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uncle albert
Deck Hand
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uncle albert

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Join date : 2011-07-20

Motors Empty
PostSubject: Motors   Motors EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 9:07 pm

Anyone recommend an alternative motor equivilent to a Graupner 600bb 9.6v

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Motors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motors   Motors EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 10:43 pm

Some suggestions as to other 600 type motors or motors with similar statistics. (not necessarily case size or direct drive, some have gear boxes)

Graupner Speed 600 7.2V (1793)

Graupner Speed 600 8.4V (3301)

Graupner Speed 600BB Turbo 12V (3302)

Graupner Speed 600 ECO 7.2V (3323)

Robbe Power 600/24

If you have deep pockets.

Mobile Marines T12

Marx Decaperm Motor 2.75:1 6V

Marx Decaperm Motor 2.75:1 12V

I should ask what use is the motor for?; as this will enable people to suggest motors more suited to the needs of the model.


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uncle albert
Deck Hand
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uncle albert

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-07-20

Motors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motors   Motors EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 9:46 am

The motors are for the Graupner Bremen 9 Police Boat was going to go with a 12v but think a 9.6v might be better
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Join date : 2011-06-10

Motors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motors   Motors EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 12:25 pm

The Graupner 600bb 9.6v maybe the best solution for that boat, will give a reasonable speed getting on a reasonable plane, but run time will be its downfall, i'm estimating between 20-35 mins of run time using a larger Mha capacity battery.
It might be worth looking at using the 12v version off a LA, i expect will give up upwards of an hour depending on amp draw under load, all subject to prop size.

It may even be worth looking into the larger 700-900 size motors given the boats size, being 1m long its quite a boat, 600 will move it but i think the larger 700-900 sizes may be better for its running ability's. (not run time)

However after saying that the recommended motor setup for that boat is the Graupner 600BB 12V. but as normal some trial and error is needed with some boats to get the performance you require, prop size/pitch, motor size, battery voltage all come into play, a balanced setup is always the best so compromises sometimes have to be made.


I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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uncle albert
Deck Hand
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uncle albert

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Join date : 2011-07-20

Motors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Motors   Motors EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 2:58 pm

R.R. Thanks for that,the props are 30s reading through the build intructions the prefered motors are 9.6v the graupners are quite expensive so i was just wondering if there was generic equivilent to the graupners,i think its a nippy little boat with putting a 12v in i was just a little concerned what it would be like on the plane.

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