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 Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted

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Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted Empty
PostSubject: Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted   Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted EmptyThu Jun 09, 2022 6:01 pm

I've just acquired a Fraser River Tug kit from Ebay which is complete as far as I can tell, however there are no instructions Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted Undecided1

Has anyone built this kit - and if so could you let me have a copy of the instructions?

Any costs reimbursed or willing to buy.



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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

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Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted   Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted EmptyFri Aug 19, 2022 6:24 pm

Hi Barriew,

It look like you can only get instructions PDF if you purchase a kit new as in this advert.

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Fraser River Tug kit - instructions wanted
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