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 Slot car racing

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySat Apr 27, 2019 6:04 pm

And now for something totally different big time!!!!!

Me being me the big kid at heart has decided to build a slot car track ready for the Blackpool show,not wanting a double track like Scalectrix I want a single track to make a Rally stage,as rallying is one of my hobbies.My initial thoughts on this was to cut the Scaletrix track in Half thus giving me a single track but in my mind it wouldnt look all that good.
Having attended a model show the other week I saw exactly what was in my mind,a single track layout,so 20 questions was asked to the owner and it is so so simple to make,simply router a slot an use copper tape for the contacts....More of this at a later stage.

Today I decided to dig out 2 1/43 models I had bought a few years ago and haev nevedr got around to building,Both these are of my fav rally cars the Chevette Gp4 and the Chevette HSR.

Where do I start,well as usual wash the shells dwon with Panel wipe got get rid of nay grease and rub then both down and de burr any flash off them with 400 Grit da disc,wash off again with Panel wipe and tack rag prior to primer then paint.


Slot car racing 47714326321_b03d878184_c58622725_334579960594546_8166227873451999232_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 32770950657_69b3e1c205_c58590383_2298495217138648_7478667973742297088_n by David Jones, on Flickr


Slot car racing 47714326641_6506f3e7df_c58542814_1002623633281271_6320135416485773312_n by David Jones, on Flickr


Slot car racing 32770950837_13431aa9a5_c58444385_1921406501298928_376299453650305024_n by David Jones, on Flickr


In Primer

Slot car racing 47714326491_160ca259f9_c58602895_814958495570628_8998054732496896000_n by David Jones, on Flickr

In Paint

Slot car racing 47714326791_3f0df57df9_c58442665_444908936056778_6240764420855693312_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 32770950457_e1eabf88d2_c58614675_359808554654675_6995078755274194944_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 32770949737_efc729dd8b_c59295571_667786830321184_7672587490913419264_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Both of these were sprayed using Halfords aerosols as This is nice And thin so not to loose the fine details in the resin kit.I applied The silver within an hour of THE primer being sprayed...MMMM I can hear you all saying WHY on earth would you do this....Simple really nothing at all wrong with doing this as long as the primer has gone of  flat with no visible imperfections,I do this all the time at work when doing smart repairs so with a model of this size I saw no reason at all not to use this system which is called simply Wet on Wet .

If you want to see more different modeling techniques then you know what thread to follow.TBC

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySat Apr 27, 2019 9:19 pm

those are nice models, look great, and something different...………

I like the concept and look forward to watching this...…………..can I have a go at Blackpool please...…...pretty please.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun Apr 28, 2019 5:26 pm

Today's job was to hunt down my old Scaletrix cars that are donkey years old....eventually found them litterally under my nose in a box underneath my worktop in my shed....lord knows how long they have been there as I Cant remember them even being there !!!!!!!

Each one was stripped down oiled up and cleaned and washed with two  of them  needing a full respray,a Mini and a Tr7.The mini has been done and is drying...The Tr7 on the other hand needs new wheel arches and a full respray,this Tr is probably one of the only ones that actually stays on the track due to it being highly modified by having the chassis cut and lowered as the original Scaletrix Tr7 was never a good handling car.

I will fully restore this to it's former glory as a Tr7 Rally car.

The 2 Mini Clubmans are what you can but nowadays But the other 2 are the Old Train powered motors and are most definatly the better ones.

