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 Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 6:28 pm

Arrived today for unboxing Cool Thank you Cornwall Model Boats and DPD 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 42BC583B-18B6-4503-B389-C0DC223A4377-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8FD6BB08-6DC9-4FA5-B0E5-D0F98FDA4C29-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F402B36B-D205-401E-96F3-0FD6FFB71470-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 26D683C1-DB04-46A7-BA4F-DF50D1667F59-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 0392480C-3728-4EB2-9D60-76532ABBA3FA-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 9B2D59E1-2ECF-44FF-9F91-679E678EA066-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 4EF2968E-E8B5-4EE4-A330-E2BC4DE57C11-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 B062D194-0187-4B71-9714-E16A7F04D235-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 74970D92-CAA8-407A-B0C6-379A8B055000-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 01B61867-F989-42A6-857A-2622698C642B-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 176893E9-5896-4857-96BC-8514E240E8DE-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 10990426-A766-4B41-BE5F-DC8FD3C832A8-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 38C049B1-DB43-4779-9A21-779165A53541-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 AD16B63E-76BF-42C9-A446-36BD81665F35-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5EDE51A9-BCC7-4068-BA86-B6874530FD77-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 82EB8DF0-8A71-4BB1-BEBE-999F64591148-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E5580FB2-9B46-406E-A002-414D10814DD4-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 6:43 pm

A slow down now while a Raboesch maintenance free prop shaft arrives from CMB.

I've ordered the corresponding size as the existing length will work.
Also enquired with Simon about a 35mm 3 blade prop but most likely a 30mm will be more appropriate as more efficient than the plastic offering.

There will be no UJ in the drive but a solid 3mm to 4mm brass coupler. I will build the motor support under the motor while connected through. I have in stock a 28/30 920KV brushless which should suffice.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EB4278DB-8B25-4B32-82A5-9E79E1927A6C-X2
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyTue May 12, 2020 8:11 pm

Maybe not obvious but I've glued the build support parts direct to my bench top with CA rather than a separate board. Being kitchen worktop anything attached with CA will chisel off with an Xacto blade no problem Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Smiley1
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 13, 2020 1:10 pm

I have already encountered the first missing part Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Grin However the quality of the wood is excellent Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Smiley

While awaiting the new prop shaft I have turned my attention to the rudder and there should be a brass socket to fit in the keel to seat the rudder shaft. Fortunately I have some brass tube in stock to avoid a delay.

Rudder assembly
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6661A7CA-E9AC-4FDA-8A97-7648A545EB47-XL

F317 the missing part 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F855F98C-E079-46C1-B26A-B3A12DF759AD-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 237E07CD-B85F-4C25-83D2-3CDA16E9418E-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 4D4C262B-AF4B-440B-A96E-E0D9D79FEE78-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 71F1BE7C-CB5C-48A4-9C6E-3E146BCE82BC-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F0F204EC-A0BB-4E0C-B126-A8080FFF0385-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 06795A93-9EB8-48A1-A042-6EE48CCA28F3-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 C57080F6-31B7-44B9-8FA0-D9BD5609CBF7-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A92AEA27-FF81-40B5-8AC9-76FC3469259C-XL

I've ordered a 30mm 3 blade from Simon at PropShop this morning.
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 13, 2020 3:34 pm

hi ,

it looks like a well detailed kit with well explained  plan, and all the parts look good quality. hope you enjoy your build. 

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 13, 2020 11:23 pm

Thanks I will for sure. It is actually not so well explained..... but as little as she is still in the EXPERT category Laughing I guess this is due mainly to plank on frame perhaps but the very category name gives Billings a get out because the builder is expected to be able to work it out.

I will be glass clothing the finished planking but I will still be doing a neat job as I'm not a big fan of filler. 

The fun will be those personal details and choice of colours
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 14, 2020 8:17 am


plank on frame is the best part to me, i have built seven lifeboats from scratch plank on frame, and enjoyed every bit. plus another 6 or so other boats. take your time you may find that you can only do 2 planks per day using pva clamping is the hardest part, butting the planks as some will need bending.

happy days david
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 14, 2020 7:24 pm

Yes I'm ok with planking having done the Rotterdam Thumbup

Might be a while before the prop shaft arrives so cannot proceed in the normal fashion.
I've taken out material from the bulkheads to make them more battery & equipment friendly and fitted those that I can for now with main deck dry fitted to align them.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 B0CC77A1-3EFF-4A99-B575-2873A5A06E52-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 09730342-B314-4659-9BD9-7B9A748E3409-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 CCE35E7A-8DF8-4B66-9D25-7FCC523D5F7E-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 381D7540-BE44-4267-8740-2906A9315730-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 14, 2020 7:41 pm

I then started on the trawl frame for want of a better description.

