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 New Maquettes Asterix II

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Fred 1948
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyThu Jan 13, 2022 6:35 pm

After a lot of time trying to decide whether or not I wanted to build a new model, and if so what sort of model, I decided on a kit, and have just received this one

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2228

At first glance this is a quality kit. All the frames are cut out ready - not lasered or die cut. The timber looks to be good quality. The instructions are in French, which will be an extra challenge, but luckily my Daughter is fluent in the language - although I'm not sure that includes nautical terms lol!

More information when I get started.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Jan 14, 2022 8:58 am

Hi Barriew

Looking forward to this build.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Jan 14, 2022 1:00 pm

Well, no building yet, but I have managed to translate the instructions using some free Internet resources. I scanned the French instructions to PDF, used on online (FREE) French OCR programme, then used Google translate to translate the French to English. It worked remarkably well. There are a few words it didn't handle, and some boat terms are probably not quite right, but its easier than struggling with the French.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySat Jan 15, 2022 8:14 am

Good start Barrie - nice to be able to read the instructions -you should enjoy it. If there are no burn marks the parts are probably spindle cut on a cnc router.
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySat Jan 15, 2022 11:33 am

I've made a start Shocked Rolling Eyes First job is to glue the prop tube into the keel. Now waiting for the glue to dry. The lower part o the keel is slightly warped so care will be needed to ensure the hull is straight.


New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2229
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySun Jan 16, 2022 5:14 pm

Major Problem Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked The keel has stuck well, so I started to put together the pieces for the next phase - formers, and construction of the forward section of the hull. 
I should say that the construction method is rather different to the norm, The hull is initially constructed in two parts.
There are pieces missing from the forward part of the hull - unfortunately they do not show on the plan, so I cannot make them from my stock. They are only pieces of ply, but with no dimensions I am stuck.

I have emailed CMB, so no more progress until I hear from them.

Back to plastic cars 2thumbsup

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Jan 17, 2022 7:42 pm

Revenge for Waterloo! seriously that's poor their fittings are top notch I'm surprised their quality control doesn't match.
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Jan 19, 2022 4:51 pm

Well, the good news is that I do have the pieces.  2thumbsup
They were included with a pack of assorted rectangular bits of ply - no identification on any of them, and the parts not dimensioned on the sketch showing their installation bounce bounce bounce bounce 
At least New Maquettes got back to CMB quickly. I just have to work out where the other pieces fit Shocked

I have started a plastic car, so will have to get that to a point where I can leave it before continuing with Asterix.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Jan 24, 2022 6:32 pm

I've not felt much like modelling recently for various reasons, but this morning I got the plastic car to a point where I can leave it, and then turned to Asterix. 
I spent some time dry assembling the formers to the hull to try to understand how they went together. Everything is made from 3 mm ply. It very stiff, which is good for the keel and formers, but not so good for the sides which have to be curved to fit the hull Rolling Eyes
The bottom of the hull is planked with 3mm x 10mm planks for about two thirds of the length where it is flat. The remainder is made from the ply, with  a resin moulding at the bow.

I need to think if I can make this work.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Jan 24, 2022 7:56 pm

You can do it Barrie no Frenchie boat can defeat an Englishman!   Very Happy
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Jan 24, 2022 8:00 pm

I'm considering not using the supplied cladding material and using either 0.8mm ply or 2 mm Liteply. 

Watch this space - but don't hold your breath lol! lol! lol!

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Jan 24, 2022 8:07 pm

I've just got through Trafalgar audio book I'm feeling quite patriotic. You've got the tools and talent go slow it'll be easy once you get into it.
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Jan 28, 2022 6:32 pm

I had a call from CMB this afternoon to say they had received a replacement set of parts from New Maquettes 2thumbsup 2thumbsup. I did actually tell them that I had found the parts Rolling Eyes. However very good service.
I have been considering my options for building this kit. 
One of my problems is that to use the supplied 3mm ply parts I will need to steam them. I have no facilities for doing that in my workshop, and anyway would not like to fill it with steam in this weather. So, some options :-

1. leave the building until better weather, then get hold of a camping stove so I can steam outside.
2. Replace the 3mm ply with 0.8 mm birch ply. This will need me to modify the formers to take chine stringers.
3. Put it on Ebay lol! lol!

