Subject: Motorising Billings Nordkap Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:24 pm
I am looking at setting my Billings Nordkap for R/C. Have any of you guys done this as I am looking for any ideas. I am only up to the stage of planking the boat but before I do was trying to work out how to install motor. Also do you have any suggestions as to the which would be the better motor to use. Does it need a gear box s I imagine that it is not going to be a speed boat. Again suggestion as to motor/gearbox recommendation would be greatly appreciated. I am fairly new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated
titanic12 Deck Hand
Posts : 20 Join date : 2019-11-11
Subject: Re: Motorising Billings Nordkap Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:15 am
Hi just noticed your post, but as it is over a month old, do you still want advice. I have a Nordcap i have had for years, electric powered and 2 channel R/C and Spoondog like this post Deck Hand
Posts : 2 Join date : 2021-08-05
Subject: Motorising Billings Nordkap Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:38 pm
OK if you are still on the hull an alternative to using the brass pins to secure the planking to the ribs is to use small dressmakers pins which are removed one the glue (water proof of course) has set. Lightly sand the hull when completed and the using cellulose dope coat the whole of the hull with tissue paper, and lightly sand when finished. This will give you a smoother and more waterproof finish. Then of course paint the hull with the standard blue and red. To gain access to the R/C, and motor, leave the whole of the super structure so that it can be removed. Mine slides forward about an inch to clear the railing and then lifts off, to allow this cut a slot in the rear cross piece on both sides for the rail to slide through. Depending on you motive power, you may also have to cut part of the decking to facilitate you battery. If like me, you want a reasonable running time, and I use a rechargeable 6v 12ah bell battery and so I have a hatch just forward of the super structure (this is also central to the boat for balance) It is a bit unsightly, but if you dont like it, you could put items on the deck to disgise it
If you send me you email address I will send you some pictures, I don't know how to attach them to this site likes this post
John Bacon Deck Hand
Posts : 2 Join date : 2022-05-31 Location : Atlanta, GA
I recently completed a very old Billings Flevo Progress which is very similar to your Nordkap. Here is a pic which shows the component placement which has worked very well. Note the battery is roughly midship for balance. Also note that I sacrificed a tube bending coil to make a flexible coupling, and that works well, too. There is plenty of room min the hull when using modern (smaller) components. Good luck!
OK if you are still on the hull an alternative to using the brass pins to secure the planking to the ribs is to use small dressmakers pins which are removed one the glue (water proof of course) has set. Lightly sand the hull when completed and the using cellulose dope coat the whole of the hull with tissue paper, and lightly sand when finished. This will give you a smoother and more waterproof finish. Then of course paint the hull with the standard blue and red. To gain access to the R/C, and motor, leave the whole of the super structure so that it can be removed. Mine slides forward about an inch to clear the railing and then lifts off, to allow this cut a slot in the rear cross piece on both sides for the rail to slide through. Depending on you motive power, you may also have to cut part of the decking to facilitate you battery. If like me, you want a reasonable running time, and I use a rechargeable 6v 12ah bell battery and so I have a hatch just forward of the super structure (this is also central to the boat for balance) It is a bit unsightly, but if you dont like it, you could put items on the deck to disgise it
If you send me you email address I will send you some pictures, I don't know how to attach them to this site
Hi, I am just embarking on the same project with the same issues ('ish) - the "box" arrived yesterday I have built a couple of planked motor boats and sailing yachts but I wasn't aware this one isn't actually designed for RC - I can cope with the electrical aspects OK and had a assumed a 6:1 torpedo motor BUT props and propshafts seem a bit of a black art - specific sizes, lengths, recommendations (and suppliers?) would be very helpful please - also pictures if you have them would be great J
I have dug out the plans I had for my Nordkap, and it does give you the line of the prop shaft, and I am sure mine had the prop shaft and housing with the kit. The Billing number of the prop was F393, but cant find one for the shaft the Size of the prop was about 4mm 3 blades. The pitch does not really matter if you are controlling the motor with R/C as the speed is therefore variable. Most madel shops selling these kinds of kits will have props, shafts etc and I have found them in the past to be very helpful and knowledgeable when asked over the phone. As to specific suppliers, I am in the UK and use Mantua Models and Cornwall Model boats.
AS to pictures, if you send me a private message (use the icon just above my moniker) and give me your email I will send the ones I sent to George