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 Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 6:35 pm

I had a very lucky xmas with my two daughters each buying me a Deans Model - the MA/SB and the larger of the two picket boats.

The only problem that presented me with is if I start to build one and not the other I will hear a cry of 'why arent you building mine first?'. Even though I am 3/4s way through a non Deans Build of HMS Yarmouth I have been asked already 'when are you going to start my boat?'.

So this week I made a start on both with the aim of building both side by side to protect sensitivities. For each I will do a short build thread.

Starting with the Picket Boat, the contents were checked and everything was present. Castings were quite good with no complaints at all and the hull had no blemishes or air pockets to speak of so very pleased there.

The one criticism I would make is the instructions are very poor on first reading. I have to be honest and say that the one niggle I have with Deans is sometimes the instructions can let down the product but I know that the newer models and the updated ones have had vastly improved instructions. This is apparent when comparing the MA/SB instructions. The MA/SB instructions are what instructions should be. Clear and informative and nothing missed with good colour pics. The picket boat has huge gaps, nothing to deter someone who has built a model or two but for a beginnner it can be difficult. At times there are no instructions at all - the main gun isnt in the instructions at all. It would hae to be entirely guess work. The deck merely says to fit deck. No mention of deck supports or anything like it. However a call to Ron and it was remedied by an updated instruction sheet for the gun. I would guess that the picket isnt one that has had the benefit of an instruction or plan upgrade yet. Anyway the hull was started.

Rubbed and washed and holes made were necessary. First snag was the plan, instruction and hull marking for the rudder were all in different places!! So logic was applied and a place found that was right using the spacing required from the prop end for clearance and the opening in the deck. Tacked in with superglue then clear slow set expoxy applied. Same for the shaft.

When this dries FG paste will be used to set it fully and secure it.

Meantime because it was cold in the garage and I had the day to myself today I have gone out of sequence and started on the vac form engine casing, main cabin etc. This model does lend itself to be made out of sequence.

The engine casing is a straightforward cut out from the vac sheet as are the other vac form parts. The main caibn goes together very well and the parts are accurately marked. The cabin roof is a bit of an effort with a fair amouth of fettling and sizing required and having to glue it in stages to ensure it stays as it requires some shaping to meet the cabin sides at the top.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010195

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010189

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010192

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010191

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010190

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010194

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010193
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySat Jan 28, 2012 4:11 pm

Well a bit more work from the last week. The funnel is rubbed down. Started the detail on the engine casing and it is coming together nicely I think. The roof of the Cabin is now sanded to the right shape which was a bit of a pain as the vac form does require a fair bit of manipulation but got there in the end. Also started the 6pounder - just two more bits of white metal fittings to go. The deck side supports are now set in place and currently drying with the usual bulldog clips to keep in place while setting. The engine mount has been lined up and is set in place together with the battery tray. Later this week I will then move to the servo as it does need a bit of thought as to placing it. The instructions totally conflict on the rudder placing - neither of the places seems appropriate but then the instructions dont even mention deck beams apart from one cursory reference.
Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010203

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010202b

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010201b

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010197b

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010196b

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Modify_inline
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySat Jan 28, 2012 10:54 pm

Looks like an interesting (two) builds, but I can't enlarge the pics to see, at my age you need nice big pics Very Happy

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 1:58 am

AlanP wrote:
I can't enlarge the pics

Yep, the links just go to another small pic. cyclops

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 12:16 pm

Hey guys, in regards to your photo sizes, should you wish to post images at full size then during the normal photo upload when selecting the image to upload, use the 'RESIZE IMAGE' drop box and select NO, the default for photos to be uploaded is '800px', by selecting NO this will not RESIZE the image and you should with a bit of luck have larger images on your posts providing you have not compresses or re-sized the image before uploading to the forums photo host.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Size_s10

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Size   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 4:12 pm

Oops sorry guys. My fault. I had posted these pics to the Deans site and they have bizarre limits on size so I resized then after posting onto the deans site.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010122

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010210

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010123

Hows that now?

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010125

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010124

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010211
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phil winks
phil winks

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 7:14 pm

lovely work and nice clear pics now too thanks matey
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Feb 05, 2012 9:26 pm

The deck has been cut to size and it was surprisingly accurate as printed. Just required a little trimming to fit accurately. However the pre printed decking is less accurate!! Not sure what kind of measure was used by the 'computer generated printed self adhesive deck' but it wasnt imperial and wasnt metric!!! Its about 3 inches to short in length and at least half an inch too narrow in the beam on each side. Of no use whatsoever!! I have contemplated using real planking but this would mean I need to remove the deck supports and reinstall them lower as in their currrent position the deck with planking will then cover the two hawse ports at the bows. So its gonna be deck painted and then planking lined on.

Have put her together now as a dry fit of deck with engine casing and its looking not too bad. All internals including servo are fixed firmly in place - shes been float tested and is water tight I now just need to install and test the servo linkage and do a motor run before sealing the deck into place. Once I have done that I will then spend some time on the MA/SB so that they are both ready to paint at the same time. I have yet to decide whether to paint the picket boat in Home Fleet or China Fleet colours. China Fleet does look nice for a change but humming and harring a little bit as black does hide the dirty from being sailed and white will be hard to keep clean. Hey ho save that for later!!!

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010213
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 4:56 pm

intrepid75 wrote:
Its about 3 inches to short in length and at least half an inch too narrow in the beam on each side. Of no use whatsoever!!

Hi Intrepid - if it is as bad as that then you could just contact them.

