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 Welcome Barriew

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Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 7:02 pm

Hi, and welcome to you.

draw up a chair and tell us about yourself...what you like, but from other forums, I can hazzard a guess.

glad you joined the site.

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Posts : 96
Join date : 2011-06-26
Age : 61
Location : Cornwall

Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 7:34 pm

Hello Barriew, and welcome to the forum Very Happy
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phil winks
phil winks

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Age : 68
Location : Taunton

Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 9:20 pm

A big warm RCMB welcome Barriew I trust you will enjoy your time on this forum
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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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Age : 84
Location : Thaxted, Essex

Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 7:50 pm

Hi - apologies for the delay in "signing in " here - I've been enjoying myself ( Laughing Laughing ) at the MPBA NEC and AGM meetings today as I am their Webmaster.
I've been modelling for quite a few years now - since just before I retired in fact. I decided I needed something to keep me occupied, and so I returned to model boats - something I left when I was about 17!

I model scale models to my satisfaction, not to competition standards. Building is more important than sailing, although I am now a member of Cambridge Model Boat Club, having relocated from Derbyshire to NW Essex ( a bit of a dessert as far as model boating is concerned). Just recently I have been experimenting with brushless motors in some RAF launches that I have - I think I am getting a taste for speed Very Happy

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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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Age : 84
Location : Thaxted, Essex

Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 8:42 am

To continue (the excitement was too much last night Very Happy ) the last model I built was a new kit of the Vosper RTTL - I understand this is a re-kit of the old Veron model. Waiting to be started are a Mobile Marine Models Damen Stan 1605 hull, an airboat - a bit of a craze at our club just now - and I also started building a small tug - Tiddler - but got a bit hung up trying to fit the bulwarks. I also have the plans and templates for the Adamcraft Seaplane Tender. This is the first model I made with my father back in the '50s. It was in fact this which drew me to this forum to follow Neil's build of the Guernsey Ambulance Boat. I was going to attempt to scratch build mine, but seeing that a kit may become available I will wait to see what develops. Before any of this however I have to make a musical box for my Grandson Smile

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Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 8:56 am

Hi Barrie..........

it will be a semi kit really..........either the wooden parts to build the hull and cabin ( from what Steve has told me) or a grp hull and cabin with wooden parts for deck, beams and bulkheads, ( I just supplied him with the moulds and templates for both methods plus the ready available plans from My hobby store).................believe it or not....all the fittings I have bought as readily available items from they are so readily available...............why spend hours making and moulding stuff when, for pence really, you can buy it has been a nice simple model to build and I have ( apart from the masts which were silver soldered) enjoyed not having to make fittings.

Hope you enjoy yours when you get round to building it.

cheers, neil
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phil winks
phil winks

Posts : 583
Join date : 2011-06-12
Age : 68
Location : Taunton

Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew EmptyTue Nov 29, 2011 6:07 pm

thats a very interesting assortment of vessels Barrie and I for 1 look forward to seeing the odd picture of your fleet.

I to am experimenting with brushless motors in vessels where they might not be expected using the brushless experience I gained while flying model aircraft,

The current very slow build is the lady sarah II detailed on here in the build blog section
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Welcome Barriew Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome Barriew   Welcome Barriew Empty

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Welcome Barriew
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