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 First sail at Lake wendouree.

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3 posters

First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyTue Dec 06, 2011 10:20 am

Lovely warm day wind from north making retrieval easy in case of failure, here's a few pics.

First sail at Lake wendouree. LW1

The white Y in the background is the mounts for the Olympic rings of the 1956 Olympics.

First sail at Lake wendouree. LW8

First sail at Lake wendouree. LW6

We've been married 30 odd years and today was the first time Jo has Captained one of my models, she found it relaxing I might have to make her a model of her own.

We're going again tomorrow I've given Jo some lessons using the zoom for stills and Video on the camera taking Sub chaser & seaport tug. will take video and pic's
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Age : 66
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyTue Dec 06, 2011 11:02 am

Very nice.I look forward to seeing your good lady's camera efforts!!! Very Happy
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyTue Dec 06, 2011 12:20 pm

Here's her first attempt at a video.¤t=LWVID.mp4
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyTue Dec 06, 2011 1:31 pm

Not a bad first effort at all, well done.

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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyWed Dec 07, 2011 10:57 am

Day 2 we took 2 models Jo thinks this is sooo relaxing so I gave her the Lady Jo Seaport Tug she was thrilled.
a bunch more pic's and vid's

When there's no tables.
First sail at Lake wendouree. LWD2-7

Workshop on wheels.

First sail at Lake wendouree. LWD2-6

First sail at Lake wendouree. LWD2-3

First sail at Lake wendouree. LWD2-13

First sail at Lake wendouree. LWD2-15

Last edited by Damien on Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyWed Dec 07, 2011 8:09 pm

that scene of happines and lovely sunny weather are scenes to treasure........what a superb place to sail some lovely boats..........I really envy you tonight as the wind begins to whip up to a forcasted gusts of 110 - 140 klicks/per hour in the sunny north west UK:affraid: affraid affraid
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Liverpool

First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 12:48 am

Hi Damien

what a fantastic place to enjoy your boats. No chance of getting my wife near the water - can't swim a stroke.

I see Neil is complaining about the weather here but he loves it really - all those foamy heaving rolling seas.

I bet he has a house with a sea view and his garage has its own slipway too Very Happy

Anyway enjoy life in the sun by a lake while we freeze (I bet there is some good fishing in there too)

Regards Dave
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 8:24 am

Norseman wrote:
Hi Damien

I bet he has a house with a sea view and his garage has its own slipway too Very Happy

I used to Dave. My first house was in Fleetwood...a grade 2 listed building and one of the oldest houses in Fleetwood......built on the then Sea front in 1853 and was a block of10 houses that were the old Coast Guard and pilot houses. Raised up from the sea front by steps at the front and back, and even with their own boat storages underground that doubled up when I owned it as a wood store for my log fire.

My house even had a documented resident ghost..the widow of a Coastguard and pilot who was lost at sea in the 1880's whilst going out to a ship.......I would have had an even better sea view if they hadn't built a soddin great hotel in front of the house in 1902, lol (mind you that had it's advantages as the bar was 148 footsteps from my front door, lol............but from my bedroom I could still see the sea, lol.

It was a great little house and fantastic charactor.......I even had Pint handled beer mugs as lamp shades for my wall lamps.....a typical batchelors pad.
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 9:32 am

if you go onto Google Earth and type in 5 ABBOTTS WALK, FLEETWOOD, and then press and drag the little man at the top right of the picture onto 5 abbotts walk, you'll see the photo of the house.......I was real proud of that place as it had so much character.

mine was the one, second on the left as you go up the centre gate way, with the big tree now growing in front of the window.The lady with the child on shoulders is right outside my old that brings back great memories of fantastic parties held ( like the queen on my actual and official birthdays.........I liked two a year, lol)
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First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 12:53 pm

I've seen hopefuls fishing but the lake was empty for the past 10 years of drought and started filling with the January rains this year it's only 3ft deep all over, 6000 fingerling trout were released in June I doubt there big enough to catch yet lol
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Liverpool

First sail at Lake wendouree. Empty
PostSubject: Re: First sail at Lake wendouree.   First sail at Lake wendouree. EmptyThu Dec 08, 2011 5:09 pm

Damien - a fish is at it's very safest whenever I have a hook in the water - I am the world's worst angler.

But I like to be there by a lake and just fish - no phone, no interruptions, no cares intrude ...................

and usually no fish intrude either Very Happy

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First sail at Lake wendouree.
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