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 New to both boats and radio control

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to both boats and radio control Empty
PostSubject: New to both boats and radio control   New to both boats and radio control EmptyThu Nov 03, 2022 5:15 pm

I am an active railway modeller, but ever since 60+ years ago when my neighbour has a radio controller RAF tender I have always fancied having a radio controlled boat

We moved house 6 years ago and in a local park (5 miles away) there is a large boating lake. This year when the family asked what I wanted for my birthday my reply was a radio controlled yacht. Other activities take up my modelling time so it was a case of a ready to use boat. Well after several hours its now ready to sail but I can see a few questions, 

Mainly being a 1 meter class removing the sails and mast will make it easier to transport and store, the cleats supplied are cheap and not very user friendly so I am up for some advice, my local R/C shop is more into planes and cars so a supplier of R/C yacht parts is required, plus any advice will be well received

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New to both boats and radio control Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to both boats and radio control   New to both boats and radio control EmptyThu Nov 03, 2022 6:00 pm

There's plenty about on the internet but local? Depends where you are. 

Is the Hayfield monicker a clue?

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to both boats and radio control Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to both boats and radio control   New to both boats and radio control EmptyFri Nov 04, 2022 8:02 am

vigo wrote:
There's plenty about on the internet but local? Depends where you are. 

Is the Hayfield monicker a clue?


Simply a log on name I used on one site I started to use and it is part of the street name where I lived

As for what I am calling cleats looks nothing like those when I do a quick search, I appreciate the yacht I have bought is made to a price and these seem to be a bit of a pain to clip on and off

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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New to both boats and radio control Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to both boats and radio control   New to both boats and radio control EmptySun Nov 06, 2022 1:00 pm

Hayfield wrote:
I am an active railway modeller, but ever since 60+ years ago when my neighbour has a radio controller RAF tender I have always fancied having a radio controlled boat

We moved house 6 years ago and in a local park (5 miles away) there is a large boating lake. This year when the family asked what I wanted for my birthday my reply was a radio controlled yacht. Other activities take up my modelling time so it was a case of a ready to use boat. Well after several hours its now ready to sail but I can see a few questions, 

Mainly being a 1 meter class removing the sails and mast will make it easier to transport and store, the cleats supplied are cheap and not very user friendly so I am up for some advice, my local R/C shop is more into planes and cars so a supplier of R/C yacht parts is required, plus any advice will be well received
Hi Hayfield.
Firstly I would like to welcome you to this site.

Unfortunately I do not know much about sail boats but I have been model making for many many years (RC and Static) and if I can help then I will do my best to help.

Could you post some photos to show us what you are looking for.

Here is a link that shows you how to post photos to this site.

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