I have made a tentative start on my next project. This is to be a trip down memory lane as I am attempting to recreate the first model power boat that I built (with my father) in my early 'teens. This was an Adamcraft Seaplane Tender powered by a small diesel engine but no radio control. Having missed a kit on ebay about a couple of years ago, I managed to buy a copy of the plans and instruction booklet together with templates for the bulkheads, keel etc. These I have stuck to stiff card ready to mark out onto liteply. The original used ordinary ply, but I think liteply will offer some advantage, especially in ease of cutting out the pieces. I will be using a brushless motor and Lipo battery and I WILL be including radio control this time
I am aware that the Adamcraft is not a true scale model, only one prop and the motor in the cabin not the rear well, but my object is to construct a replica of my first model. There will be a short delay now until I can arrange to go to Heybridge to Balsa Cabin to buy the wood.
hi Barrie.......if you want any tips or just pics to look at as progress goes on I built one of the same from scratch a couple of years ago from Model Boats plans and put the thread on here........ it's not the white and yellow boat in the first few shots, but the boat that was her predecessor and followed the pica in the build log.
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Fri May 31, 2013 8:26 am
Thanks Neil, I followed your build and will be looking at it for tips. In particular I'm not too sure where I can fit the rudder servo at the moment as the original didn't allow for such things!
I rather think though that the Adamcraft was a very simplified version unlike the MB plans.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
I went to the seaside (almost) on Tuesday and bought my wood. Also had a look at the boating lake at Maldon whilst there - very nice but its salt water, and also quite a long drive for me. I have stared cutting out the bulkheads and keel and in doing so realised that the templates I purchased are not quite as accurate as they may be I feel quite a lot of fettling coming on The photo shows the bulkheads in 4 mm liteply, the keel is in 6 mm. Just waiting for my prop shaft to come from MBB as I think I may need to adjust the angle slightly.
good to see movement Barrie............I like these boats..........must get my daughter's out for a sail as the weather is so nice.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:03 am
nhp651 wrote:
good to see movement Barrie............I like these boats..........must get my daughter's out for a sail as the weather is so nice.
I was wondering if it ever got on the water
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:25 pm
My prop shaft and P frame arrived this morning allowing me to lay out the keel components. I have started making the rudder.
I also completed the assembly of the keel - this is one side.
I now have to decide how to build. Adamcraft supplied stocks which I don't have. I think it is possible to build them from the keel drawing, otherwise it will have to be a traditional building board. That's a problem for another day - the sun is going to shine again tomorrow so its off for a sail
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:54 pm
barriew wrote:
nhp651 wrote:
good to see movement Barrie............I like these boats..........must get my daughter's out for a sail as the weather is so nice.
I was wondering if it ever got on the water
once or twice Barrie.........but like all fast electrics, I can't cope with modern technology and keep blowing fuses..........it spends more time drifting to the side of the lake than actual sailing.......and then the daughter gets bored and wanders off, lol..........so it gets shoved back on top of the wardrobe for another few months, lol.
I even took it on holiday to scotland with us last year but when it came to sail it the batteries were flat and I had forgotten a charger..........my usual organisational skils,
intrepid75 Master
Posts : 271 Join date : 2011-06-11 Age : 68 Location : Bristol, West country
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:40 am
Looking forward to watching this progress Barrie. Always liked Seaplane Tenders but one of those I haven't got round to build yet. Some day............
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
At last, domestic chores finished and managed to get back to building today!
All the bulkheads are now cut out and the various notches cut in them. I have also made a building stocks as this is how the Adamcraft was built. Not having details of this, its my interpretation based on some photos in the build instructions, but of course no dimensions. It seems to work OK, and using this I have adjusted the bulkheads. I did actually remake one which appeared to me to be wrong. I got the slot for the transom wrong and still need to adjust that.
The stocks are now screwed down to a solid board. Next job, after the transom, is to fix the bulkheads to the keel. I will use Aliphatic Resin rather than the Cascamite we used on the original
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:24 pm
After gluing the bulkheads I was able to check the alignment of the chines and found them out, so had to remake another two bulkheads. Also what Adamcraft call the bow hook was obviously wrong, so that has been remade to a 'fuller' shape;)
All now glued again and waiting for it to set hard before starting on the stringers for the chines and gunwhales.
