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 Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2022 1:20 pm

As I mentioned in the HMS Vigo thread earlier, it's time to look to the next build.

Trawling the net, looking for inspiration I came across this:
Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Model-cargo-ship-plans-geroy
A Polish freighter called Wejherewo and I liked it. I've no idea why, maybe it's the simplicity and utilitairian-ness but it looks interesting and there are some rudimentary plans for it available free on the net. That helps and it's my kind of pricing structure Cool

A bit more research brought up this. A Russian freighter named Героѝ (Geroy), which I'm reliably informed by my Russian work colleague means Hero.
Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Geroy
and I liked it even more, possibly because I liked the colour scheme more than simple grey.

Further research revealed it to be the same ship, under a new name and a different owner.  
It was built in 1974 in Gdansk, Poland and is 106.4m long. In my preferred N gauge (roughly 1/144 scale) this will make the model about 640mm long.

Drawings have been done, materials sourced and the various bit boxes raided. The first cuts have been made and the build has begun.

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221004-1

I'm aiming for a bit longer than 47 days for this one.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2022 2:20 pm

Great stuff Vigo.
Will you be fitting the forward crane as in the first photo or are you building her as the second photo.
It looks like you are off to a great start already
Keep up the good work.

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyThu Oct 06, 2022 11:31 am

A bit more cutting and sanding....

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221006-1

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyThu Oct 06, 2022 12:44 pm

Hi Vigo,

You are not hanging about on this build LOL!!
You will have to slow down or you will have to buy a bigger house to put all your models in LOL!!.
Nice work though.

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySat Oct 08, 2022 1:36 pm

So more smoke making and sanding and I have this.

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221008-1

I think I'll leave this bit for now and concentrate on building the hull, after all it's supposed to be an important part Rolling Eyes

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySat Oct 08, 2022 2:26 pm

Hi Vigo,


I think the smoke making is generated by the speed you are building at LOL!!
Great work.

Do you have your own laser cutter and design software ?

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySat Oct 08, 2022 3:57 pm

I use Turbocad for my drawings, coupled with photoshop and I have a simple 3018 laser cutter powered by Lightburn laser cutting software, which I find more than adequate for my needs.
Some people may think that using technology like this takes the skill out of model making but I disagree. CAD and lasers have proved to be an immense learning curve (and I'm still learning). If nothing else, it makes boring repetitive tasks easy and cutting straight lines is a doddle.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySat Oct 08, 2022 4:09 pm

Hi Vigo,

You using that laser cutter and software is no different to making a normal wood kit as that is also laser cut nowadays.
I remember the days when I had money and could afford to purchase kit's they were just ink printed and had to be cut out by hand.

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySun Oct 16, 2022 9:44 pm

I know I said I'd be doing the hull but I got distracted.

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221016-1

Definitely hull next.

BTW, the ship's been sold and renamed. As in real life she's now Russian flagged and going under the name ЛЕОНИД ГОЛОДКИН, registered in ЧУКОТКА.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyMon Oct 17, 2022 11:43 am

Hi Vigo,
You naughty boy LOL!!
She is definitely looking good.
Well done.

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyMon Oct 24, 2022 1:17 pm

The hull cladding is currently cutting so it will be done soon but in the meantime...

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221023-1

I can't help myself sometimes. I just don't like doing the boring stuff Rolling Eyes

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyMon Oct 24, 2022 5:45 pm

busy boy Vigo.
Eventually you are going to have to do the boring bit.
I try to get the boring bit done and out of the way as soon as I can.
I must admit you are doing a great job on this ship.
Well done.
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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyThu Nov 03, 2022 11:09 am

So as promised, the hull. It's going well so far but in the time honoured tradition of model makers, I've run out of materials.

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221103-1
This side is almost finished and the other is about ⅔ done. 
New materials should be here soon but there's no rush, I'm back to work tomorrow and I have a kitchen floor to finish yet (that's looking good too).

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221101-1

Edit: On a side note, it's a shame Barrie locked his Aylsham thread, I was about to comment on how good the finished article looked.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptySun Nov 06, 2022 1:10 pm

Hi Vigo,

That Hull is great, you certainly don't hang about with your builds so waiting for materials to arrive must really annoy you.
It seems that slowing down is not what you do LOL!!!

I too was going to post a comment to Barriew log.
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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyMon Nov 07, 2022 8:11 am

The stuff arrived about an hour after I posted the last message so once the kitchen floor was finished I cracked on. The hull is now finished, save a tidge of finish fitting and it's amazing what a splash of colour can do.

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221107-1

Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) 20221107-2

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) EmptyMon Nov 07, 2022 8:18 am

Hi Vigo,

Great work.
She is the type of model you don't see made very often.
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Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russian freighter Героѝ - 1/144 scale(ish)   Russian freighter Героѝ  - 1/144 scale(ish) Empty

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