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 Trimming a moulding

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Trimming a moulding Empty
PostSubject: Trimming a moulding   Trimming a moulding EmptySat May 09, 2020 1:49 pm

Trimming a moulding Dscn1619

I have marked the top of the hull on this moulding. As you will see there is a lot of material to remove Rolling Eyes I think this is an amateur moulding - there is lots of rubbish attaching to the mould, but that is OK it will sand off. 

What I want some advice on is removing that excess. Its an awful lot to sand Shocked Shocked Can I use a cut-off disc in my Dremel to remove the bulk of it? Any other suggestions?

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Trimming a moulding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trimming a moulding   Trimming a moulding EmptySat May 09, 2020 7:49 pm

hi barrie,

i swear by these blades used them on my cordene to sort the mess out on that, found these on ebay for £3 something.
Trimming a moulding S-l16010

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Trimming a moulding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trimming a moulding   Trimming a moulding EmptySat May 09, 2020 10:12 pm

I have to agree the cut off wheels below are an excellent choice for removal of the material, then use a mix of sanding drums and blocks to finish.

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PostSubject: Re: Trimming a moulding   Trimming a moulding EmptySun May 10, 2020 6:09 am

Thanks David - I have some of those Thumbup I wasn't sure if these or the abrasive type would be best.

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PostSubject: Re: Trimming a moulding   Trimming a moulding EmptySun May 10, 2020 6:39 am

hi barrie ,
just be careful you go the right way when you start, as they can give a slight kick, just practice on some thing similar then its easy. enjoy your self 2thumbsup

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