I started by glueing the assembled upright to my bench but then realised this won't work as they are not vertical on the deck but lean outwards. 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 40599462-C2E1-4BD0-9224-87664C14AB80-L

So attention to the specific build drawing must be followed exactly 

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 7A1DA7A4-1063-4917-8AE2-624D2BB61911-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5DBC3D38-A96E-49AA-AC8E-4639482DC426-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5B6AE168-BA39-48EF-B497-78D4287D68F7-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 AEC4BCB4-FE6F-4CAC-B5E7-1D3730DC7F85-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 BC1C8E96-8C58-4794-B679-69524829AC63-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 15, 2020 6:26 pm

So I began the day with lots more filling and sanding and a final priming.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A86D380A-0289-42C1-837B-DEC2E4D4E27B-XL

Then the postman dropped my Raboesch propshaft Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Smiley1

So this meant I could glue the sections together and continue to align and mount the motor.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F34093BF-9E4E-4977-9957-19ACF68B1A94-XL

I used two steel rules to ensure the keel remained straight and dry fitted the deck for alignment 

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 90059D17-509C-4D2D-8948-E7333E8D96C7-XL

I deliberately left out bulkhead 2 as I felt sure the laser cut slot was too high.
So fitted this after the rest had hardened.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A89D066D-7509-4C07-BFCE-B9C12A5BC71E-X2

I was correct 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 CD837851-DAC6-4C44-A7B4-AA539DCCF7C2-XL

Then the motor and I had to remove more bulkhead to an enable a straight connection.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F4575D60-51E5-4128-B318-3943B38D24D4-X2

Captive nuts 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 4F664B6B-4A92-4463-A09F-AC99F84858D5-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 784A59C8-8D54-4494-8BA3-5C982B5A8ADA-X2
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 16, 2020 12:40 am

I was wrong about bulkhead 2 but I've managed to free it and adjust Embarassed

Micro servo for rudder will be more than adequate
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 914AC14C-9F33-49A6-84E8-E79366BB4C5D-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 7A33853B-AF0A-4AA0-A3A6-4D2DDC3F6409-XL

No vibration perfect line
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 16, 2020 6:26 am

Andy - where did you get the servo mounts?

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 16, 2020 8:24 am

Hi Barrie. I had to think hard about that. Short answer out of my bits drawer Laughing

Long answer I think I bought them on eBay over 3yrs ago beyond my purchase history archive. I've had a good look this morning and cannot find any  Crying or Very sad. I suspect they were a one man band cottage industry 

They did both sizes 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 CF37CF21-6020-431D-AA95-EA1B71C3DC22-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 16, 2020 8:41 am

Thanks for looking!

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 16, 2020 9:49 pm

I started the day by fixing the main deck in place
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A7DE2415-A5CD-45DC-8802-C076B6AF89F5-XL

Then sanded most of the frames ready for planking.
At the bow I created a groove to help hold the ply skin 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 674D096B-A027-4A12-BF86-BAB8EFACD071-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 063C7AE3-1BA2-42E8-9155-7B9593B1C938-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8B89D41D-A32D-41FB-A4BF-E71B3F44ABCB-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EA698EA8-0F2A-41B8-994E-F07C86D8CE2D-XL

Time also spent making the winding drum 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 2936321F-FA8F-4965-AF92-2AE05AAF0903-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EC482EBE-8AD3-40D7-B107-40ECF17A6194-XL

Some more work on the trawl frame 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5A365B11-F46F-48DB-AC4A-BC700C2E6D6A-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyMon May 18, 2020 6:42 pm

I've no idea what this is called but it's clearly meant to prevent whatever is fed through it going wayward.

