after finishing s.s. cordene i wanted some thing with no stress full tiny parts. so after going through all my next build pile of magazines i thought this would be a nice little fun boat for sailing on my pond. it will be made of all recycled wood and parts from the past. It is from model boats magazine dec 1985 by dave metcalf .I like the look of it so her we go. as per plan i have copied it so as not to damage original..i have marked out on some ply that i have its 2mm but should be 1/16 its all i have and as i cant get any local it will do. all parts will be cut with a fine blade jig saw .
I have since read that these were simple Uniflote pontoons ie baily bridges but they just put a cabin and engine on one so that they could push into place. Very interesting story as they were built 4 miles away from were I lived most of my life.
this is all the details
first template cut out ready for cutting ply wood
first piece cut out and not made any buring of ply. the ply is of an old door which i stripped all the egg crate off leaving surface glue which i rubbed down and looks good. this boat will be made from all recycled wood cut up on my table saw so should not cost very much to build. i have a old bobs board esc which i might use, i have 27 mhz receivers and 40 mhz receivers, acoms transmitter and lots of motors i can try so should be fun sorting out and recycling grand kids can then ram it at what ever they want
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
i have been cutting out all the parts with my battery jig saw, I dont no if any body else has had the same problem with battery failing and having to pay more than what the drill cost. so i decided to bin all the nicad batterys and use an 11.1 volt lipo which i bought ages ago but not used. it is easy to do if any one wants me to show how i did it i will put it on here?
this is the plywood i have used its from my old side garage door. i will clean glue off after.
this is the jig saw i used you can see the lipo battery connector wich pushes in side when in use .
here are the parts all cut out, there is some tearing but it will all fill when painted. i have also cleaned all glue and most paint of.
first i have glued the coamings on to the deck piece. i will have to cut some 5mm x 5mm pine wood on my table saw to run along all edges.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Sun May 24, 2020 7:02 am
some more work done on the tug.
this is the 5mm x 5mm i cut up on my table saw
these are the first parts to be glued using p.v.a.
start of the base of boat
middle section glued in place
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
this is my table saw i had to use a rough cutter as i have not got a fine tooth one yet must order one
this is the 5mm x 5mm square wood cut on my table saw
start of the bottom frame work
this is turned over from last photo
slowly coming on. it would make a good model in plasticard as it is better for cutting square, but i still prefer wood.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:27 am
here is some more of my build. the construction is not as easy as it looks if you dont have clamps then you will find it hard . i would say it is not a first time build .
both bottom sides now fixed in place
this is the 5mm x 5mm support frames
stern end glued on and clamped
both ends now fitted
ready for sides to be fitted
first side weighted down while glue sets
the hull is now built ready for sealing
the hull will now get 2 coats of varnish the first one will be thinned down, then second coat from tin. the reason for this is i have no resin and want to build it with out any cost as much as possible so far its cost me what i have to hand
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 84 Location : Thaxted, Essex
this is supposed to be a boat that a novice can build if this was my first build, i think i would have never tried another. the plan is not correct, i cut the sides and they were to big when i put them together, solved the problem myself but not recommended. for first a build.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:02 pm
here is a bit more work done
prop shaft has been fitted which has a 4 mm thread
hole at top is for rudder to go through
dry run of coupling and motor to see how it fitted. the prop shaft i had to cut down a 8 inch shaft which i had, the coupling was in stock and the motor was from an old 12 v drill that died on me.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
this is a 2inch copper pipe which i had in my store.which i used to make the kortz nozzel. put masking tape round then cut with metal saw then cleand it all up and fitted.
shaft for kortz soft soldered
kortz fitted to boat with temperary propeller
all ready for servo to be fitted.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 84 Location : Thaxted, Essex
David - is the shaft M4? I think I have some largish props which I will never use. If they are any good to you, let me know. I don't think they are proper 'square' ones however.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Sat Jun 27, 2020 6:18 pm
started on the cabin using the same 2 mm ply and stanley knife,
i have been using p.v.a. glue for all this build
also use clamps and masking tape
all window frames i used a stanley knife all round then drilled holes in corners then used my dremel router dremel sanding drum this leave a nice edge .
slowly taking shape this hot weather slowing me down to much sun bathing. more to follow soon
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
hi, it will be interesting to see what the differences in materials are, i have just used scrap 2mm ply. what thickness plastic are you using. good luck with it if you need any help let me no
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
bit more work on the cabin. i have shown the glue i have used mostly p.v.a. but i bought some gorilla glue but not sure i like it as you have to wet one side first then join together it seems very strong so might use it a bit more
i have fitted the prop temp to make sure it fitted ok. thanks to barrie who kindly sent it to me. i painted it red as i think i will do kortz the same colour.
cabin roof now fitted. and hand rail also made from some brazing rod as i have no brass rod this has worked great. next job are the skids
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
glad to hear you are getting some wherewith plastic you learn as you go . i have been doing maintenance on all my other boats, they have been stored for about 2 years without any use so greasing prop shafts etc and touching paint up. will return to motorflote build in a bit.
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
i have made a bit more progress. i have started on the skids. i have used brazing rod as i had no brass rod this size but it has worked out ok.
all parts cut ready for solder
i marked it out on some metal sheet from the plan then used some flux before solder
first rod i have now soft soldered
after marking out with plan on the boat deck, i drilled holes then fixed with araldite resin
this is the side view and glad to say its all worked great. more to follow.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:41 pm
i have not been doing much on this build for while, as we had all the hot weather, but i have now started doing the edging around the hull. ready for painting but its to windy now you cant win
using some 6mm x 2mm wood strip and p.v.a. glue
this is the front end with pushing arms
rear end complete
this is the boats wheel which i bought 4 off years ago wants painting now. i hope to complete the painting soon.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
Very nice David. It will be interesting to see how well a square box sails
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
Subject: Progress Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:14 pm
Hi, Just to let you know that I am still plugging away.
I have found the main reason for NOT using plastic apart from it bending any which way but straight, is that it is difficult to mount anything on it.
I have put two wooden bearers in to hold the motor mount and it is a case of sanding the plastic first and then use epoxy glue to get the two surfaces together.
Where the prop shaft goes through the bulkhead I have used double thickness in the plastic and then I will have to put in another bearer and the same with the Kort Nozzle.
I shall keep you posted and I will post photos but at the moment the work is hidden by clamps.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
this is what this model is based on, pontoons used for bridge building in quick time for army etc
these are the bridges that all connect .the motors you can see are built to rotate out of water when not needed
this is why they are built as a box shape, because thats what they are but simple to use. i have not been able to test on water yet due to this covid 19 madness will we ever see normality ever again .
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
sorry for not replying. sorry to her you are not having much luck with plastic, i thought that would be the case and why i built mine in wood. keep us informed with some photos.
rickles2351 Deck Hand
Posts : 11 Join date : 2016-07-05 Location : Australia
Subject: Re: recycled motorflote pusher tug Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:04 am
When the going gets tough, the tough reach for more clamps.
Over the years I have accumalated a few different types.
A few days ago I went to the local tool store to buy a couple of metal rulers and at home I checked them side by side and the measurements were slightly different to each other.
The two set squares I also got only one was actally straight.