Slot car racing 47670083222_60442576f1_c58460790_608288919647530_2627333693710008320_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The Modified Tr7 looking rather sorry for itself with Faded paintwork needing Tlc and the Ford Rs200 4 wheel drive 

Slot car racing 33845808608_9a8e11b9e9_c58441116_886709235000882_7257622864763813888_n by David Jones, on Flickr

If Anyone on here has any Scaletrix Rally cars they want to sell then please contact me please
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon Apr 29, 2019 1:09 pm

gawd…...didn't know that sort of car existed...…………..last time I played with a scalextrix it had a  BRG Vanwall and a shark nose RED Ferrari...……..showing my age now.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 02, 2019 6:19 pm

So we need a baseboard so some MDF and some 2x1 timber and screws were purchased form B&Q.After some initial drawing or doodling on the 6x2 sheet I decided it wasn't wide enough for what I wanted so the second sheet as cut in half thus giving me initially a 6x3....MMMM not long enough now so a 4x3 piece was also built giving me a total length of 10x3.

Construction was an easy affair with the underside of the MDF being supported by a framework of 2x1.
I suppose it could be called over engineered but when you are only using 9mm thick Mdf it needs serious strengthing and as this Track will be going to shows it will need to be strong.

All the framework was glued and screwed using gorrilla glue wood glue and over 150 screws.

Pics of the 2 track boards these will be set up outside the shed prior to the track being routered to provide the slot in the MDF allowing the cars to travel along it/

pics of the baseboards 

 Slot car racing 46841732205_d538b82179_c59285358_290482475196418_7657332458567761920_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47705552992_fb3680729a_c57267755_2375457906112451_5217286392962351104_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47758326311_b52b0e8dbd_c59455734_781769608884729_66068043100323840_n by David Jones, on Flickr

I will be joining the 2 baseboards by using some steel pins as guides and then using bolts and good old fashioned wing bolts......the power across the joints will be by plug and socket but i will explain more at a later date
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 03, 2019 1:37 pm

is it going to be a flattish run or a hill climb mate.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 03, 2019 8:30 pm

A bit of tarmac then transitioning into a forrestry section and then a Monte Carlo tarmac section but up a mountain all landscaped of course.

Right then it was time to be brave with the router and wiggle woggle so to idea in my head and just set the router to 7mm depth and go for it......quite pleased with it now the hard work begins 

Slot car racing 32822931737_2cc82ded8f_c59008877_422162155033067_5341722719492767744_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The mountain section will be next but first I will have to get some more MDF and jig saw the road before I router it
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 03, 2019 9:18 pm

this is very interesting.…… looking forward to seeing more of this.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 05, 2019 4:27 am

Indeed Neil. Very fond memories of racing on a 10 lane commercial track within a bike ride from home 50 yrs ago.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 05, 2019 7:18 pm

Right then we now need a level base so I can work on the Track so a set of trestles were built and added on to my bench as a temp measure.

Slot car racing 47729218522_0600283005_c59321470_441149406448571_3485112531863732224_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The Mountain section baseboard was added on to this

Slot car racing 40815145143_e3d919df06_c59448534_2284234841894437_5206715756892389376_n by David Jones, on Flickr

So Now we needed to get some elevation on the track for the forestry section.....How do we do this...Quite easy really.I literally cut into the baseboard with a jig saw so sections were now loose so to speak....Similar to this one....I forgot to take a pic !!! so I've borrowed one.This will give me what I desire.

Slot car racing 46992203014_6d0a406a92_zUntitled by David Jones, on Flickr

The cut sections were then physically lifted up and some timber was glued and screwed to the baseboard to hold them up

 Slot car racing 47729217962_81fa6dcc57_c59889249_324835398206643_3027249471713968128_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47729218002_c9028586dc_c59623603_377038859689154_8334433936818044928_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Last edited by stavros on Sun May 05, 2019 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 05, 2019 7:32 pm

Slot car racing 46992203354_e6f6875cd8_c59573120_2619376804742517_4407863882924687360_n by David Jones, on Flickr

As the baseboard needs painting before the copper tape is applied I started off with some Matt black tester pots that I had left over from a railway that I built,I also had some brown so that was applied to simulate mud...Yes I needs to be gone over with some darker brown to make it look more realistic,you will notice that the mud looks rough,All I did was to sprinkle some brown scenic material and over painted it to simulate deep mud....It doesn't look to bad in my eyes.

