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 My new project - a cobbled together tug

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Captain (moderator)
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My new project - a cobbled together tug Empty
PostSubject: My new project - a cobbled together tug   My new project - a cobbled together tug EmptyTue Nov 15, 2022 2:28 pm

I have started to try and make something of the remaining parts of the Fraser River tug. After carefully trying to sort out what I have got, I have decided I am probably missing some piece, and have other which are not part of this model!!!!
My plans are to try and build the superstructure. If that works out satisfactorily, then and only then will I buy a suitable hull.

Here is where I've got to.

My new project - a cobbled together tug Img_2399 My new project - a cobbled together tug Img_2400
My new project - a cobbled together tug Img_2401

I'm not too happy with the front windows - I may have to re-make if it comes up to a reasonable standard. 
The windows forward of the doors were not laser cut - I had to cut these myself.

Remember there is no plan just some photos.

Martin555, JoJoElbe and Full Ahead like this post

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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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My new project - a cobbled together tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: My new project - a cobbled together tug   My new project - a cobbled together tug EmptySat Nov 26, 2022 9:05 am

This project is now on hold. It's got too cold for the workshop without using the heater and I'm trying to save the planet (my electricity bill actually). Don't know how long I can manage without a bit of modelling lol! So I've bought another plastic model car kit which I can build on my desk.


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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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My new project - a cobbled together tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: My new project - a cobbled together tug   My new project - a cobbled together tug EmptySat Nov 26, 2022 6:22 pm

Hi Barrie,
I know what you are saying about the cost of heating your shipyard.
Well you be doing a build log on your plastic model car ?
What model car will you be building ?

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My new project - a cobbled together tug
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