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 Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare

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3 posters

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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyThu Dec 04, 2014 9:15 pm

Old useless scanners, copy machines and printers.
Why dump them? they can be a nice source of parts, everything from chromed steel rods straight and usually in pairs, stepper motors, belts, sprockets / gears, bearing, assorted small screws, nuts and cables.
The glass from a scanner makes a very useful flat work surface, any paint getting on the face easily removed with a Stanley blade.
All free, strip the parts you want.
Scrap what you don‘t want you were going to do that anyway

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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyThu Dec 04, 2014 11:18 pm

You also get the fun and enjoyment of wrecking said item Thumbup

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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 12:42 pm

Yes Paul.

Destroy! Exterminate! Exterminate! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
Good for stress relief, and very therapeutic.

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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 1:27 pm

Paul please put some bug spray on that critter  lol!
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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 5:12 pm

Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Rollonfloorlaughing Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Rollonfloorlaughing Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Rollonfloorlaughing

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare   Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 11:12 am

Thank's for the Tip.
I have thrown one or two printers out in my time.
Now i wished i hadn't LO!!
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Alterative source of bits and pieces for the spare
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