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 Shannon kit.

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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Shannon kit. Empty
PostSubject: Shannon kit.   Shannon kit. EmptySun Jan 24, 2016 3:24 am

I note that speedline have just produced a hull with superstructure to follow,of the Shannon Lifeboat
It will no doubt be a popular one,and if anything a bit overdue!
No doubt it will be a challenge to build. If it is anywhere near as the real thing as my friend Zetec1 model of her,it will be a fine model,we shall see!
I still dont understand why the RNLI,who released the plans some time ago,did not include a set of lines drawings to enable an exact model to be built.I know Zetec,will have spent many an hour on the real thing,measuring every tiny detail,and every angle to give him an accurate a replica as possible.
Looking forward to more news on both as it happens!
Mick F
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Shannon kit. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shannon kit.   Shannon kit. EmptyTue Jan 26, 2016 7:27 pm

likewise mate.......but I think my model making days are over........too much pain in the back n fingers
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