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 Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Empty
PostSubject: Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch   Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch EmptyThu Apr 09, 2020 12:30 pm

I’m posting this on behalf of my old man (aka Dad)

Last year the wife and I brought my dad a 3” steam boiler and twin ossilating engine kit for his 70+ birthday, it’s something he’s always wanted for many many years of boating with me but an item he’s never brought for himself usually because he’s forever bailing one of my brother out..

My old mans collection of boats is impressively huge, the fact it takes up half a garage is something...

Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 1a854110
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch C3f69a10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch D48d2f10

As you can see he’s running out of space and frankly I think he’s at the point where he wanted to do a final long term project, feeling for my old man we decided to get him an engine so he can build that final model he wants...

Anyway best part of a grand later one steam engine kit arrived at his door in a million parts ready to be assembled, it’s only since the lock down he’s managed to start building it! ( to be fair he was building a boat for someone else for the last 18months) but now he’s freed up to do something for him self, one of my younger brothers brought him the Orions steam laugh hull in which the engine will work, I believe he’s semi freelancing the build overall with just plan and reference photos for a guide as these types of boats are not mass produced and all are vastly different. Some vertical some horizontal boilers.

Anyway my dad sent me some photos of the steam plate assembly and fully finished ready for steaming, ( these kits are pretty easy to put together quickly) so I thought in would share his progress... I’ll update as my dad progresses over the next few years.


Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 25841c10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 971e0810
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch C6deec10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 3c2d5010
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch B6245010
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 0f4d7910
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 53649a10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch B168a310
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 97409710
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch F4218610
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 9b293d10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch F457bd10
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch 2e5a5910

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Join date : 2011-06-10

Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch   Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch EmptyMon May 11, 2020 11:05 am

Little video of the engine running under steam and pressure tested.



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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Empty
PostSubject: To the Road Runner    Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch EmptyMon Jun 10, 2024 12:02 am

Hello Aron, Do you know what is the brand / manufacturer of that Steam Plant.
Who is the Seller 
Do you have a Link 
Thankyou Wayne
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Join date : 2011-06-10

Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch   Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 9:30 am

This is a steam plant from Cleavdon Steam

Owners Name is Jerry, really nice guy to talk too.. which i suggest you do before buying as he can recomend setups, extras you will need that wont be included within a kit ( these are for the more advanced steam builders so you will need some experiance ahead of time)

Prices are by far some of the best for steam plants, but if your after an exotic steam engine ( slide valve etc) then this isnt the right place for the engine itself,.. 

The engine in the photo is a Virgo horizontal single engine plant.

but i can confirm how nice these steam plants are as not only does my old man own one, i have the exact same one only 2 years newer.. and both run utterly flawlessly.

good luck!

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Join date : 2011-06-10

Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch   Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 9:50 am

more photos 

Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Image710
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Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Image110
Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch Image010

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Roadrunners “old mans” steam launch
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