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 Scale speed and distance

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 3:35 pm

Right guys, here's your first brain teaser.

went to show my model Clyde off the the lads at the local lifeboat station last week and was asked in scale distance what the length of Loch Ness is at 22.75 miles.any one know what that distance would be at 1:12 scale.

Cheers, neil.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 3:42 pm

22.75m = 120120 foot...

so 120120 / 12 (scale) = 10010 feet

which converts back to 1.895m, (1:12 scale miles) Laughing

or you could have just gone 22.75 /12 = 1.895m affraid
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 3:51 pm

I'd have thought it'd be longer in model miles that it would be in real miles ?

or did I mis understand. confused confused
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 3:57 pm

err if the models 12 times smaller shouldn't a scale 22miles be smaller too?

However if you want to see how many miles 22 is for a 1:12 scale boat .. then its simply 22.75 x 12 = 273 miles
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 4:30 pm

that's more like it I think RR...a soddin long way though, lol
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phil winks
phil winks

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySun Jun 12, 2011 2:20 pm

Er surely its 22.75 x 12 to give the distance at 1/12th scale ie your model traveling the length of lochness is the same as the full size travelling 273 miles

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptySun Jun 12, 2011 2:23 pm

Said that already Phil i wasn't on the ball on my first post i swore he wanted to know what 22.75m was in 1:12 scale cyclops
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phil winks
phil winks

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 7:59 pm

I wasn't on the ball either totally missed your post when I wrote that aron Embarassed
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 8:38 pm

thats a long jaunt for a model , are you hoping to set or break any records with your crossing ?
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 8:56 pm


Are there records for model boats? Like there are for swimming the English Channel I mean. Sorry if it's a daft question.

Regards Norseman
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 9:13 pm

hi records to be broken here except if one of them gets eaten by nessie and we get it on video......then just how much we could sell our story for, lol......

i think the record for sailing a model boat is something like 153 miles in 24 hours...........

no it was just a dream i've had for a few years.....a lake of mystery, beautiful scenery and the fun of doing it, whilst raising a few bob for the RNLI........ basically thats the only driving force.
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 9:48 pm


As it's for charity what about doing it (or something like it) in the form of a relay type event?

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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 9:55 pm

every thing is set up and organised now norseman..3 of us sailing our large lifeboats together with backup from the Loch Ness RNLI and Loch ness SEA's taken enough organisation to get this far, lol....don't wanna start changing things now.

here's mine.

Scale speed and distance All_do10

Scale speed and distance All_do11

Scale speed and distance All_do12

and Mikes,

Scale speed and distance City_o11

and Russ's boats, which make up the trio of Clyde class lifeboats built for the RNLI.

Scale speed and distance 012_me10

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Posts : 51
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Location : Newport, South Wales

Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 11:15 pm

When you have done the event, how about crossing the channel? That would be a challenge and a half!
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Scale speed and distance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scale speed and distance   Scale speed and distance EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 11:20 pm

Thanks Matt, but one trip is enough for an aging hippy like me

i don't think my nerves would take another jaunt

well, it didn't take much to persuade me into another reclass move, but my friend steve bennet talked me into taking part in the new long distance sail, down the length of Windermere in the lakes district next june 27th.....a 10.5 mile run...……… i'm going to use the motor sailor that i'm building in the lifeboats section...……………..gawd help us...…………..more humiliation on the water I can see. augh well...….broad shol;ders and all that...……...come along and support us all guys. 
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