite beautiful.

Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Vizibusz-900
This one is 860-1308 Hévíz.
It was built in 1961 so it's the same age as me (looks in better nick though). It is owned and operated by the Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. on Lake Balaton, Hungary. Constructed from aluminium, it is 31m long with a beam of 6.3m and after its 1975 refit it is powered by 2x 150hp Rába Man 2156 HM6 diesel engines capable of 20 kph and now has a maximum capacity of 200 passengers.

<<<<Interesting video of Hévíz and her sister ship Keszthely doing a bit of synchronised swimming:(youtube link)>>>> 2017. szeptember 10. - HÉVÍZ és KESZTHELY együtt búcsúzik Badacsonyban - YouTube


This is my 'not quite sure what scale but maybe about 1/43' not quite finished yet model of it. Roughly 75cm long and powered by 2x 385 electric motors.... and it's made of wood.
Obviously there are slight artistic differences here and there between the prototype and the model but that's normal for me and by and large to my mind it is Hévíz.

Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. 20220621-1

Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. 20220621-2

Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. 20220621-3
Still lots to do like sort out the interior and the lighting amongst many other trivial things but it's getting there.

barriew, Fred 1948 and JoJoElbe like this post

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Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.   Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. EmptyWed Jun 22, 2022 6:16 am

A very attractive subject and the model is coming along nicely.

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Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.   Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. EmptyWed Jun 22, 2022 9:38 pm

Lovely lines on that 1960's elegance!
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Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.   Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress. Empty

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Hungarian vizibusz - Work in progress.
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