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 Deans MA/SB

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Posts : 271
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 6:36 pm

As described in my picket boat post xmas presents gave a problem of havign two models to build from presents and if I start to build one and not the other I will hear a cry of 'why arent you building mine first?'. My HMS Yarmouth which is virtually just with stanchions left has had to be put to one side as I have been asked already 'when are you going to start my boat?'.

So this week I made a start on both my new presents with the aim of building both side by side to protect sensitivities. .

The instructions and plans for the MA/SB are a huge improvement on the normal Deans instructions which are usually dire but these seem to be top notch - time will tell no doubt. But well done Deans on the improvement.

Contents were checked and there were a couple of parts missing so a quick call and this was resolved very rapidly. First class customer service.

Rubbed and washed and holes made were necessary. Tacked in with superglue then clear slow set expoxy applied. Same for the shaft.

When this dries FG paste will be used to set it fully and secure it.

Meantime because it was cold in the garage and I had the day to myself today I have gone out of sequence and started on the main cabin alternating with the Picket Boat etc. And with the picket boat this model does lend itself to be made out of sequence. I also made up the spare barrel locker and it is starting to quickly take shape.

It has gone together over 2 days very quickly and next weekend I will start on the internals RC and fit the deck.

Deans MA/SB P1010177

Deans MA/SB P1010181

Deans MA/SB P1010182

Deans MA/SB P1010183

Deans MA/SB P1010184

Deans MA/SB P1010186

Deans MA/SB P1010180

Deans MA/SB P1010195
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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: bigger pics   Deans MA/SB EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 5:03 pm

SOme bigger pics as the last ones were resized small

Deans MA/SB P1010126

Deans MA/SB P1010134

Deans MA/SB P1010130

Deans MA/SB P1010131

Deans MA/SB P1010132

Hopefully a bit better for viewing.
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Posts : 271
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 1:50 pm

After being left untouched for a month, I have turned my attentions back to the MA/SB. So far the build has been back to front, building the cabin and cabin detailing first, due to the fact its warmer in the kitchen on a night than it is in the garage or shed!!

But with a little warmer weather over the last few days, and that the picket boat is now at hull painting stage I thought I would use the time to give some attention to the hull. When I left her I had trial fitted the prop shafts throught the cut outs but no more than that.

I have now fitted the p brackets and have to say they were pretty rough as cast mouldings. Hard to see where the flash started and finished and the prong that enters the hull is delicate to say the least. First one snapped as soon as I offered it to the hull. The second one I took more care with and that snapped!!! Drilled some holes and inserted some 1mm brass rod instead. The do look better on than they do off so I'm not bothered about the rough shape of them. They will do the job and if anyone wants to turn their heads upside down to look under the hull and comment on the p frames well thats sad isnt it? The prop tubes were covered in with FG paste and the same with the rudder tubes plus a ramin brace against them for any knocks. I have to say, in contrast to the p frames, the vac form motor mounts when sanded down to the exact mould line matched the shaft line almost first time. A really easy job getting alignment. Have yet to decide whether to go with two ESCs without a mixer and two battery packs or a single higher amp ESC. I have the ESCs to hand for both plans so I will think on. I have a few days off this week so assuming I get the kitched decorated the consevatory re floored the oven cleaned I might get a whole day in to get on the with Balsa and Ramin beam and support work.!!

Deans MA/SB P1010217

Deans MA/SB P1010218

Deans MA/SB P1010219

Deans MA/SB P1010220
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Posts : 271
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 11:57 am

Well made progress on the MA/SB and the hull. When the hull arrived it had a kink about at 1/4 of the hull length up from the stern. It wasn't in my view a fault in the hull so its not a criticism - I put it down do the fact that although then hull is solid enough it still moulded deliberately thinner which I guess when it comes off the mould means it isn't fully rigid like some thicker hulls. I have seen an ASR build with the same slight kink and this is the same hull so I think my theory could be accurate. It is nothing to be concerned about but if I didn't take care when building the supports and making sure of how the were placed and also placing the deck I was worried could actually make the slight kink worse if I forced the hull in the wrong place. I used a hairdryer lightly just before and after where I thought the kink was mainly focused and then when still warm I used the cross members to eradicate as much as I could. Its hardly noticeable now but when I place the deck on it it should make the hull and deck a rigid unit with the kink fully gone.