Rather than solder the ends of the oblong I've used a brass sleeve and some vine eyes.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 CED481E3-3B84-46A1-9485-6B3CAFEFDBE6-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 14465B09-E9AB-417E-A6B0-97A9877BFF39-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8C71ABDD-F103-4C31-ADB6-34DE14FB5334-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 54D1AD6D-FB2D-42A1-975E-25DD073B77DC-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 869C4E7A-6F44-41DE-9A34-7EA862B1B0EC-X2
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyMon May 18, 2020 7:02 pm

Then yesterday having finished both hull skins I assembled the stern net slope Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Grin is that a name?
This was by no means easy to get everything symmetrical 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 C8B8A832-37D1-4E5E-89E6-C5EAA665D7A3-L

Also looking at deck equipment 
No idea what colours, I guess free style 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 501AD58B-C144-43EB-BC02-8459337CC0CE-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6AC4FAD8-759C-4A76-ADB5-F5CE48C83DF1-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyMon May 18, 2020 7:12 pm

So on to today. Finally began planking. This is so quick using CA and once the plank is checked for fit just start at the bow and glue to one or two bulkheads at a time.
My finger tips are lathered in glue today Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Cheesy1
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E979EA32-BA00-493A-9D4F-C68317D37C93-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D99AFA87-5EAE-40F1-8167-57539F1D1D68-L

After a few planks each side I stopped to coat the surfaces that I won't get to later with Diluted finishing resin
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 78731BB7-6851-4518-B6CF-0DA0DC760433-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 93CDD032-EA68-4560-9A53-937797B99B86-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 94E16CF3-5351-480B-B6B1-19C8D1F202BA-L

A few planks further on and I'm starting to taper fit 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 9C1E8109-AEA0-4789-81DE-6C2EA6802883-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E819AAD0-B5B1-46CF-A68E-48C4458DB907-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 98C78FEC-2C5B-4E35-9F94-8E65CAE90590-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 66F0B6E6-233F-43FD-BA58-56C2514D581A-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A0C612E4-FEB8-47D1-8E52-6E8593B2191B-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyTue May 19, 2020 9:07 am

No modelling today due to an anniversary tongue

It seems the Turnigy Trackstar ESC I used in my Lobster boat has become very scare but I found an identical spec and appearance unit under another brand
So I'll be using this

Sorry but I've no idea why the link takes up so much width Shocked
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 20, 2020 10:52 pm

Closed one side of the hull tonight with the other side close behind.
I should finish planking tomorrow and be looking at filling before glass cloth.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F6FA7775-158C-4D33-91EC-46816C57BDF4-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E6948B7E-F06F-41C1-8AE3-5C71E12AF2DC-X2

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 36200DA7-1916-41E4-A1A0-28B7475D29FC-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 12:33 pm

I was just about to close the hull when the postman knocked.
listing said 3 day courier delivery but estimated arrival date was quoted as 11th June Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Knuppel2  so I thought I'd been tricked by Chinese seller. However I think many sellers are quoting longer dates due to CoViD 
Anyway it was all misleading as it came with tracking via Royal Mail. Effectively 2 days 

I will need to change the battery connector

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 2DDC1C62-90C9-4435-B9A7-1BD824DE6E94-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 1D30FF84-34C9-4E71-BD7E-FBF09E1D9D6B-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 51E43616-C781-47E1-8866-10372D76EBA6-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 12:50 pm

Very neat planking Andy. 2thumbsup 2thumbsup I think Billings must have improved the quality of their timber since my last Billings kit. Rolling Eyes

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 1:11 pm

Thank you Barrie.  Yes the Obeche is certainly machined smoother, it's all to be filled and covered on glass cloth on the outside so only really to be seen on the inside.
 It's a steel hulled boat in the real world.
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 6:17 pm

This afternoon catching some vitamin D and waiting for the resin to dry inside outside Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Thumbup 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6D990FBE-B9AD-46F1-92B3-85263DA3E2F2-XL

Later I resined the outside inside 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 97A20A6F-5742-4ED2-B70F-E004ACB33D45-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 9040EBA8-4CCB-4794-A7A3-C4F5FA904582-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 772C2BCA-CBD5-481C-BFDF-FE165FCD4193-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F88E3DD4-7366-4623-B44F-72ECA72CB72B-XL

Next will be to fill any low spots before glass clothing
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 10:07 pm

A good days effort. More sanding filling and glassing tomorrow.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6CDB155A-5738-42BB-B5CD-02A822B38E7B-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 DBDAF447-E120-4A25-AA28-8F856753BAAF-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 AB4FC0B9-7550-4DAF-9F44-8D662999BE13-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5EC778B1-E775-4EE3-BF32-54E534CD5A41-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 61C8A532-B8BB-491C-8DD6-300F2CF4563A-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyThu May 21, 2020 10:54 pm

Good looking boat, bring back memory’s of doing a similar hull, one of my early days while I was still learning... leaked like a god damn siv, even after drying it and attempting to seal with epoxy... now consigned to grandparents front window I believe... good luck with your matting, always hate that job Razz:P

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 22, 2020 7:01 am

Yes a lovely shape indeed Aron. Just seeing someone else building one pushed me over the shall I/shan't I edge Laughing

I'm fine with matting having the experience of double coating my Balsa skinned Lobster boat but I'm surprised Billings haven't done a plastic hull version of this. I think planking puts a lot of potential modellers off. 