Whilst waiting I soldered up the rudder I had made earlier.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
The chine stringers are now installed, glued and pinned but not without having to make more adjustments to the bulwarks. I am thinking that I might use balsa blocks for the very sharp bit at the bows. The stringers are spruce and pretty stiff even after a good soak in hot water. Also its not quite clear how the gunwhale stringer goes at the bow, so I think it will be easier to use blocks and carve it.
Both sets of stringers are now glued in place. After failing to buy some balsa blocks today, I have decided to stick to the plans and run the skins right up to the bow. This means sorting out the stringers and then sanding everything into line before fitting the skins. These will be 1/32nd ply.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Started skining today and it went better than I expected First photo shows two side skins in place and the second is with the first bottom skin fixed and waiting for the glue to set hard. Tomorrow I will finish trimming the pieces already fixed, then fix the final one.
I had a slight set back today. Before starting to fix the sides I decided to open out the hole for the prop shaft and check where the motor would go. However, the shaft I had bought was too long - the motor would have been up at cabin roof level I measured from the plan but was way out so had to ring Steve at Model Boat Bits and order a new one I wont have it until Friday as he is very busy he tells me (which is good news not only for him I think)
I plan to use resin inside to waterproof and strengthen the hull, the outside will be covered with aircraft tissue using Eze Kote.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
I fitted the final skin today and trimmed the others. On Thursday I hope to finish trimming the skins, then apply some resin to the interior. Whilst waiting for the glue to dry I fired up my old laptop to cut some vinyl numbers and window frames. I also made some RAF roundels, although I am not too happy with those.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:10 am
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:51 am
nice fit there barrie......
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Re: Adamcraft Seaplane Tender ST206 Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:56 am
Thanks. I'm quite pleased with it so far - surprised even - as wood is not my favourite modelling medium. Never seem to be able to cut straight
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Not a lot to show for today's efforts. Last night I trimmed the final skin and found a slight gap between the side and bottom skin, so I filled it from the inside with P40. I also strengthened the joint between the skin and keel in that area which will be inaccessible when the deck is fitted. I also used some filler to strengthen the joint between the side skin and gunwhale stringer along the hull.
This morning after some sanding I applied some resin to the whole of the inside paying particular attention to the joints between skin and keel and stringers. I also fitted a false transom to cover up some unsightly joints.
Next I fitted the chine stringer to hull on both sides. After the glue had set I gave the outside of the hull a coat of Eze Kote resin. I was going to use aircraft tissue on the outside, but think its probably strong enough without.
I also converted the stocks to a stand - waste not want not:D:P
Whilst checking the position and size of the numbers etc. I found this picture - it shows what I suspected, the Adamcraft hull is not really very accurate - compare the two views - ST206 original and my hull.
davidjt Forum Sponsor
Posts : 534 Join date : 2013-01-08 Age : 72 Location : n wales coast
do you mean the curvature towards the deck, not much you can do apart from redoing new frames , big job though. if you can live with it leave it be still looks good. don't think I would have noticed only for you saying. would make the chine hard to shape plenty of steaming to get it like that.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
I am not bothered at all by the difference - I set out to build a replica of the Adamcraft model, not an accurate model of an ST206. I don't think you could get that shape unless you double diagonal planked it as Neil did with his Flying Christine I think.
I knew the Adamcraft wasn't very accurate, I was just surprised how much the hull shape differed. I also suspect the ratio of hull length to beam is out as well. The 206 looks much slimmer.
intrepid75 Master
Posts : 271 Join date : 2011-06-11 Age : 68 Location : Bristol, West country
I'm going to have to change the title of this build log.Discovered today that the Adamcraft was modeled on the later version of the Sea Plane tender which was longer and maybe broader than the 200 series!
Not much done today - looking after Grandson instead.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Well, my new prop shaft hasn't arrived yet:( , so I have been cutting out some of the cabin and wheelhouse components. I can't really start fitting them yet as I want as clear a hull as possible when I mount the motor etc.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
I've been checking your build of the working Flying Christine but can't see how you made access to the steering servo. Did you just seal it up and hope for the best?
