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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

Posts : 399
Join date : 2021-08-07
Age : 67
Location : Southampton. U.K

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PostSubject: All members.   All members. EmptyTue Aug 30, 2022 8:46 am

Hi Guys,

Firstly I would like to welcome all the new members to the site.

I have only been a member of this site for about a year and I find it very interesting to see other members work, also by having model boat sites like this can only help encourage younger guys into this hobby.

We all had to start somewhere and I find that reading and looking at other models and the experience and skills of the other model makers really help to keep me motivated. 

It is great that we have 1103 members on this forum now and it would be fantastic if we could see a lot more members work/projects.

You don't have to spend a lot of time writing a build log, but some photos and a few words about what you have been doing will be great.

So let's get this site buzzing with lots of builds and information that will help new and old members.'

Looking forward to seeing your work.

Road Runner/Bariew.
If this post is in the wrong place on the forum then please amend thank you.


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