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 HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine

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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 2:34 pm

Well now I am well and truly retired and into my second month of being  a pensioner, I am finding time to get back to modelling, in between the chores SWMBO wants and a few visits to Devon.

I have still the Captain Class to crack on with as its been stalled for 3 months but I decided to refit my M Class Monitor which is now done as in its watertight and repainted although I will also replate it over the winter but she looks preseentaqble and can sail whch is the main thing.  A couple of pics for those interested.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020310
HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020311

Rather than restart the captain class straight away I thought I would make a start on my 25ft motor boat that I got on first release and return to the Captain later.  As its modelled on Bulwark's cutter and I spent a fair bit of time on that awful rustbucket in the seventies it does represent a part of my past even if its a couple of years of my life I wont get back! 
First impresssions are good fittings but I always find that the larger scale fittings are generally better mouldings, the laser cutting is by and large accurate although a couple of parts are not that accurate but more later as I get to using the parts.  Plans and instructions are generally fine although as always there are some numbering errors - two part 20s no part 21 which is easy but no part 29 and no photo of part 29 and a few more besides, and the suggested sequence wont be followed as it seems in parts a bit horse before the cart.  The hull is first class. 

After making the stand the hull was washed down and then the work started.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020312

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020313
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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 2:37 pm

Then the necessary drilling was done for the shaft and the tiller arrangement.  Also rubbed down to the mould line.  I then used P38 to smooth down the visible insides of it in with cyano then epoxy and fnallythe hull.  The motor was lined up and when it was judged on line I tacked it in with cyano before using epoxy for the permanent fixing.  To make sure there was no gaps for water in the opening I used fast glass resin over  the epoxy liberally swilled around. 

Then the deck support which were straightforward.  A test fit of the deck shows it to be accurate to a fair degree.  However the stern floor is fairly inaccurate and neither fits the inner stern post nor allows access to the oiler tube so some bodging was in order and after some trial and error cuts it now gives access to the oiler and also fits around the post. 

The rudder is then to be made up with a mix of plastic card and white metal hinges.  This is quite straightforward.  Everything is now ready for a rudder fitting tomorrow now that the basic rudder is made up.  So far I have spent few hours on it Saturday, Sunday and today so it is going together pretty quickly.  So far so good.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020314

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020315

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020316

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020317
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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptyWed Jun 11, 2014 7:51 pm

Well retirement beats a day job Joe although to be honest I have been working on all the jobs at home I mean to do but never get round to do.  But still time for modelling and other leisure activities.  Even joined the national trust to walk the dogs in nice places!!

Made some more progress today although the air was blue for a good while.  I had already identified one part but then came across 3 others listed as numbers in the instructions but not on the laser sheets.  Also the instructions leave a lot to be desired when fitting the cross beams and brace coupled with the missing parts.  In addition the tiller arm (the working one not the dummy) is very short and so short there is no clearance under the deck supports so bodging in order.  I know this was a first run kit but still annoying.  But we got there with bodging and cursing.  Pics show progress to date with rudder completed, cross beams and bulkheads fixed to dry overnight.  Might be a delay between next bit of real progress as I now need to fit the servo and I thought I had one but I only have micro ones so had to send for one which will receive Thursday.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020318

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020319

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020320
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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptyWed Jun 11, 2014 7:55 pm

Some work today whilst waiting a servo.  I usually acquire those wooden coffee stirrers you get in various cafe's as they are good for stirring paint, epoxy etc. I have quite a lot as I take a generous handful at each opportunity.  I looked at some today in my work bench drawer and thought they would make good planking for the seats and possibly the floor. The plastic card is already scribed with the planking and the stirrer widths were virtually exact when put against the scribed planking.  There are quite thin too so I decided to try planking the seat with these then sanding and varnishing to see how good - or bad the effect was.  Strikes me it cant be any worse than painted plastic and also the foredeck has a vinyl decal planking to fit to simulate the decking.  If the seat doesn't look too bad I might use these in a few places such as the foredeck.  But if it goes awry then I can just cut a new plastic seat using the template.  So I gave it a go.  Not too bad IMHO so far - I will sand down tomorrow and varnish to see how nice I can get it.  There is a small slither of white plastic exposed at the servo opening but this will be unseen when the servo is fitted.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020321

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020322

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020323

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020324
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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 2:06 pm

Made some steady progress over the last few days.  The servo is now fitted and the rear seat that holds the servo is fixed in place.  The floor is now fitted exact and a trial fitting of the floor grating is a good fit.  So far so good.  A test of the servo shows sufficient (I think) rudder throw.  I have to work out where the electircs will go - the instructions suggest right forward in the bow but that will require a servo extension lead etc so I am thinking of more amidships under the forward end of the main   cabin.  A test in the bath with them in this position shows just a little weight would be needed in the bows to have a level sitting in the water.  Will give this more thought though but I will need to decide soon to allow for wiring runs under floors etc.

Although the deck isn't fixed yet I decided to make the basic cabin structures up to see how they will fit over the deck.  Both cabins fit together perfectly - right size nice fit and will fit perfectly over the decks.  Ahem.................until the roof was tested for the fore cabin.  The instructions call for it to be trimmed as its oversize.  No it isn't.  Its badly undersize - I say badly as in its about 3mm too narrow either side.  Length is fine but nothing can be done with it other than use it as a template for the length on some spare sheet plastic I have stocks of.  I have checked and checked that my basic cabin assembly is correct and it is so it is the laser cut part that's out.  The cabin roof is also cut from 2mm plastic and I will use 1.5 or even 1mm as that will be easier to curve to shape and stay set when glued.  Pics show the basic cabin structures in place over the trial fitted decks.  Still being held by tape until fully set as I have now added some scrap bracing internally.

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020410

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020325

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020326

HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine P1020327
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HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine EmptyMon Jun 16, 2014 4:05 am

Looking Good  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  Thumbup  2thumbsup  Thumbup  2thumbsup
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HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty
PostSubject: Re: HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine   HMS Bulwark 25ft Motor Cutter Deans Marine Empty

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