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Feb 07, 2022 10:42 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2230

I have made a start Rolling Eyes My plan is to build until I need to steam the 3mm ply, then leave it until the better weather.
These are the forward two bulkheads which attach to the front keel piece. I am not sure of the purpose of the two angled pieces. There was no indication of the exact angle, so I hope this is correct. Shocked
I have also marked the position of the other formers on the remainder of the keel. I need to cut a piece of wood for a baseboard and then can start assembling the remaining formers.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Feb 09, 2022 1:17 pm

I am really struggling with this build Shocked All the formers were pre-cut, including the slots for the keel. However for some of them, if I fit them to the keel to the full depth of the cut, then the deck will not be level Rolling Eyes bounce Shocked as you can see on the right hand former in this photo.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2231

You will also notice the other one in this photo only just touches the upper part of the keel Rolling Eyes

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2232

In this photo the 3 right hand formers are glued.

I have completed assembly of the forward part of the keel, including the two resin blocks.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2233

I have also drilled a 2mm pilot hole for the rudder tube. I did this so I could use my drill press before I attached the formers. The tube is 3.7mm diameter and the keel is 4.5mm thick - no mention of doublers, but I will be adding some before opening out the hole Thumbup Interestingly, the rudder post supplied is threaded steel rod Shocked. I will be replacing it with brass.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyThu Feb 10, 2022 10:51 am

I decided the former must be wrong, so I have installed it as I think it should be Shocked I have also installed the transom, except it isn't! The slot in that was not deep enough, so I enlarged it. The true transom is still to be fitted at a later stage.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2234

On first attempt, the front section doesn't match up with the former positions on the keel - I need to check my measurements Rolling Eyes

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2235

Reading the instructions again, they say to fit the 3mm hull side panels first, then plank the bottom. I had planned to do the planking first, and I think I will do so.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 11, 2022 10:55 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2236

I joined the two parts of the keel and fitted the final former. The position of the formers doesn't match the plan, but that's the only way it would go. Rolling Eyes Maybe it will cause problems later, but we'll see Shocked
This is a very awkward shape to work on - you can't turn it over, so holding in the vice is the only option at the moment. The next steps are to fit some side decks, and the actual transom. I hope the decks will add some strength, and I will also see if it is possible to add some strength to the join between the two parts of the keel.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySat Feb 12, 2022 11:09 am

The keel has a twist Shocked bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
I thought that may be the case, but it is shown on this photo

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2237

As shown by the two decks, the former is twisted to the left in the photo. I hope this will be corrected when I glue the decks to the former Rolling Eyes


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySun Feb 13, 2022 4:58 pm

You don't get many breaks with your choice of kits do you? I can feel the frustration with every post. Very Happy
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySun Feb 13, 2022 5:55 pm

Swab wrote:
You don't get many breaks with your choice of kits do you? I can feel the frustration with every post. Very Happy
No I don't. If I build another it will be mainly scratch built, though preferably with a ready made hull. I have two in mind.

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Fred 1948
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Feb 14, 2022 5:32 am

Hi Barriew

You are so right with what you say about kit's, I only have two left to build and I am not looking forward to building them.

I now only try and build with a ready made hull, but I have found that even with the template kit that some come with you can still run into problems, I am now force feeding SWMBO with Rice Krispies just for the box's, so that I can make a mock-up of all the deck housings in cardboard.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyTue Feb 15, 2022 5:44 pm

So asking the forum who do the best kits then? I've seen complaints about most. I don't think I'll do a full scratchbuild again, Waverly will be started soon I think that's as far as I'll go scratchbuilding in the future if I do many more boats. I've mellowed slightly I was going to stop but I feel I want to do something fast not a racer just something that leaves a wake.
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyTue Feb 15, 2022 5:53 pm

I've by no means tried all the manufacturers but probably the best full kit I made was the Aeronaut Victoria. I also had quite a good experience with Artesania Latina. I never finished the model, but that was because I couldn't manage the rigging. Shocked

I am happy to build Caldercraft and Deans Marine Kits as I know what to expect of them.  Dumas are OK, but the wood is pretty poor quality. 

