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 Display of Models

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 4:21 am

Our local community house had a garage sale sausage sizzle to raise funds.
I asked to display some model to try to get some interest, pictures were taken and posted on the community web page, the pic's are better quality than I can produce.

Display of Models CHdisplay

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It was a great day everyone liked the models and wanted to know how many hours it took to make each one.
Unfortunately no interest was shown in building or sailing quite disappointing really.
One 9yo said I want that one being the Seaport Tug not impressed when I said not for sale he came back a few minutes later with mum & dad who said if jnr wants it he can have it lol it took many NO's until it sank in and all three left disgruntled, perhaps I should have asked several hundred dollars.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 11:22 am

Nice display. I expect you feel proud. cheers

I was at my boat clubs sail on the lake yesterday and found that I was getting more interest from the folks walking with their families than the other members. It was nice to talk with strangers and show my enthusiasm and felt I was sharing the hobby. Maybe their children will pick up on this and maybe one day , have a go their selves.


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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 11:42 am

Thanks Ken,
That's what we hope for getting through to youngsters and their parents.
Hobbies of any type are a dying breed with youngsters these day electronic gadgets over run everything.
I've had A4 posters seeking interest posted all over Ballarat for nearly a month with not one call or email, rather discouraging.
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Location : Liverpool

Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 6:13 pm

Hi Damien

You are right about kids having electronic everythings. That dad you mentioned would have been more sensible to have told his nine year old that he could only have a tug if they built one together. I think kids with hobbies learn to share and interact with others in a way that is far less self centred than in other areas of life and there are skills to learn that have an end product too. Give a kid something (anything) to have a sense of achiement about and they will carry it into other areas of their life. Anyway keep trying - maybe the local school would be interested in a talk (lessons like science woodwork metalwork - even researching the history for a project).

Regards, Norseman
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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 8:06 pm

Hi mate nice pics and models there.Its nice to see what you look like finally lol
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 10:16 pm

Like that SC110 Damien

Cpt Jack said nice to see what you look like affraid Ill send you some razors Very Happy

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 10:26 pm

Yeah that's me Chris, don't fret Alan my missus cut my hair what there is of it and trimmed my beard to around 3/4" last Saturday
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 6:58 am

Quite right, we only accept, smart looking individuals on here!!!!!!! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 7:34 am

Ooooops sometimes I think I lack a few smarts the senior moments are increasing and I'm not senior yet just decrepit bodied boohoo lol
Besides I think this forum needs a GREY BEARD
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 9:48 am

Have you seen the state of the Admin team........grey beards to a man!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Well except me of course..... Laughing Laughing
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 9:54 am

Time to join the group Barry lol
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyTue Nov 01, 2011 3:36 pm

I'm jealous cos I would love a beard or even a moustache - I've never been able to manage either properly Sad . My avatar sports a nice moustache though ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so does the wife clown only kidding.

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 12:20 am

Don't be jealous mate until I was 42 apart from head hair I had almost no body hair I had a straggly moustache that got trimmed 6 monthly they they found a pituitary tumour and all hell broke loose it wasn't until hormone replacement including testosterone that I grew face hair I hate shaving I only shave my moustache because I use a CPAP machine for sleep apnoea.
I wish I hadn't had a fear of needles from childhood as the tumour may have been found 20 years earlier.
On the other hand I believe we choose our life experience before we are conceived, that's my spiritualist view. Others will differ I'm sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 3:20 am


Well spiritualism is getting a long way from this thread - but if you want to start a thread on it - I'd be happy to have an interesting chat. Meanwhile I'll try to figure out whether to blame the egg or the sperm for choosing this life experience pre conception? Conception ........ now there's a word I don't come across very often.

Regards Norseman
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 12:27 pm

Full screen cropped the picture badly so I clicked on fit, it made it full height but not full width might change it the sails are a bit glarey.
Better do it tonight as I won't remember how to do it tomorrow.
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Posts : 219
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Location : Liverpool

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PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 6:33 pm

Hi Damien

Your replying in a different thread mate - but I know what you mean. I thought the sails would be a problem and the image shape. Best to start with an image that suits the screen and has a little area that might be cropped. I also like clear areas to each side so icons don't spoil the image. At least the basic problem is solved .....Yes?

Regards Norseman
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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyWed Nov 02, 2011 8:23 pm

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Display of Models Empty
PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 9:22 pm

I think we should have a thread where we can post a pic of ourselves so that other members can see what we look like I'll start one off, lol.

Nice boats Damien......should have told him a grand and a case of Toohey's.

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PostSubject: Re: Display of Models   Display of Models Empty

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