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 Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail

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cpt jack sparrow
6 posters

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 11:13 am

I don't propose to go over old ground by down loading the build record from the Clyde, as most , if not all of you will have seen it on the old site.
However, the sail is now literally just a week away, and the time has come to take the plunge and actually see if it works.
I have constructed a test tank in the garden out of a gazebo sheet, some planting pots and the house hold recyclable plastic bottle boxes..the recycling will have to wait a week or so, lol........oh and a few planls of wood and some bricks.stones nicked from the raised flower beds, ( don't tell the misses, lol)...

just filling it now and then will go and collect the boat from the friends shop who has it in the window raising sponsorship, and tomorrow, .................well, we'll see if it works and put the batteries in...........just pray that my grp laying up was as good as I boasted, lol

also pictured is my carrying/launching trolley.........everything on this model is large scale............I DON'T WANT TO BUILD ANOTHER AS BIG........remind me of that next time I have big ideas, plleeeeezzzzzzzeeee!!!!

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Test_t10

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Test_t11

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Test_t12
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 11:29 am

Disaster strikes...............I've got a leak in my pond!!!!!! affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 12:27 pm

You will have to find someone to put their finger in it. Wink Wink Razz Razz Laughing Laughing

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 12:29 pm

That's disgusting surely you could make it to the house. lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 12:32 pm

the whole thing's b*****well collapsed now, booo hooo Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

having a rethink whilst i watch bargain hunt, lol
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 12:34 pm

Damien wrote:
That's disgusting surely you could make it to the house. lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

we don't have end o' garden dunnies anymore damien........i do it in the frog pond these days lol! lol! lol!
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 12:56 pm

I use the grand kids inflatable swimming pool. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 1:09 pm

i wish i had one mat,
but my kids just don't use one any more so it'd not get used very often if i bought one.
neil....just put some clamps on it and refilling for mk 2 version......i will not be beaten by a bit of plastic and some bricks, lol
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 1:33 pm

nhp651 wrote:
.....i will not be beaten by a bit of plastic and some bricks, lol

Hope that's not the famous last words lol! lol! lol! lol!


p.s. I'll not hi-jack your thread any more now......
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 2:30 pm

i'm not opposed to a bit o' banter mat....hijack away, lol
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 2:37 pm

Build a permanent test tank like I did!

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Tank-t11
It's even big enough to take the Clyde!!
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyFri Jun 24, 2011 3:06 pm

'er indoors would chop my little bits off............. affraid affraid affraid
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 1:28 pm

Seen the photos on the other site, looks good Neil. Good luck to all three of you for Saturday. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 7:21 pm

hi mat, yes, test tank mk 2.still leaked but not as quick to begin with, and the electrics have all been installed with everything operational.....just pray for good weather and calm waters now.


Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00210

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00310

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00410

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00510

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00611

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00710

Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail 00810
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 7:32 pm

....... oh and glad you're still in on piece. affraid affraid affraid affraid

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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 8:14 pm

Good luck Neil,smooth sailing to you and the rest of the group. Smile
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Ole Vauger
Ole Vauger

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 10:20 pm

Neck and leg fractures, Neil.
Hope you get some nice hours. And nice pictures.
The boat looks great.
regards Ole Very Happy
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 10:23 pm

thanks for all your well wishes lads.
i'm sure the lads will do the RNLI proud...i hope so.forcast for not too bad a day, wind 8knots from the south, so that would be great, with a gentle push along.

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 12:23 am

Yes, Good luck, I hope you have good weather.

The boat looks MASSIVE in the water!

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 8:51 am

it is matty, and so heavy it'll take two to lift it...i have made a launching trolley [ in the background] out of an old carp fisherman's trolley.......alright for launching,but haven't yet thought about how to get it back ON the trolley, or how to get the trolley into and out of a nissan note, lol!

it has to go for sale after the trip, i'm afraid.
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 7:47 pm

Good luck to you guys,
Been following your builds since day1,and brilliant builds.
Hope you get more coverage from the media,to raise more for a worthy cause
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 7:55 pm

thanks mark.
this went in last saturday's Scotsman

and the Inverness Courier contacted me for the story this morning, so it's slowly getting round.

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptySat Jul 02, 2011 6:57 am

Great looking model !!!

.... and as they say in the Navy; 'I wish you fair wind and a following sea' .... on the day you sail it.
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail EmptySat Jul 02, 2011 8:30 am

thanks Kleban..maybe I'll get a chance once it comes back from the sail....that is unless someone makes an offer on it, lol
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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail   Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail Empty

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Clyde class lifeboat/Loch Ness sail
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