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 Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)

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larry whetton
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Forum Overlord
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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 10:37 am

Hey guys!

To all those joining to show support thank you , please bare with me for a few weeks while i re-build this site for you all.
I am trying to keep it as easy to use as possible so it will no doubt have some similarity's being the same hosting company.

If you guys need to contact me please pm me here!

For all those new members joining and seeing a bare forum, please bare with us for a short while, it takes time to restore the information that was originally here, your contributions help restore the forum back to former glory, don't give up on us just yet!

Its important to remember that every post you guys write is one step closer to undoing the damage done by past events, without your contribution this forum will fail, but with it will we all come through smelling of roses, or cheap perfume either works Very Happy

Once again thank you for your support and patience while i undo the damage done!

RoadRunner. (forum owner)
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larry whetton
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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: TROUBLE VIRUS   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 8:41 pm

HI ROADRUNER, i have a problem with the site , tryed
to post pictues on host image ,
but my firewall as blocked it. the bug is trojan , is there a problem with software, ,
and is there spell check on this site i can not find it. hope you can help. LARRY..
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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:14 pm

i think this one's definitely for you Rr as i don't have the technical know how even to's not that i'm rude in ignoring this sort of question......just that i literally haven't a clue as to what the question means, sorry, larry.


ps, i think i could do with spell check as well.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:30 pm

Hi Larry the photo host is external to the site so i have no control over it, however i suspect you are using Norton anti virus? if you are that's you problem not the sites photo host, Norton hates everything!

My advice would be to remove norton anti virus from your computer and install AVG FREE

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And install the 'free' version which will stop all the stupidity and actually allow you to use the net properly,(and still gives better protection that Norton trust me I've used AVG for at least 8 years now and never had a problem) or add the photo host to your 'allow' list within your anti virus if it is or is not Norton.

If your still unsure about doing that and rather use a different program to upload photo's check out Photobucket, as far as i know norton does not see photobucket as a problem (I've not tried i hate norton with a vengeance)

If using photobucket then use this tutorial I Wrote for how to upload photos into photobucket and share them here.

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The reason your anti virus is picking up the photo host as a 'trojan' is because it requires flash to operate which in turn installs 'cookies' to your computer. This problem occurs more on older systems win 98- 2000, nt & xp, Vista and Win 7 never seam to have that issues with cookie installation as there both flash reliant systems, its only Norton that causes the issues on modern OP systems.

If you still having issues i will look into it a bit further, but i have a feeling its your anti virus causing the issues not the host, no one else is having issues with photo host at present which is why i have concluded its the anti virus you have installed on you puter.

I uploaded a image i had just to check it wasnt the photo host, no problems my end.

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I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:38 pm

As for a spell check...

I use google chrome or firefox as my web browser, so they have built in spell checks, which underline the words i typo on and i just right click on the words and correct the spelling from the list of alternatives.

IE 8- 9 is a load of pants Microsoft still can't get the simple things right!

If you want a decent (and much faster browser and i'm talking lighting fast!) download Google Chrome i assure you once you get used to it, you will never use IE every again, ask many here!

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apart from that Larry i'm out of suggestions except have a dictionary handy.


I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 11:00 pm

Google chrome is brilliant, as for AVG, I have been advised against it by many people that work with pc's, most industry people say to use microsoft security essentials, which is a free download from the microsoft site.

Apparently, AVG caches virus' but doesn't remove them, you have to go and remove them manually yourself, which most people don't know to do, or can't be bothered, whereas mse does it all automatically.
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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 8:29 am

I agree with Aron. Chrome is superb and I have also used AVG for years having got rid of Norton for being too slow and generally causing problems..
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyTue Jun 09, 2020 9:42 am

Greetings! I love you
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Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1)   Site Under New Management (amendment 1.1) EmptyWed Jun 16, 2021 9:35 pm

Well been there ...done that..... and can only agree with RR .

If you are looking for a self editing self checking system that you don't have to pay for systems and is automatically updated and includes FREE antivirus annual fees to pay  [ and includes free spellcheck] ,........... buy Apple !

I have had most systems ALL of which were hacked , had apple for 9 years of hassle free privacy that cost me less than Microsoft set up from PC world . [ having said that I am currently having a few probs uploading photo's which other sites take without any issues what so ever , but in fairness someone here is looking into it for me .

My desktop "talks to my iPhone and iPad without any issues which suits me fine , so as far as outlay goes they are no dearer than M/Soft ......and NO extra costs or systems to bolt on 

I'm not a geek at all but I appreciate value for money that keeps on giving .....if I can offer any further advice........ask its free:2thumbsup:
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