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 New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 12:27 pm

Good afternoon everyone.

I'm what you would call a complete Newbie to Remote Control, but have been a keen model builder for a number of years, usually to inundate my kids bedrooms with the Airfix stuff I've built. They love it (they have no choice) and I enjoy taking my brain out of gear for a while whilst doing them.
Anyway onto why I've joined. So, sadly a couple of years ago my father passed away and whilst sorting out his belongings etc, I came across a Krick RC Police boat which he was in the process of making for my son. My father loved tinkering about in his shed and had always been a very keen modeler, probably where I got it from? Anyway, fast intention was to always finish the boat for my Dad but the past couple of years have been really tricky as with my Dads passing, it left my Mum who sufferered with Dementia and Alzheimer's going downhill fast and again sadly Mum succumbed to this cruel disease on New Years Day this year.

The boat is now back out on my dining room table and I'm in the right frame now to get it finished  and get it out there sailing. However I've hit a couple of snags with the operation of the remote and being a complete newbie , I'm hoping that someone can help?

Let me explain, I have an Ikonnik KA6 transmitter and receiver and which I have all the servo for the rudder and propeller wired into, all work fine (Propeller is making a very dry sound, probably needs lubricating and the rudder doesn't turn enough I don't think, so may need adjusting). Accessories fitted to the boat include a light and radar which again, I have working through the receiver (both on Permanent, not sure if these can be switched?) basically, this is where the newbie comes in, there's two wires coming from the radar and two wires coming from the light, I've wired these in to the servo connectors but have no signal wire? Is there a way these can be wired in so a signal can turn them off and on? If so, how please and am I missing a component?

My biggest conundrum though is the Krick 12v pump which operates the water cannon. This has left me completely confused and for me to understand this would be like finding a new planet! My father had wired this with two wires coming off it but how do I get this to work with the remote? I'm assuming I'm missing some other component to wire this into before I can wire it into the receiver to operate it on either of the on/off switches 5 and 6, otherwise at best it will run constant, but I really haven't got a clue?

I would be happy to post pictures but I'm sure someone out there will probably just know what I need and I'm at the stage where I just want the electronics to work before I go ahead and finish the rest off.

Thank you for reading, as I said any help would be greatly received and hopefully my Dad's boat can be ready for after lockdown.

Thanks folks.

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Captain (moderator)
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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 1:10 pm


Welcome to the Forum and condolences on your recent losses.

You are indeed missing some components. The basic Transmitter Receiver combo outputs a proportional signal on each of its channels. These are interpreted by the servo and Speed control for the motor to vary the rudder and motor speed. To use a channel to switch a light, pump or radar motor you need an electronic switch which will convert that signal to on/off.

There are various on the market but a good place to start is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

You say that the motor is controlled via servo. It is usual these days to use an Electronic Speed Control for this purpose which gives more precise control of speed and direction. A photo of the current set-up would be helpful in giving further advice.



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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 3:17 pm

Thank you Barrie, I’ve attached a couple of pictures to try and help. Your help is very much appreciated
Kind regards
Glynn[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Captain (moderator)
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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 7:34 pm

OK Glynn - I see that you actually do have an Electronic Speed Controller. The Mtroniks is a good make. That will also supply the power for the receiver and steering servo - DO NOT connect a battery to the 'B' channel of the receiver. The ESC will reduce your battery voltage to 6 volts for the receiver and supply it through the three core lead. It could also power your lights and Radar depending on the switcher, but I am not sure it will power your water pump - that possibly needs a separate supply, although it could use the same battery.

I haven't used any of the current range of Action switches, but you will find data sheets which give suggested circuits for using them on the web site.


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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyFri Jan 29, 2021 4:37 pm

Thanks Barrie, that's really useful. I'll do some more research this weekend about the Pump. I've had the pump working, but continually and I need to find a way in which ideally it could be switched and  worked from the existing battery? 
I have a Turnigy receiver controlled on/off switch which I've not fitted yet but wondered if that may control the pump from the remote control? Again, just not sure where or how to connect the two red wires from the Turnigy into the pump or if I'd need another component to do so?
I really need to be able to operate the pump from my remote, just clueless with electrics!


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Captain (moderator)
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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptyFri Jan 29, 2021 6:04 pm


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If this is the switch it will be fine for the pump. It handles 10 amps at 12 volts. Connect one red lead to the battery positive and the other to the pump - again the red or positive lead. Connect the battery negative lead to the other connection on the pump.

The wiring will be similar for the other switches you will need for the radar and light.


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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptySat Jan 30, 2021 10:09 am

Barrie, you're a genius!
Thank you, that works. I can now get everything connected and get it working properly.
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Captain (moderator)
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New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help!   New to the site and new to RC Boats and need help! EmptySat Jan 30, 2021 11:04 am


Just a note before you finalise everything. The switch in the ESC does NOT isolate the battery completely. It only switches off the electronics in the unit. It is advised to add a switch and fuse in the supply from the battery. I tend to build quite small models these days which have limited space so I often use a car type blade fuse which also acts as a switch by removing the fuse.

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