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 Speed Controller

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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyTue May 24, 2016 5:18 pm

To explain myself - I have just finished a Caldercraft puffer started a couple of decades ago and to show the state of my knowledge it is fitted with a McGregor radio which, if anybody remembers them, came in a metal case - old but it works.  But I have now started a new model and cannot work out modern speed controllers. 

The receiver is a Futaba 2 channel R202GF.  The speed controller is marked GWS ICS50.  The red, white and black twisted wire clearly goes to the receiver.  The other two wires from the controller are marked battery and motor.  But the receiver also has a battery socket and I'm not sure whether that means I need two battery packs.  Or does the battery which is connected to the speed controller also feed the receiver?

Forgive my ignorance!
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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyTue May 24, 2016 9:20 pm

18 views so far but no reply.  Surely somebody must know?
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Forum Overlord
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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyTue May 24, 2016 11:45 pm

Could be I think most likely, one set of Batteries for the motor and the other power leads for the reciver of your transmitter, I expect the units older so Isn't fitted with a  Bec (battery eliminator circuits) reminds me of my electrolize 40amp esc, requires 12v for motor and separate 6v (4xAA) pack for the reciver to work. 

Photo would help me decipher it better if you can upload one?

Update scrub the photo..... The instructions are here ..... It's actually given you two types of power input either a flight pack, or another source such as stick pack or lead acid etc. Hence the two power leads.
 So basically to answer the question you only need one battery to power both motor and reciver with that esc.

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Forum Overlord
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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyWed May 25, 2016 12:08 am

And just a quick question, what sort of motor are you running in the boat, that esc is rated 4amp continuous current, most motors of reasonable size draw way more. A standard 550/540 sized motor will draw 11amps on start up load and drop to 6amps continouse running. ( recommend mtronics 15amp esc)

400 sizes are around 6amp start up load and drop between 2 and 4 amp during the run. (Recommend mtronics 10amp esc)

320 and 280 sized motors will fit that esc but only just! 

I cannot stress enough about stall current, if you don't have enough amps on the esc then the motor will burn up the esc in a blaze of hell fire once the props under load of the water, especially with large pitch sized props and if the prop gets tangled in weed or similar that draws more load on the motor and poof

I'm not joking I've messed up esc's in my younger days before and fire is a REAL issue!

Let us know because if you get the esc wrong you will end up with a pool of black smoke poor out of the model when that prop comes under load!!!!

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyWed May 25, 2016 1:10 am

Thanks Aron I can retrieve 3 x 540's from trash as they took forever to wind up I assumed the were old and dry from what you said my 2 amp power supply I use for testing is the problem.

Last edited by Damien on Wed May 25, 2016 6:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyWed May 25, 2016 6:28 am

Welcome to the Forum Richard!

I would suggest that that ESC is for aircraft use, especially if its the Forward Only or Helicopter version. As RR says, what is the motor so that we can advise you on a suitable ESC. If you want some help with wiring, look here - Action units are now owned and sold by Component Shop, but this is a very useful resource. You can substitute other makes of ESC, but not that Action units do not include a Battery Eliminator Circuit (BEC)

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Speed Controller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speed Controller   Speed Controller EmptyWed May 25, 2016 9:43 am

Hi Richard, welcome to the forum, could you post some photo's of your boats please and perhaps also start a build blog for your current build 2thumbsup
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