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 Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic.

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Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic. Empty
PostSubject: Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic.   Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic. EmptyFri Feb 07, 2020 1:41 pm

My first rc boat is now ready for trimming and balancing. My plan is to float it in the bath and trim, with appropriate ballast, how it sits in the water.

How can I judge it is sitting correctly?  Horizontal deck from bow to stern ? Should it be bow down? All advice great fully received.
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Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic.   Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic. EmptyFri Feb 07, 2020 5:53 pm

The boat is generally well balanced as built, however depending how you built it depends on its final trimming, to trim it on its keel the best way is to add small weights to port or starboard just behind the motor bulkhead ( it’s center point) lead shot, or small power boat counterweights are easily brought prestwich models do 5-10-15g counter weight sets for this job...

That said trimming up the model perfectly level on its axis isn’t always the right way to go.... yes sitting on the water not moving you would want it as level as possible however depending on your motor setup you must take prop torque into account as to much weight on one side when the prop kick in can keel the boat over badly in some cases, so the boat at idle would want to lean away from the props direction, when the prop kick in the boat moves to lvl naturally, that said.... you probably won’t need to trim the boat like that anyway, it’s buoyancy alone is enough to keep it way up over its water line...

You can though trim the boat with its battey, just shift it forwards or back to get it to rest on its line better,

Honestly I never levelled my classic, I just trimmed for more rear in the water for better planing at the bow, remember this isn’t a tug where the boat requires to sit on its water line it’s ment for speed so less weight the better, the bath test will show you how little is really needed you’ll see!

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Trimming and balancing Aeronaut Classic.
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