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 3rd attempt to upload photos

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Join date : 2015-08-06
Age : 80
Location : North West Arkansas USA

3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 5:15 pm

I will try again to upload photos of the USS Constitution that I mentioned in a previous post. The one that only took me 47 years to finish.

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I have many photos I will share including some of the steam powered ship I am attempting .
Lets see first if this works.
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3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 10:33 pm

Fantastic workmanship there, one heck of a lot of time must have been spent on the rigging alone. 2thumbsup

Yes please to the photo's of the steamer you are doing, I plan a paddle steamer for my next project, not sure if I can afford live steam though, unless I win the lottery.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Join date : 2015-08-06
Age : 80
Location : North West Arkansas USA

3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: live steam   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 11:16 pm

Actually the live steam is not all that expensive- I purchased my steam engine used on ebay for about 70 us dollars. I may have been lucky as I have seen these same steam engines go for over 120 dollars - just need to have patience on the bidding. I will include a picture of what I got for my steam power. I have since removed all parts from the base that it is mounted on in the picture -- I will reconfigure it so that the boiler will go lengthwise in the ship and the engine itself will go behind the boiler more in the stern of the ship. if I can upload enough pictures I will show you what I am talking about.
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The next pictures are the start of the steam ship , it is a little over 3 feet long.
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The wood I am using for the keel is 1/2 inch poplar , for the ribs I am using 1/4 inch poplar.
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More photos of the progress soon
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3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 11:30 pm

they both look excellent models steve.......the Constitution is a work of art.
I look forward to the steamer build.........a fascinating project, and one which I am sure will be popular on here.
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3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 1:09 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup a great modeller and artist.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 11
Join date : 2015-08-06
Age : 80
Location : North West Arkansas USA

3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 4:54 am

Thank all of you for your kind words. I have been looking at the pictures of your builds and rebuilds, Fantastic.
The detail work I am seeing is really amazing. Very talented group here to say the least.
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3rd attempt to upload photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd attempt to upload photos   3rd attempt to upload photos EmptyWed Aug 12, 2015 5:33 am

Thanks mate 2thumbsup
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