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 52' Barnett class lifeboat

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52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat EmptyFri May 04, 2018 9:10 pm

well, the steam lifeboat, moulds and plugs have gone to a new home, the lifeboat.......bigger the better is consigned to a back burner because my daughter has nicked the wood to make a bedding/blanket box and the build x 2 that I am about to start, I won't be putting on any forum as there has been far too much nastiness about it and the producer on another site and the Atlantic 21 I made a bit of a muck up with the painting of the deck, so that has gone away till next winter when I can rectify the as a build I am going to continue slowly on a model I part built some years ago, but sat doing nothing for some years until the guy kindly gave it back to me.....

so here it is.........the 52' Barnett class mk2 lifeboat with closed cockpit.

52' Barnett class lifeboat Img_7110

52' Barnett class lifeboat Img_7111
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Forum Overlord
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Join date : 2011-06-10

52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat EmptyFri May 04, 2018 9:25 pm

Proper job, look forward to seeing another lifeboat build, as for the other build you won’t be posting... shame... can’t force you to post but I can also tell you not to give two fishes about what others think and post it anyway Very Happy just a note here tho I can offer you a blog page for any builds you don’t want to have comments posted about. It’s a new feature I can offer the forum as a dedicated blog with view only to others.

It’s not a service I would offer In general as you know my policy’s on the forum About such behaviour so usually a standard topic would work fine.

Just hit me up if you change your mind in posting and want to take advantage of it.


I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat EmptyFri May 04, 2018 9:51 pm

cheers mate............sent you an mail.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1715
Join date : 2011-06-10

52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat EmptyFri May 04, 2018 9:58 pm

You did? I’ve not recived one... where did you send it?

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat EmptyFri May 04, 2018 10:09 pm

think I sent it to myself, daft sod, lol...........i'll cut and paste to you..............but it's now in my deleted bin...............of i'm useless, lol.
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52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty
PostSubject: Re: 52' Barnett class lifeboat   52' Barnett class lifeboat Empty

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52' Barnett class lifeboat
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