The side supports are a bit boring to see in terms of a build diary for some people (me included if I'm honest) but I have put a couplet of pics up on the basis someone might be looking to buy a MA/SB or an ASR and if they haven't build a similar craft before it will give them some idea of what work is involved in the hull and deck.

It was fairly straightforward but the first side supports needed a real acute angle shaved off the balsa square to make sure they lay flat across the top. Bit of a tedious painful job of cutting and shaving, holding to the side, adjusting, putting to side, adjusting etc etc. But I think I have got them mostly straight and flush but when its all set a careful Sand across the top will make sure. The second side support was straight forward and needed no adjustment which I hope is a sign that I got the first layer right!! After that the cross members in Ramin were placed and with supports underneath each join. It has now made the hull hull nicely rigid and ready to offer up the deck. Next job will be to fit the servo mount and the servo. One thiing I will say is that Deans provided more than enough ramin and balsa for the job - loads of it.
Deans MA/SB P1010228
Deans MA/SB P1010229
Deans MA/SB P1010230
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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 7:44 pm

And just a little bit more work. Deck was cut to size to try and guage how well it sat on the rubbing strake and the deck supports so I can see how flat it is (or isnt!!) Also to give me some idea as to how oversize the deck is as printed. Quite pleased at the test fit. Very little will need to be taken off as its a very good fit and the supports are surprisingly quite flat already with very little proud bits. With the 3/4s completed wheelhouse in place it is now starting to look a bit like what it is intended to be.
Deans MA/SB P1010231

Deans MA/SB P1010232

Deans MA/SB P1010233
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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 10:33 pm

The slightly over sized deck has now been bonded to the hull with masking tape to hold it . Once it has set it will need to be trimmed down flush with the sides of the hull and a bead of filler run round the join and then sanded to a smooth rubbing strake.

While its setting nice and hard and before trimming, filling and sanding I have decided to start making the depth charges up. I was a little disappointed when I got the MA/SB that the depth charges and stands weren't made up ready fittings from resin for a nice quick build. However the depth charges need fully making up from poly tube, printed plastic and white metal end plate depth/primers. I have to admit now that I have started them I now am happy that I have to make them up its more satisfying and they will look just as good as resin ones when painted and on the stands (I hope). Also there is 10 of them to fit and the weight of these compared to resin ones is considerably less so will keep the weight down. The tube and plastic ends are now joined and once set it will require sanding to get a nice round smooth edge finish. Then the end caps will be fitted and stands made up

Deans MA/SB P1010253

Deans MA/SB P1010254

Deans MA/SB P1010256

Deans MA/SB P1010257
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phil winks
phil winks

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Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptySun Apr 08, 2012 9:15 pm

I think your surmise that the depth charges are made this way to save weight is prob a correct one mate 10 resin items would add up to quite a lump. Progress is as usual looking good mate
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Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 12:38 pm

Made more progress over the last week or so. The DCs are now completed and havent turned out better than I was expecting. The DC stands are also made up ready to put on the deck once the deck is ready for painting.

Spent most of the time back working on the cabin, doing the handrails, the guide rails leading to the MG tub and also the mast. The brass wire for the hand rails and the guide rails was quite straightforward. The mast was also straight forward and is temporarily in place but wont be secured and rigged until the cabin is painted, which it is now ready for. Assuming the weather stays good for the rest of today and tomorrow I will make a start on the painting. Completion is in sight andquite pleased with the way its shaping up so far.
Deans MA/SB P1010258
Deans MA/SB P1010259
Deans MA/SB P1010260
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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:55 pm

Well done most of the painting over the last couple of days and she looks more like it with a lick or two of paint. Just the mast rigging, the dinghy and life raft tie downs and finally the Depth Charges and the glazing of the windows and shes all done. A couple of nights work this week. Even though she isnt fully finished I will give her her first sail tomorrow as its my club's spring regatta so may as well try her out on the water.

Deans MA/SB P1010261

Deans MA/SB P1010262

Deans MA/SB P1010263
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Deans MA/SB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deans MA/SB   Deans MA/SB Empty

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