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 GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony

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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony   GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony EmptyTue Apr 16, 2019 9:01 pm


Pierre le Bretton, Eduard Pierre le Bretton, Robin Coles and myself,and my wife Margaret attended the very special event
on Saturday,to name two engines. 

We were fundraising for the RNLI What a wonderful if cold day. 

Thank you to all those involved, and those who contributed, giving us a marvellous total of £152.82.

It was also good to talk to so many friends who came in to say hello The first photo is of my model of the Solomon Browne Lifeboat, alongside the engine named after the Lifeboat and lost crew.

Other models on display where Moses,a Pulling Boat,and Liverppol Class Edgar George Orlando and Eva Child both ex St.Ives, Arun Class Mabel Alice ex Penlee,Trent Class Maurice and Joyce Hardy at Fowey,and Tamar Class,Spirit of Padstow at Padstow,

Thank you All for the help and fundraising during the very cold day,raising a total of £152.82

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Mick10

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Mick_110

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Mick_210

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Mick_310

GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Mick_410
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GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony   GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony EmptyTue Apr 16, 2019 10:46 pm

well done all of you, and it is just fantastic to see a locomotive named after a lifeboat and one paying tribute to those bravemen of Mousehole and Penlee

A very fitting tribute. and well done to you all.
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GWR Solomon Browne Engine naming Ceremony
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