Most of the Billings kits I have made have been old ones. I don't think I have made one from the current production.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 11:21 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2238 New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2238

Finally got back into the workshop and fixed the side decks, which has allowed me to try and correct the twist. I wont know if it has worked until the glue has dried. I am fairly convinced that there is a problem with former number 4, I do even wonder if it is in fact number 5. As they were all cut out and there are no templates on the plan I can't be sure.
When the glue is dry I will have to check out the alignments to ensure the planking and side panels are going to be OK.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 4:48 pm

That's a fair sized boat I'd not really got that impression from the other photos, I hope it comes good it's dispiriting to fight on your bench. When I was a lad i saw what I took to be an Aeronaut Scharnhorst glide across a local pool I've heard nothing bad about their warship kits either but given the price it's the Butler building them.  Very Happy
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Feb 16, 2022 6:19 pm

Its about 55cm long. I couldn't find anything smaller that I wanted to build  Sad

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyThu Feb 17, 2022 12:58 pm

Well - it looks as though I have succeeded in straightening the hull. 2thumbsup However, I was right to suspect Former 4. The top is level with the other formers creating the deck, but the lower edge is too low. Rolling Eyes

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2239

I have tried to correct this by adding some additional wood to bring it into line.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2240

I can now start planking the hull. 


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySat Feb 19, 2022 10:55 am

I have found more problems Shocked The rear hull is wrong Rolling Eyes I tried the side panels yesterday and found that they don't fit. The front of the deck is too high.

I have decided to leave it for now while I think of what to do. I can't alter it, so will have to make new skins - not really a problem as I have liteply and birch ply - but I also need to decide if I am going to use the 3mm planks for the bottom of the hull.

Back to plastic cars for a week or so. lol!

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyTue Feb 22, 2022 3:05 pm

OK - decision made  Thumbup Today I tried using some 2 mm liteply for the bottom of the hull. I cut a piece to fit but as I was finalising the fit, I snapped it Shocked Shocked Rolling Eyes  I don't have enough to try again, and in any case I realised it would be very difficult to clamp it whilst the glue set. So that determines it - planked bottom and 0.8 mm birch ply hull sides. I will probably start the planking tomorrow as it will only be possible to add one plank to each side at a time as again clamping will be very tricky.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Feb 23, 2022 12:39 pm

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2241

First two planks fitted 2thumbsup The 3 mm wood didn't like bending even after a 15 minute soak in hot water. I will add two strips a day until finished Rolling Eyes


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 2:32 pm

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2242

I now have 3 planks each side, plus a lot of gaps Rolling Eyes It's going to need a lot of P38. I will cover the inside with tissue and resin where I have access.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 7:46 pm

Are those Balsa planks Barrie?
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 7:48 pm

Unfortunately no. Not quite sure what it is, lime maybe.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 8:06 pm

I'm no fan of balsa but the Orca went together easier using it the flexibility and being able to pin it in place helped with the hull which had some awkward curves for a novice. Would it be a massive pain to restart the planking compared with struggling on and filling and sanding?
Plastic kits have got a certain charm when you want an easy life haven't they? Very Happy I'm doing a 1/72nd Messerschmitt 110 to give me a break for a while.
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 8:09 pm

I'll struggle on - I'm getting the hang of it.
I am building a Model T at the same time Thumbup

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 8:27 pm

Why don't we do a new thread 'other builds to keep you sane'  Very Happy 
I fancy a World War 1 bus but a Civilian build. Wink

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySun Feb 27, 2022 2:08 pm

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2243

A bit more progress. I started using pins instead of clamps which allows me to fit more planks in a session. Just a bit of infilling required on this side, then the tricky bows. They will need steaming. 
I found some liteply with the grain in the right direction, which saved a lot of fiddling about. Rolling Eyes Shocked I'm not sure I have a piece for the other side though Rolling Eyes
It doesn't show on this photo, but some of the formers are too wide and will need trimming.

Its a good job the planks are 3mm thick - there's a lot of sanding required. Shocked


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 11:21 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2244

Gaps filled and side 2 almost complete. Just waiting for the final piece to dry so I can glue it i place. I had to steam this piece as it was not as flexible as the other.
I can't see how the bow pieces are supposed to work - they don't seem big enough, never mind trying to steam them to fit.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2245

I am currently planning to use some 0.8mm birch ply to make the sides. When that is done I will work out how to fill the gap  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 9:08 pm

hi barrie,
 sorry to hear you are having problems . as regards the bow just use balsa blocks, it rubs down with sander a lot better than what you are using just my thoughts .

