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 Oldish Newbie

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-06-23

Oldish Newbie Empty
PostSubject: Oldish Newbie   Oldish Newbie EmptyTue Jun 25, 2019 5:28 pm

Hi All,
Ex Engineer & Ex HMP Dog handler. Retired 3 years ago and only hobby now is fishing but at my age its sometimes warmer to stay indoors in the winter so decided to start tinkering with models again but also need some help with my first project of a bait boat  lol! 2thumbsup

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Oldish Newbie Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldish Newbie   Oldish Newbie EmptyTue Jun 25, 2019 7:52 pm

welcome to the site, kev, you deserve some nice relaxing  leisure time after working for HMP...……...I did 10 years as a teacher in a school for delinquent kids mostly in lockdown...……..not nearly as demanding as your job, but was always glad to get home after a double shift as teacher and care assistant, and down to some relaxing modelling.

sadly I know sod all about bate boats but I think there are one or two members on here that might.
good luck and enjoy your stay.
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