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 RC problem

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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RC problem Empty
PostSubject: RC problem   RC problem EmptyThu Sep 24, 2020 5:49 pm

Hi all I am very new to this I have a twin prop boat that I have updated with twin output speed controller and transmitter receiver I was very happy when all seemed to work well but I have a small problem it is fine going forward it is fine turning but in reverse one motor is running in the right direction but the other is not so boat just stays in same place they are fighting each other any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
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Captain (moderator)
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RC problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyThu Sep 24, 2020 7:15 pm

Welcome to the Forum!

Some more details of the set-up would help. Radio make/model/ Speed Controller make/model and motors. Are they brushed or brushless motors? If brushed do you have the motors wired identically? Brushed motors usually have a red dot, or just a dot, next to one contact.  Do you have the same polarity from the ESC to this dot on each motor.
What about the props - are they both the same hand?

Maybe someone else has other ideas.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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RC problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyThu Sep 24, 2020 7:43 pm

barriew wrote:
Welcome to the Forum!

Some more details of the set-up would help. Radio make/model/ Speed Controller make/model and motors. Are they brushed or brushless motors? If brushed do you have the motors wired identically? Brushed motors usually have a red dot, or just a dot, next to one contact.  Do you have the same polarity from the ESC to this dot on each motor.
What about the props - are they both the same hand?

Maybe someone else has other ideas.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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RC problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyThu Sep 24, 2020 7:48 pm

The transmitter is a flysky f28 b with accompanying receiver the speed control I bought cheap online it was just to see if I could upgrade it as my Grandson thought it should have reverse for when he gets to near problems ie bushes ect I have not looked for dots so that will be my first task. The boat and motors are original henglong about 6 months old.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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RC problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyFri Sep 25, 2020 3:38 am

Do You run twin escs or a single esc for both motors?

A photo of your electrical setup would be very helpful it will allow us to see how you have things wired, could be something as simple as positive to negative are reversed on one motor.

Your props could also be a thing are they both right hand? One left one right? And if they are which prop do u have on which motor?

Also which esc is it? In the uk we dont get many duel escs available so we tend to either locator a dedicated one for dule motors, fit two escs or hit and hope 1 larger esc can run both motors without burning out.

Depending on your esc it could require setting up, or may not even have reverse function for two motors instead it uses tank steering as it’s default configuration meaning one motor spins forwards one reverse, now if this is the case and your running twin right hand props the boat will fight it’s rotation anyway.

With what your describing and not a lot of other information I’m under the impression for a singular twin motor esc it’s default is tank steer that’s the only thing that make sense as to the rotations... if both motors are spinning correctly for forward function and reverse is giving you this forward/back.

This could be an easy fix if the esc has a program select mode you just need to pull it out of tank steer.

More info please!!!

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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PostSubject: Tank steer.   RC problem EmptyFri Sep 25, 2020 10:44 am

I think you have hit the nail on the head with the tank steer scenario. Just seems so logical. I must admit the esc was cheap from China as it was my 1st attempt at this sort of thing. I dont know about it being programmable I have sent some pics not great might help. I was just glad it went forward and turned correctly but getting reverse would be great for Grandson. Thankyou for your help so far Dean.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyFri Sep 25, 2020 1:24 pm

It was when you mentioned henlong that gave it away as to the problem, the henlong system is designed for their tank range and is preset to tank steer, there really isn’t much you can do with that as it’s the wrong type of esc for a boat.

My advice, live with it... but you can make your life a little easier by adjusting the servo to give you more rudder throw for turning at slow speed..

Here the thing tho... a lot of modern boats only go forwards and this is 99% of brushless setups as there are very few reverse escs available especially duel motor escs, only the rc car range have that ability and those tend to require a smart motor with a secondary plugin for the program of the motor itself.

Only other way around this is to swap out the esc, buy two mtronic escs, rated for the motors, disconnet one of the escs BEC central wire (usualy orange) and then Y harness them to the receiver. You can then singularly link both positives and negatives to a single connector for power.

This apply a to only brushed motors... brushless require two escs and two battery’s, one for each motor... no exceptions with a boating application due to the load draw, you can’t run a power distribution board like a drone in this instance, unless you are prepared to spend serious money on a very serious battery! 

That’s all I got! Hope it helps!


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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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PostSubject: Response    RC problem EmptyFri Sep 25, 2020 1:38 pm

Thanks for your help.
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PostSubject: Re: RC problem   RC problem EmptyTue Jun 08, 2021 9:03 pm

As he said he has covered all the points you raised and cant fault any points raised by him .

However ...............If I may add my four peneth , should to decide to go for an alternative set up with reliable gear , my advice would be to equip it with Action Election controls , ESC's,all of which are available from, and over the last 15 years I have used most of the products with very rare breakdowns , that they have repaired at a very reasonable rate once outside the guarantee period for the item .

I also recommend investing in an electrical  crimp set from  Amazing Embarassed  which comes with wide range of crimp ends which prevent lose wires and dodgy connections ......Always here to help Smile

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