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 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySat Aug 03, 2019 11:52 am

Some time ago my Grandson, aged 8, asked me if I would build a boat for him if he saved up to buy the kit. Knowing how fast he spends his money, I didn't think it was likely this would happen very soon, so instead I looked around for a plan to build from. My initial idea was Pug the Tug, but on getting the plans I found it was designed for two small motors and tractor steering. I did work out a scheme to use just one motor and rudder, but the I found the plans for Trojan.  Designed by the same person using similar construction method I decided this was a better bet.
Yesterday we started! Boredom soon set in!! I did manage to get him to cut some of the balsa pieces, but it looks as though the build from plans was not a good idea. So- Plan B lol!
I have decided I will cut the balsa parts and assemble the basic hull structure. I will then make a kit of parts to skin the hull and to build the superstructure. Maybe that will retain his interest for more than 2 minutes.

This is where I've got to.

The basic parts

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1267

ready for the skins

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1268

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySun Aug 04, 2019 1:35 am

He'll be thrilled Barrie.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySun Aug 04, 2019 8:13 pm

barriew wrote:
Some time ago my Grandson, aged 8, asked me if I would build a boat for him if he saved up to buy the kit. Knowing how fast he spends his money, I didn't think it was likely this would happen very soon, so instead I looked around for a plan to build from. My initial idea was Pug the Tug, but on getting the plans I found it was designed for two small motors and tractor steering. I did work out a scheme to use just one motor and rudder, but the I found the plans for Trojan.  Designed by the same person using similar construction method I decided this was a better bet.
Yesterday we started! Boredom soon set in!! I did manage to get him to cut some of the balsa pieces, but it looks as though the build  Maybe that will retain his interest for more than 2 minutes.

This is where I've got to.

The basic parts

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1267

ready for the skins

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1268


you have great faith in the attention span of young boys Barrie, lol.
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyTue Aug 06, 2019 1:25 pm

There's no shortage of attention when he's playing with his X-box or whatever  lol! lol! lol! lol!

Yesterday I fixed the first panel to the hull - at least I thought I had, but the glue didn't hold  Embarassed Embarassed  Today I removed the panel and tried again with superglue this time. It seems to be holding so I added the second panel. You may notice there is a gap at the bows which will require a creative solution to fix Shocked Shocked Shocked

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1269 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1271

Before I fixed the panels I cut the slot for the prop shaft and made a mount for the motor. I'm not sure I will use this 385, its more likely I will use a 360, but the can size is the same Very Happy I stuck some liteply to the base to give a firmer fixing for the motor mount screws.

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1272

My assistant is here tomorrow so we may try fixing the prop shaft before sticking the remaining side panels.
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyTue Aug 06, 2019 2:05 pm

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyWed Aug 07, 2019 2:01 pm

Another hull side fitted today after I had fixed the prop shaft and inserted the rudder tube. Both these were fixed with P40. I had made a new rudder blade and was going to solder it to a shaft when I found one I had made earlier 2thumbsup
I have also fixed the hole at the bows. The bulwarks need levelling, but that is waiting for the final section to be fitted, and for that I need some more CA glue Rolling Eyes I could have bought some where I got the balsa but at that time I wasn't intending to use it for hull sides Shocked Embarassed
I have started to make a mount for the servo.
Once the hull is completed that I will unleash Grandson with a paintbrush lol! while I get on with making templates for the superstructure.


Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1273 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1274
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyThu Aug 08, 2019 1:36 pm

No glue in the post so I decided to get the servo and rudder linkage installed. 

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1275

The rod needs shortening, but otherwise all works OK. I did some work trimming the bulwarks, but need the final section before I can finalise. I've also given some thought to a stand, but retired defeated at the moment. Its really a question of finding the right bits of wood.

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyThu Aug 08, 2019 2:02 pm

Looking real good Barrie, what does your sidekick think of it?  Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 09, 2019 5:38 pm

He's not seen it like this. He was supposed to be coming today, but instead went to some Computer event with his Dad. We have two Computer Museums reasonably near us. Having spent over 50 years working with them I still haven't visited either one Rolling Eyes

Today I fitted the coamings before my glue arrived. I then fitted the final piece of the hull sides. The joints have been covered rather than try to fill them. I also covered the balsa bottom with tissue and sanding sealer to give a slightly more robust finish. I would have used resin but haven't any and I've spent more than intended on this model already Shocked
I also made a rather crude stand which will suffice until I can get some new material. I'm trying to get it to a stage where he can start painting the hull while I work on the superstructure.


Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1278 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1277 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1276
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 09, 2019 7:24 pm

looking good barie, as all your builds do.
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySat Aug 10, 2019 1:38 pm

I glued on some rubbing strips from 0.5mm plasticard, trimmed the bulwarks so they are more or less level, then the Master Painter arrived and put on the first coat of black paint to the lower part of the hull. I have no idea where the waterline should be, so this is a guess Shocked. I sort of thought its going to need a lot of ballast, so I'll make the waterline quite low to save lead lol!

The MP will continue the paint job while I turn my attention to the superstructure.


Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1279
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySat Aug 10, 2019 7:01 pm

nowe, the big question is...…… seconds rather than minutes, how many has your grand son spent getting his hands dirty on this project, and how much sanding has he done, lol! lol! lol!
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySun Aug 11, 2019 1:25 pm

Neil, - he did help with cutting the balsa parts and adding the glue. I think I made a mistake with trying to start him with this model. A simple kit would have been better. Also I am NOT a teacher - not very good at instructing others in anything. I found this out trying to explain Pcs to my family Shocked Shocked
He did spend half an hour or so painting and he will finish painting the hull at least.

So today I built the bottom half of the superstructure. I used 1mm plasticard for this to give some rigidity. This need some trimming, the the wheelhouse is to be built.

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1280

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyTue Aug 13, 2019 1:36 pm

s now away for most of the next two weeks, so its down to me. Laughing

Yesterday I started on the wheelhouse and this is what I got -

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1286

and then I realised the slope of the wheelhouse front was the wrong way Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed So I quickly removed it before the glue dried and this is where I was last night.

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1285

Today I finished the roof and added some walls to the open bridge. Not quite as per the plans, but looks OK. I also added some detail to the funnels and coated them in sanding sealer. 

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1284

Inside a built a battery box, the decided to give the bottom of the hull another coat of paint so that I can remove the masking tape to let the paint harden before re-masking for the remainder of the hull.

I think this just about finishes my contribution until I get an Rx and ESC, the latter is coming from Hong Kong - maybe?

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyWed Aug 14, 2019 1:36 am

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyWed Aug 14, 2019 7:28 pm

looking great...….a nice take on a modern tug.
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptySun Aug 18, 2019 11:05 am

So - we had a painting session on Friday and Crosby painted the decks and inside bulwarks in deck green. Then the top of the hull got a coat of blue gloss - it wasn't very good as it was the end of a tin and the coloured varied throughout. He is now away with his parents for 10 days or more, and I would quite like my workshop back, so this morning I gave the blue another coat from a new tin, touched up the decks and started on the superstructure. This is not the colour I meant, and it will have to be re-done Sad I have already cut vinyl for the windows and the name.
The blue masking tape is still attached in this photo!


Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1287
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyMon Aug 19, 2019 2:46 pm

Finally got the right colour for the superstructure 2thumbsup Now haven't a true brown for the doors etc Crying or Very sad
I've fixed the motor and rudder. Sorted out a few fittings from the spares box. Just a little painting to finish, then I will be ready for the ESC and Rx which are still on the high seas (or air) lol!. I will remove some from his other boats if they don't turn up soon.


Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1288
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyThu Aug 22, 2019 6:16 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 23, 2019 12:47 pm

Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1311 Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Dscn1312

Trojan is now finished - at least until the Boss returns Rolling Eyes . I am sure he will want to add a few things Shocked . Today I removed the Rx and Esc from another of his boats and set everything up ready for a maiden voyage. Of course, when I returned indoors the postman had delivered the new Rx I had ordered. bounce bounce bounce  
It will require a session in the test tank to add some ballast I'm sure.

Now I can get my workshop back and continue with St Roch. Last week I bough a Graupner Krabenkutter on eBay so that will keep me going for a while. 2thumbsup

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 23, 2019 7:18 pm

looks great does that, barrie…….….hope he's pleased with it. 

nice little model indeed.
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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 23, 2019 7:21 pm

He wont see it until next Wednesday. I've ordered some white tape for the water line, and we'll find a few more fittings when he's back. Just hope it sails well!

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Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 23, 2019 7:32 pm

don't see any reason why it won't barry……..knowing kids though it will be on full ahead all the time so a few rubber tyres might be needed as well as a bow pudding. lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson   Trojan - a build with (?) my Grandson EmptyFri Aug 23, 2019 9:06 pm

Luckily our lake has a sloping edge - no solid walls  2thumbsup But of course there are the other models to consider.

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