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Feb 28, 2022 9:11 pm

Yes David, that's what I will probably use once I've got the hull sides covered and I can see what is needed. Its a strange construction and the material is not very forgiving.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyTue Mar 01, 2022 11:36 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2246

Side 1 sanded, filled, sanded again and filled again.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2247

The insides have been treated with fibre glass tissue and resin which should seal any leaks. I've just realised that once the sides are on there will be no access to the forward part of the hull to add ballast. I will have to try to cut a hole in the bulkhead. Rolling Eyes


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Mar 02, 2022 1:15 pm

The other side was sanded and filled today. I then opened out the hole for the rudder tube and installed the propshaft. That threw up a problem -

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2248

No much room for the motor Shocked

However, the side view shows even more serious problems

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2249

You can see the problem caused by the incorrect fitting of former 4. I do not know how I can correct this now Rolling Eyes

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyThu Mar 03, 2022 11:23 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2250

I think I've fixed the wave in the hull bottom.  Shocked I took a fine saw and cut between the outer three planks and the former, then inserted a wedge to lift the planks to a better height.
I cant do anything about the sloping deck, I will just have to hope it doesn't give any problems later in the build.

More sanding and filling on the hull - ready for another - final? - sanding tomorrow.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2251

I wont really know if its good enough until I get some paint on it.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Mar 04, 2022 12:48 pm

I've now finished - at least until I get some paint on - filling and sanding the hull. 
Today I decided to try to line up the motor, and cut some holes in the bulkhead to allow me to get some ballast into the bows.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2252

It doesn't look very pretty, but it was very difficult to get good access. Most of it was done with grind stones and sanding discs, although I did use a mini-circular saw blade, which caused quite a bit of smoke Shocked Shocked
I think I will still need to cut down the propshaft.

Once I have the motor aligned then I can start to cover the hull sides.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Mar 04, 2022 6:56 pm

I've seen worse Barrie some sealing resin will make it look spanking! this kits fighting all the way isn't it? Twisted Evil
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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyFri Mar 04, 2022 7:08 pm

Mainly due to me not getting the bulkheads correctly aligned Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Hopefully I'm winning now - just to get the motor and propshaft aligned, then I can get on with the hull sides.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptySat Mar 05, 2022 11:51 am

A little more sanding in the hull and the  motor is now in alignment. Thumbup
I next turned my attention to the bows. I used the supplied piece to make a card template to check for fit. I then cut a piece of balsa to follow the shape of the keel and provide a fixing the lower edge. I made the final piece in 2mm liteply. This bent to shape without steaming and has been glued and pinned in place. The pins will stay Rolling Eyes

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2253

I hope that after filling and sanding it will look OK. I still have to repeat on the port side.
I also spent quite some time cutting and shaping some brass to make a skeg to replace the plastic one supplied. I can now fit the rudder tube and rudder.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyMon Mar 07, 2022 10:52 am

Limited time this morning, but I managed to fit the other bow piece and cut two side panels. The first is fixed but I didn't have enough clamps or time for the second one.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2254

Next step is to fill the bows and then glue the second side. I am thinking of putting some P40 into the bow to strengthen and seal the area. There will be no access once the sides and deck are in place.


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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyTue Mar 08, 2022 11:40 am

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2255

Filler applied to the bows, and I managed to get some P40 into the bows to seal and strengthen.
Next I decided I should fix the motor and rudder tube while I still had access from one side.

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2256

Not sure where I'm going to put the steering servo.

Lots of sanding tomorrow, then side 2 to fix.

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New Maquettes Asterix II Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Maquettes Asterix II   New Maquettes Asterix II EmptyWed Mar 09, 2022 2:57 pm

New Maquettes Asterix II Img_2257

Its rubbed down quite well - just the final bits of filling to finish sanding. Second side also fixed. 
I've been working on the forward part of the hull sides and have one almost ready to fix. I think I will have to use quick setting epoxy for this as it is almost impossible to get any clamps or tape to hold it in place. I just have to decide if I should fit the forward deck before the side. Shocked

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