You would be really doing them a favour and anyone else getting the kit too.

I rang Samalite for a small part, told them I had fixed a few lads battery connex

already and the guy was really pleased that I went direct to Samalite and not

via NR purchasing. He sent me my part plus 5 spares and said he would look at the

problem right away.


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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 7:14 pm

Yes I agree. To be fair to Deans everytime I have a problem with a missing part from them they are on the nail in getting it right. However for the printed deck even though I can let them know and get them to send a replacement I would rather now just paint it - its not much extra effort and at least it wont eventually peel off.
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Feb 12, 2012 7:59 pm

Have been working on the internals which are now fully fitted (just got to tidy the wiring up). All working fine althought the servo and linkage to the tiller arm was a bit of a trial and error to make sure nothing fouled the cabin when its inserted into its space. A few wear words were expended but eventually all working fine.

The deck has been fixed and when its dry there are a few small gaps that need filling as is usual. I willl then make the coaming for the engine casing. After that I will take a break from the picket boat and concentrate on the MA/SB.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010214

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010215
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyMon Feb 13, 2012 11:50 pm

getting to look a very nice model indeed...

missed this before, as anything normally flagged up as "deans" I run a mile from reading the thread, sadly.......but I like kind of model..very interesting and a classic shape too.

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 8:04 pm

Nice to have a compliment from such a luminary as you Neil. I'm not worthy!!!!!!
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 8:49 pm

c'mon guys..........I'm not that make me into something I'm not..........I really get embarrassed, honestly.

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 9:16 pm

Im luminary, I used to work at Selefield affraid , now I shine in the dark.

Sorry, Ill get my coat.

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 2:01 pm

Did a few minor bits over the last week before I turn my attention to my MA/SB build.

I have finished the porthole openings on the main engine casing. I havent followed the plan exactly as they are so many variatons on pick boats I used a bit of artistic licence and also slightly varied where the hatch openings are because I felt like doing it!! The navigation lamp and small mast was a bit of a pain as the lamp has a soft metal hanger that is supposed to attach to the brass rod tube mast. One knock and it will be off!! So I used a small off cut of larger diameter tube place over the actual mast and then pus a smaller rod inside and then drilled up into the lamp. Still not perfect but it will be a bit more secure I hope. ALso done the steering position cockpit and the main deck is also fitted now and the gaps filled in but I havent yet sanded it. I havent put a pic of that up as who wants to see a mess of filler paste on a deck!! But I will sand her down when I get a chance and leave her ready for painting and the final few fittings.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010221

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010222

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010223

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 8:42 pm

Despite intending to leave the picket boat for a few weeks, the first part of the deck supports for the MA/SB needed time to dry and nothing on tv so turned to some engine casing painting to fill in a couple of hours. The paint guide in the instructions is limited to the basics of the hull and deck and main features so I had to use some interpretation of my own. I decided to go with Home Station colours in the first place. In picking out detail I worked on the principle that the early 20th century mob used to make sure all brass was polished and not painted like in later years. So anything that was brass or potentially brass would have been burnished to a high shine. And, although these were meant to be functional and an extension of capital ships weapons fits and maids of all work, as they were on capital ships they would be quite pristine. So I used a lot of brass paint on hinges, the breech block etc. Probably the appearance may now be wrong but thats my interpretation. Its looking a little tidier now.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010224

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010225

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010226

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010227
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Mar 11, 2012 8:54 pm

Had a little spare time to fill in during my work on my MA/SB build so I did a little finishing detail on the Picket Boat. Wooden seats, seat stanchions etc and a little more painting when that was done. Engine casing is now completed.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010234

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010235

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010236
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 2:14 am

I have to say - I like it!!!

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 7:23 am

Very nice indeed... cheers
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySat Mar 17, 2012 4:23 pm

Wasnt going to paint her for a while yet while I worked on my other build. But impatience got the better of me and wanted to see how she would look with some paint so out came the paint!!

The deck was a bit of a head scratch due to the size of the deck vinyl supplied and the sparsity of pictures in the instructions of the finished model. My approach was to use an off cut to slot into the middle to make the deck vinyl a bit wider and give it a much wider deck edge than I would expect there to be and pain the deck edge in as close a match colour as I could get. My intention is then to use 1 or 2mm breadth wood strip as a foot rail to break up the join between the vinyl deck and the painted deck edge. It should look okay. The deck edge is painted and the deck vinyl in place I just need to put the foot rail in place. There is only a jackstaff and a few deck fittings such as fairleads left to do then.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010237

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010239

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010240
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySat Mar 17, 2012 8:39 pm

It looks very smart Smile There probably would have been a margin round the planked deck to take the run-off of water, so your solution doesn't look out of place. The problem with the printed overlay is that it doesn't give the joggled edging - but there is not much you can do about that Very Happy

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 7:24 am

A very nice job you have done Mike and totally different to your last build

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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 7:28 am

Well it is but it's grey funnel so it fits the bill. But the last build isnt finished yet!! Still awaits the last bit of stanchion fitting then the ships boats putting in place.
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 10:32 am

I made up a pair of boat hooks today using the small dowel supplied in the kit, some brass tubing and then some brass rod for one hook and some soft brass wire for the other one. Used some very watered down Tamiya Acrylic Brown to try and get a wood stain effect but leaving the brass ends shiny. End results arent too bad.

Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat P1010241
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Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat   Deans Marine 1/24th Picket Boat EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 11:38 pm

I like that very kind of boat.
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