Before anything else today I'm going to look at making the rudder shoe removable because once the keel is made ridging with glass it will no longer bend aside.

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Biggs Darklighter
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 22, 2020 8:11 pm

Good job spilling those planks!  Turned out nicely!
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 22, 2020 8:51 pm

Thank you Cool
Started today by applying far TOO MUCH filler to spend hours sanding, I love sanding Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Grin NOT
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 057E2E75-3489-4508-9397-52DA6384A28C-XL

So a few beers later 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 537BE67A-C764-4846-90DF-54BEEB9BEE35-L

I've used 1 oz cloth and only 1 coat is sufficient.
Tacked in place with dots of CA 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 587E0518-9837-4118-8C1C-D6E85CF689A4-L

Another day final sanding tomorrow. Then I can add all the rubbing strakes 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EC13C164-72C1-4BDB-B811-BE7A9233B535-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EE134E8E-647A-427A-8DA1-FD13EBE438BD-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 23, 2020 10:30 pm

After a couple of hours sanding I was most of the way there.
I decided to fair around the prop tube and make a demountable rudder shoe.
I'm waiting for 1.6mm SS csk screws
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D8AF4F7E-71E1-4BF8-AEEC-4B1D2462F2BE-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 89A8733A-1132-4F62-9265-A8A283D8B06D-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D9877B6A-5853-4F6A-8B40-41C75A35FE3E-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 431BF819-24FB-49FB-97FD-A569E1D5FCFF-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D1698640-53C2-46AD-A697-91B576893C1E-XL

undersized screws for picture only 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 2940D038-86E6-4A5B-BADD-505DCF389779-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 23, 2020 11:35 pm

In my opinion I don't like this gunwale. In my mind if you're hauling nets up a stern ramp why would you use a gunwale that stuck out impeding smooth transition?

I intend to make from scratch and use a servo rod across the width of the slope as a smooth crossing 

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 07072C6E-3581-430C-BF74-E09023445EE2-X2
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySun May 24, 2020 4:37 pm

My solution to the above is 2.5mm brass rod.
My Danish counterpart also agrees the laser part is unsuitable and likes my solution Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Smiley1
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 90F6697A-8605-40E6-8062-708B202CA0DC-XL

So on with strakes
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 894C840C-6EDC-431B-AD70-7E9FEE2BD3F2-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 BF0DA93F-1587-4A1D-8D7A-37363620CBA4-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 C6B0B8F4-BBCA-4F94-8496-EE6272354445-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 903DBC1F-852E-4AC0-8D5F-0C19887878CF-L

Finding the waterline using the window frame edges 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D3D1F091-C992-4F23-9BC6-1DCE27992063-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 536EF5B3-4A55-4B0A-B3DE-FFA15F985941-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyMon May 25, 2020 2:25 pm

Still enjoying this Very Happy

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A644561B-8323-4DF3-9D47-86517696B594-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E7ED80E9-BA7B-4F83-BC4D-017A5FEA93FF-XL

I've seen other modellers getting this area wrong, clearly not studied the plan view drawing.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A3CF16A3-3A90-49E4-9A8E-7A447BAC326A-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E044F2BA-08B0-44E3-9059-BCE345FEFB87-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 DFDBC632-BB95-456A-AE45-2DDA0912712D-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyMon May 25, 2020 6:52 pm

Ballasting to find total displacement.
I was concerned about battery capacity but absolutely unfounded.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 221A0757-3E77-43E2-961F-0AFABC992372-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 518D8A65-835D-4FD6-A4FA-4D50850BAEB1-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 27AB58E9-30C5-41D3-98D0-588CFC7720CF-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 9:33 pm

Firstly some billings failures

Pre drilled plinth Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Grin 

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 559D7A76-8D76-42B8-8558-CD69C5E31A2C-L

At great personal expense Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Thumbup 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 FFE1FD06-AA43-4BC5-9EBA-901DE17FF371-L

