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 stops and starts.

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stops and starts. Empty
PostSubject: stops and starts.   stops and starts. EmptyThu Oct 18, 2012 3:36 am

Went sailing today Jo's tug was fine but my sub chaser would run for a few seconds then stop for a few operating the rudder made it worse the batteries were all charged a few days ago it hasn't been used since February and all was ok then.
Any ideas welcome?
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Age : 66
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stops and starts. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stops and starts.   stops and starts. EmptyThu Oct 18, 2012 7:34 am

Sounds like it could be a loose electrical connection, interrupting the power. If the wires are moving when on the water that could explain it...
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stops and starts. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stops and starts.   stops and starts. EmptyThu Oct 18, 2012 8:33 am

You might be right Barry after posting this I unload the trailor and put the batteries back in and it ran perfectly.
At the lake we took turns with the seaport tug for 20mins until a wind change turned beautiful clean water in to a weed clogged mess in 5 minutes at least I know not to bother when it's blowing from the west.
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stops and starts. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stops and starts.   stops and starts. EmptySat Jan 05, 2013 9:08 am

Here we go again checked the electrics yesterday headed to the lake set her up turned on and took a 50metre walk to check range everything perfect, placed her in the water & returned to the transmitter upon applying power it moved about a metre and stopped I was able to catch it with the Tx antenna back in it's cradle on land the damn thing worked fine.
Perhaps I'll try a different Radio gear.

meanwhile Jo got about 20mins great sailing before her tug got a kort full of green weed, fortunately last week I made a 3 prong hook for the mini collapsible rod and reel I bought some time ago for retrieval purposes.
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