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 New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats

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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptyMon Jan 24, 2022 7:03 pm

Hi all,
I'm Joerg from Hamburg on the river Elbe. Native german speeking thus my english might be a bit strange once a while.

After spending a lot of my childhood time on some river islands (of course just weekends and holidays) 
I later was boat-traveling to the wadden sea coast, namely eastfriesian islands with smaller leisure boats. 
I gave up boats for work and family (but not the coast and islands holidays) for more than 15 years.

During the holidays I was fascinated mainly from the german lifeboats (well, that's what you would expect on the german coast, I guess), 
but due to work and family I lost a bit of interest. When finally 2015 the german lifeboat assoziation (DGzRS) had it's 50th anniversary with a 
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ships parade in Bremerhaven, guest lifeboats from all over europe.

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It was so impressive that the interest came back and I startet building models. Of course mainly lifeboats.

So far only german lifeboats:
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Motor-lifeboat LÜBECK 1/20 (active 1942-1967)

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9,5m lifeboat WILMA SIKORSKY 1/20, the first of many from this type (active since 1999).

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'beach'-lifeboat GESINA 1:10 (build from plan -- active 1971-1993).

The last of that series in 1:20:
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'beach'-lifeboat MAX CARTSENSEN (active 1981-2002)

and finally a small ponton to 'host' all these 'little creatures'  (still not ready)

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'open ship'

and now the main reason for joining here: I will soon get a hull and plans for a tyne class lifeboat (again a lifeboat, of course) and with just that I sure need some help and discussions from/with people who know these boats much better than what I can read.

Anyways, I have small website with my boats, unfortunately all in german but I'm ready to answer or discuss questions. my shipard

gest regards,

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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptyThu Jan 27, 2022 7:39 pm

I think your photo has overloaded the thread drunken but I've had a look at your website, it's nice to see different lifeboats from another country. Welcome to the forum anyway. Very Happy

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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptyThu Jan 27, 2022 9:52 pm

Swab wrote:
I think your photo has overloaded the thread drunken but I've had a look at your website, it's nice to see different lifeboats from another country. Welcome to the forum anyway. Very Happy
Hi, yeah, I see what you mean. One can scrol the photo but the page somehow is hard to use.
Nevertheless, scrolling the photo somehow gives a bit of the feeling we had when we went over the dike and could see this never ending row of lifeboats.

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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptyFri Jan 28, 2022 9:16 pm

Don't worry about it ask Barrie I'm sure he can get it fixed its quiet on here at the moment a lot of us aren't building too much as we build in sheds and are scared of catching colds or worse given the current health situation. Very Happy I know I am I've been working outside for weeks and I'm deep frozen!

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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptySat Jan 29, 2022 7:18 am

I actually think Joerg is correct - having to scroll really conveys the impact of the view. If I reduce the picture I think that impression will be lost.
I have however edited the text so you an read that without scrolling.


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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptySat Jan 29, 2022 9:25 am

I've got a high end iPad and a desk top computer with a big screen but they are for work and if I click on anything work class as 'dodgy' i.e. anything I'm in trouble, for myself I've only got a kindle so I can't see the photo as it deserves. I apologise for thinking it was wrongly sized it is an nice panorama I'm just limited in what I can see Crying or Very sad
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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptySat Jan 29, 2022 9:45 am

Swab wrote:
I've got a high end iPad and a desk top computer with a big screen but they are for work and if I click on anything work class as 'dodgy' i.e. anything I'm in trouble, for myself I've only got a kindle so I can't see the photo as it deserves. I apologise for thinking it was wrongly sized it is an nice panorama I'm just limited in what I can see Crying or Very sad
here it is in small
page from 150j parade

If you click on it the image may be displayed as single page maybe you can scroll that.

If not maybe the galleries work, there you have less ships per image.

My story behind: I knew about the event -- not about it's size -- but was a bit lazy because of too much family business. So, breakfast in Hambug 7:30, weatherforecast said we'll get everything fom sun to hail (wich was right) .... so many ships .... asked my sun if we want to go there, got  a yes, packed my camera bag something to drink an money for food, drove 2hrs (fortunately I knew where to park) and there we were, right in time.  One of the best decisions I/we ever made.

Have a nice weekend
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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
PostSubject: Re: New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats   New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats EmptySat Jan 29, 2022 9:46 am

JoJoElbe wrote:
Swab wrote:
I've got a high end iPad and a desk top computer with a big screen but they are for work and if I click on anything work class as 'dodgy' i.e. anything I'm in trouble, for myself I've only got a kindle so I can't see the photo as it deserves. I apologise for thinking it was wrongly sized it is an nice panorama I'm just limited in what I can see Crying or Very sad
here it is in small
page from 150j parade

If you click on it the image may be displayed as single page maybe you can scroll that.

If not maybe the galleries work, there you have less ships per image.

My story behind: I knew about the event -- not about it's size -- but was a bit lazy because of too much family business.
So, breakfast in Hambug 7:30, weatherforecast said we'll get everything fom sun to hail (wich was right) .... so many ships ....
asked my sun if we want to go there, got  a yes, packed my camera bag something to drink an money for food, drove 2hrs
(fortunately I knew where to park) and there we were, right in time.  One of the best decisions I/we ever made.

Have a nice weekend
with linebreaks
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New from Hamburg, Germany -- building lifeboats Empty
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