I hope that when the cars run they will look as it they are shaking about due to the roughness of the track looking more lifelike.

Slot car racing 47729218212_fbd03071a0_c59375484_847894522226810_5603007102189568000_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 46992203954_39388f0cf6_c59374814_263437247789258_2817577921466597376_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 46992204214_6eb5a0ce84_c59339644_351410122246253_3791726235625717760_n by David Jones, on Flickr

In this pic I have tried to simulate the transition of mud to tarmac as when you come off mud to tar it carries

Slot car racing 47729218332_74c5e7b35e_c59360587_298532284415091_457037490126061568_n by David Jones, on Flickr

A couple of car shots

Slot car racing 46992203774_87ddea605b_c59394779_2315771995327837_257476404562624512_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 46992203554_e359fcf103_c59492181_332359300803367_8765900127966593024_n by David Jones, on Flickr

You will have probably noticed some blue material here and there this is closed cell Blue foam that will ne the basis for hills and will be shaped with a bread knife scalpel rasp file to get some contours and then overcoated with some filler.

The foam has been stuck down using a hot glue gun,and when I ran out of glue sticks i reverted to good old fashioned Pva 

Slot car racing 47729218172_2869d95b5a_c59401426_338066863516677_1051238115219341312_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47729218002_c9028586dc_c59623603_377038859689154_8334433936818044928_n by David Jones, on Flickr

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 05, 2019 8:29 pm

i like it very interesting  2thumbsup  ,cant wait to see how the electrics work scratch 

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 05, 2019 9:09 pm

davidjt wrote:
i like it very interesting  2thumbsup  ,cant wait to see how the electrics work scratch 

Electrics are a doddle the routered slot will have copper tape stuck down either side of them......Where the two pieces of basebord join the tape will simply go straight down and stuck underneath the baseboards where the power leads will simply be soldered on to same on the other one and a pair of connecting leads with a plug and socket to join them together simples

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 06, 2019 7:39 pm

Not a lot done today only some more Blue foam(THANKS NEIL)for the landscaping.I will obviously carve some of it to make is more realistic before I cover it with thinned down filler from B&Q,NO way on earth am I using car body filler HA HA.

I have stuck the foam down with Pva and have used cocktail sticks ho hold down the subsequent layers,at the haripi I have used blue map pins to secure to the mdf

Slot car racing 46873690775_71f88eb0ee_c59664377_638283906595578_1910518435285041152_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47737852742_aef22f38d6_c59515663_283527902368203_4303730090140762112_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 40823789203_90f3e16aa8_c59493251_545226922674601_7643700945334829056_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 40823789263_7b3f0e8415_c59464616_479894839417917_5417208590786101248_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47737853102_889288f1a1_c59410503_2992812944123848_1764044494119895040_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 06, 2019 8:05 pm

don't use all that blue stuff...…………………..I wanna see you build a boat from it, then I'll have a bash with the next lot I find by the roadside,
 lol.  lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 06, 2019 8:06 pm

its looking very interesting though matey...….fascinated. bagsy first go at a show near you.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 06, 2019 8:35 pm

nhp651 wrote:
don't use all that blue stuff...…………………..I wanna see you build a boat from it, then I'll have a bash with the next lot I find by the roadside,
 lol.  lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
 Well thats a CHALLENGE If Ever I heard of one...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 06, 2019 9:01 pm

stavros wrote:
nhp651 wrote:
don't use all that blue stuff...…………………..I wanna see you build a boat from it, then I'll have a bash with the next lot I find by the roadside,
 lol.  lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
 Well thats a CHALLENGE If Ever I heard of one...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 09, 2019 5:56 pm

Wey hey real progress beginning to look much better today.

Bought some filler from B&Q and added very little water to it to make it flow better into the nooks and crannies and it will look a bit better being smooth.