Supplied brass fittings and dowel considerably different diameter for top section. Solution 2mm carbon rod 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 85797E4B-7847-432E-9C0D-F0C19E56606B-L

Spot light recess is 6mm and does not fit the lense, drilled out to 6.5mm 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 525A484C-8268-4F2F-8589-10D01359E3F0-M
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyWed May 27, 2020 9:44 pm

A series of solutions

Firstly the ventilation grill to engine room 
Made from styrene lapboard
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 0D8FA938-AEA4-48E7-B18E-CABDCDFD9F1A-L

Funnel cut and soldered 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 09E73AFC-9E5F-4D37-A521-E6FCFA213337-L

Locating stud
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 E1DF4216-4E13-45EC-A688-CFCBEBACB697-L

Rope guides drilled and tapped 2mm 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 08904865-3D66-4402-ACE9-908CA6F01472-L

Fixed from below with self tappers into pilot holes
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F32EBB44-364F-4150-AA33-C5796364A7B0-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 B351F31D-71EE-4662-B559-7C590197080B-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D91AE7CE-070A-4257-A84B-65DAC0AA6FCE-X2

Front bollards. Will require a shim at the base to allow for slope of deck 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 D48DD556-B9DB-415C-B6FF-C55C572FCE00-M

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6CC397B4-34C4-499A-890B-9403533328D4-M

A bit of dry fitting 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 556D9A71-46AB-4568-8BA7-5198F8B7D91C-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8CB18974-BF41-4EB8-8F53-EC22CFDA686C-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 9:37 am

This is my idea for easy mounting and removal if repairs needed for the gallows. I have doubled the deck thickness at the locating holes too.  The 4mm UJ insert is just the ideal size and shape to turn without tools.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 FE542B12-69FA-46FF-A8AC-A3296C821E8F-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 DE49E032-8D8C-4E1D-AE58-CA77335FB73E-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 10:20 am

Turning out to be a really nice looking boat! Impressed with the quality I’m seeing, billings kits tend to be pvc hulls but this, very Nice indeed, great work so far!

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 2:50 pm

Thank you. Billings have their share of issues but despite feedback they don't seem to rectify them over the years.

Onwards and upwards 
Sanded ready for gunwales 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8AA61181-3C86-4F26-A555-A866C5B38196-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 68F8B048-3B68-4A3B-AE8B-4B260481F883-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EF219685-EC64-4843-B69F-07B2E4E3F7B8-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 2:58 pm

Having fettled the Gunwales this morning it seemed only right to make the bow railings. Rather than use the feeble supplied stanchions I've gone my own route with 1.7mm brass rod.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F8F8F6B8-A345-46F0-8D69-49B2199D557E-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 956CF5F2-3582-4B32-AEE4-EA36237CF59D-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F8489A7A-AE39-4232-BB3A-FF15488FD9D8-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6B64EF73-7FC8-4C22-8C0C-BD4F40832104-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 09C4D7F5-C500-4088-89F1-5C04D36770A1-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 B88619D0-B6A4-407D-8652-F21C7F7C7C3F-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 3:01 pm

A change of plan with the propeller, I've used a 35mmRH Raboesch 

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 AA3D2638-3D27-4125-8FC6-747204FBE2EE-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6D549BF4-5A1F-4C33-96C1-D1F743043531-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 10:58 pm

The pulley blocks I believe give some modellers a headache but simply making cuts half way through enables the required shape. The wood is very absorbent to CA so take advantage, when set it is so much stronger then finish with abrasives  

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 CAFCDF70-070E-4500-8AAF-577ABBC4021E-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 BF81B505-6703-4C53-B3DF-64C813C88EF7-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6333766A-511C-4C0D-943E-0C168D22296C-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 3418F02C-3611-4BD5-B636-5E0B8BE9D9EA-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 6225A6E9-1BB0-4683-91C2-2E28C5B4586B-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptyFri May 29, 2020 11:03 pm

A late night inspiration to support the bow railing much better by integrating with the cable guide.