No Matey..........although I put the transom deck on I left access to the servo through the back bulkhead with a false front on it..........with just enough movement of the fixing bracket for the servo to allow the servo to be removed through that hole........the deck covers half the hole and the panel also keeps the two part deck from riding up and twisting........if you still unsure I can take some photos of the thing tomorrow.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
If it's not too much problem I would appreciate a couple of photos. Looking again at your build the stern is not quite the same as mine as Flying Christine was a 200 series boat and mine is a 400, but maybe it will give me an idea
My prop shaft arrived today an also some collets to make the tiller for the rudder I made earlier. The propshaft has been installed, and the rudder temporarily tacked in place. Next job is to make a mount for the motor - a brushless one. I need some more spruce strip to finish the hull which I can get from Harlow - not quite as far as Maldon I should be able to go there on Friday.
From that angle the rudder looks to be too low - hope its not
I am feeling very angry tonight. I decided to go to Harlow - about 20 miles away - to the nearest model shop. I checked online for their hours and that they had what I wanted. When I got there they were closed. A guy from a neighbouring unit said they had gone to show
You would have thought they could have noted this on their web site. They had listed the shows they planned to attend, but not that it would mean they were closed for two days before
Ah well, back to the internet, although I can't really order 4 x 36" lengths of 15/16th square spruce - it would probably arrive as 6 inch pieces
RR - Thanks but I don't think its worth sending for two strips at 60p each - the postage would cost more than the wood, but I have bought from them at Leamington.
A better day today after yesterday's frustrations
I finalised the motor installation and the wiring. The motor mount will be removable easily should I need to withdraw the propshaft. Not having any alli sheet, I used a motor mount to mount the on-off switch I have not made a battery box or fixed the ESC yet as I am not sure if I will use a 2S or 3S LiPo. The steering servo has been fixed and the linkages made. I will make a removable panel at the rear of the cockpit which will enable me to access the rudder to remove it. Should the servo fail, I will cut a hole in the rear deck and make a hatch
I also fitted the deck stringers and the beam at the rear of the cockpit. Just about ready for trimming and fitting the deck.
Footski Master
Posts : 548 Join date : 2011-06-11 Age : 66 Location : Malaga, Spain
Today I fitted the decks - not without a problem or two. The templates were wrong again and this time I didn't check properly before I cut the ply However I think I have rescued things, although some filling will be required. As the decks are to be painted this isn't too much of a problem.
I also started to fit the cabin and cockpit sides, and these have been given several coats of sanding sealer ready for fixing when the deck is finished.
Kenny - I don't think so - its a miniature servo, and if there are any problems I'll correct them with the ballast. This model is made in liteply, so is much lighter than the original and so will almost certainly need some ballast.
Tug--Kenny Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P
Posts : 284 Join date : 2011-06-11 Age : 82 Location : Newport, South Wales,UK
The hull is now ready for painting. I have added the toe rails and created a hatch over the rudder & servo. I had to do this I turned the hull upside down and the servo/rudder links fell out I couldn't get them back without the hatch. Of course I should have made the links so they wouldn't fall out, but heyho Ready for hull painting now before I tackle the superstructure. Most of that is made and is ready to start fixing. I will not be fixing wood gunwhale rubbers as I am not prepared to go to Harlow again - I plan to make use of some foam rubber D section that I have.
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Subject: Renamed 440 Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:14 pm
I have been painting the last few days - ready now for boot topping and rubbing strip. I have also cut some new numbers - 440 instead of 206 - and ordered some vinyl so I can complete the roundels. I had to guess the water line as there is no indication on the drawing, so went by what looked to be the line on photos of the actual 440.
barriew Captain (moderator)
Posts : 2631 Join date : 2011-11-26 Age : 83 Location : Thaxted, Essex
Today I fitted the gunwhale rubbers using D section foam. I also painted the boot topping, although it somehow doesn't look right . I'll have to see what happens when it goes in the water. There is a little touching up to do before then.
I have started assembling the superstructure using the parts I prepared earlier. Next job is the main cabin roof and a floor for the cockpit. I think the Adamcraft had benches all round the cockpit as it didn't have the two engine casings.
It wont let me upload photos tonight - I'll try again later.