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 569CD4A4-3A5D-4C06-BDB2-50369363737B-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F32F41AC-7792-48B9-A9CD-8C3F5F6CA2D6-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 5B64CC60-D384-4556-9567-CF89B6AD13CE-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 30, 2020 1:57 pm

So the rails are now awaiting a Tamiya paint delivery.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 FC9623C1-79C0-4EB8-B7C8-2047C0412F5C-XL

Focus on the wheel house and windows etc now. Building on experience gained from the lobster boat, going one step up I am making internal frames and external surrounds.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F29A7BAE-CB98-41C9-9FE2-5BDEE8358A40-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 2172B5AB-3370-467C-9153-3CA65357A17F-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 77EA1BE5-8A45-4043-A2F6-5DCBFB739008-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 F07E044B-948D-49D6-A5CF-2DA6E6C52B6B-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 C7F788DB-4053-4BAA-9820-DA52E94B09D6-L
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 30, 2020 5:11 pm

Three frames complete in primer. When everything has finished paint there will be no need for adhesive for sure.
Roof is Tamiya pure white 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 93B6D1AC-C489-4508-840C-1E3FE57BD4F6-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySat May 30, 2020 9:46 pm

Tedious but worth it. Window outer frames made and primed.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 2FA8A017-8E07-434A-944F-52EBDEE7315C-XL

Some assembled shots for flavour
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A513704E-97AA-40A9-91AA-C4EBC136072E-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 8F2EFB38-C704-4D8D-8C84-3A2135D8130D-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 816FFE3F-C5A6-4163-8C73-007AE62D2B28-XL

I'm going to use a life raft canister as I have one in stock of a smaller scale to the one I fitted on my 1:12 Lobster
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 52CF887A-14AC-4CF1-A51F-0B71B2F0549B-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 BB9B0F74-5930-47DF-A918-78FA6ECE2FEA-XL

Easier to paint than a life ringBillings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Grin

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 A87156B0-8E49-4942-870D-A6C9779F89A0-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySun May 31, 2020 4:31 pm

I started the day looking at possible embellishments. I made a wooden backing for solar panel print.
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 AF6CD0E3-56CF-4D8D-BAFD-4A20FF49C5BB-L

These have no sticky backing so I used 3M spray mount
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 40B5771A-D7AA-4994-BB34-E957E1C482EF-L

I then continued with the Wheelhouse detailing
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 874B3C25-A874-444F-9147-0CF70EB305CA-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 35332030-A60F-4816-AF26-C5DACFAFC81B-L

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 C63391FD-7245-4E5C-B603-C6E55E05A516-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 0FB114C0-70D8-4B87-991D-583E7F213089-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 973EF266-2952-4CCA-B51C-15F46E4C3130-XL

Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 35449AA4-0F06-4F67-B641-694A4D3AD108-XL

Slowly running out of details to finish so painting will be the order of proceedings very soon.

I think Tamiya racing green is going to be the main colour featured. 
Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 ACEF28E4-6A42-467D-9ABB-94EFFB3DF53B-XL
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySun May 31, 2020 6:34 pm

Andy - I am accused of building too quickly, but I think you take the record 2thumbsup 2thumbsup lol! It certainly looks as though Billings have greatly improved the quality of their kits.

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySun May 31, 2020 6:58 pm

Well I only have experience of Billings since 2017 in recent history but in years gone by I started a Norske Love around 1986 and I don't recall any problems with it other than with a growing family I never got further than planking the hull. I also wondered why the heck I bought it as its a static build Embarassed so wasted time and money.
I can only imagine that some individual models were better than others? most likely.
No problems to shout about with this unlike some far more expensive kits Laughing
Cornwall models are far cheaper than anyone else on Billings and every penny saved is certainly ploughed back in in paint etc if you want a good quality result.

I really needed a break from the intensity of another model I'm building for something I planned to be around four weeks instead as a breath of fresh air.

As for speed I'm not fast but I use many hours at leisure. I have the time and the wife has her own hobby so nothing competes for our time.

I have a Hoga tug kit I bought off a club mate and a Nordkap to start as well as my Rotterdam to finish lol! 
Billings Facebook builders group is very friendly and of course brand specific, I'm enjoying participating there and they're extremely appreciative. Another builder called Carsten started the Boulogne a while ago and it was his posts that lead to me buying the kit. I am of course well in front of him now but I'm sure he is thankful Laughing 
19 days so far and I can almost see the end but I can't sail her  Rolling Eyes
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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 EmptySun May 31, 2020 7:03 pm

I must admit I have tended to buy old kits off ebay. The wood quality has been pretty terrible, and of course no laser cutting. I wanted to build the small Andrea Gail, but it seems to have gone out of production Sad

I certainly agree you can't beat CMB on price or service.

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Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534   Billings Boulogne Etaples BB534 Empty

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