Slot car racing 47811928381_bf10f0babe_c59723214_470665563677838_8788485703118880768_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811928451_017c4e84ff_c59710980_444337943037283_3126903454694375424_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 32868379087_241407b010_c59717714_703711416752471_5884362305147240448_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47022600034_57ffb4bd98_c59952722_452708465495621_6220297248127844352_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811928121_c9630262fa_c60002573_2260311967391217_6584941706725031936_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47022600004_3254e03a3c_c60095348_294298701508550_1988455298385313792_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47022599884_0c9c424dd5_c60179241_833597083700049_1545666980739022848_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47022599804_9b7208e777_c60360154_363388130948296_6175860983907483648_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811927921_49d6cf20c4_c60343289_2205114736233399_3445282843406630912_n by David Jones, on Flickr

This is how it now looks ready for painting trees etc

Slot car racing 47811928331_e1e7fd02aa_c59828610_361085584528846_1635595487019008000_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Now the initial thought on this layout was to make a monte carlo type hill on it  but like a woman ive changed my mind toatally !!!!! All the track is going to be painted black thus simulating a tarmac event,so the board that was destined to be a mountain is now going to have walls along it and it is now going to be a irish stage rally....BUT all is not lost with the Monte Carlo Mountain....another board will be made at a later stage to depict this and will simply connect to the excisting board!!!!!!...NEIL do NOT TELL KELLY she MIGHT JUST KILL ME .

Now being an irish tarmac stage we needed a the uninitiated it means a hump in the road that sees cars as I have allready found out the MDF didnt like being bent to that degree so a cunning plan was formed...simply cut a piece of old Scaletric track to a single strip and bend it slowly over my knee to give the hump effect ,now being a plastic track it will need lowering into the baseboard by using the router to cut and area where it will sink into,now here lies another problem MAYBEE but Stav has had his thinking cap on.....obviously I am using a copper tape to transfer the power to the cars so all I will do is to overlay the scaletric track with he copper tape

The Yump

Slot car racing 40845571383_fc8b410d1e_c59860716_406537223501338_4394906078261805056_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811928031_20ef876be5_c60137791_417075312458630_7003798376403697664_n by David Jones, on Flickr

This is what the track will look like ignore the plastic bridge as it is not being used now 

Slot car racing 32868378907_b70f835fb9_c59734841_800216097026890_5017226266558857216_n by David Jones, on Flickr

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 09, 2019 11:38 pm

I can't wait till blackpool to have a go on this mate...…….more exciting than my Shannon..errr, did I really say that...…………...ohhh hell, .

and no, I won't tell lips are sealed...…………..but have you ever thought, one of these strange member names on here...……...just might be her matey.....…….beware, the walls have ears and eyes,  lol! lol! lol!
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun May 12, 2019 8:42 pm

And the next thrilling instalment is......

I needed to have a megga shed sort out and  move the track so I could walk around it and believe me it took all day on sat !!!!! YES NEIL I can see the floor.

It was then Router time I needed to make the track on the other board and cut out a slot for the yump,and also join the boards underneath with some bolts.

Today the weathering was started in earnest this was done very simply with some scatter material I had left over from a Railway project,I painted sections with some sample pots of emulsion and simply whilst it was wet the scatter was applied straight on to it,the material will stick to the wet paint and any gaps will not matter as it was painted with green and brown.The sections that have been painted green and brown will be recoted with some grey's to simulate rocks.The Track also was painted brown to simulate mud and gloss black to simulated not only wet tarmac but to make it slippy as well.

Slot car racing 47835117701_9ac9f1f1d0_c59991619_1360104997472214_2442527723478843392_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117781_4d6e552dd1_c59978442_308722556708805_3711559111972749312_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117571_935102e621_c60041156_2241773469420276_3623975662131347456_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117451_2d6a49ec44_c60107782_346717832648118_6154039900048982016_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117501_260ce19071_c60101801_335243643825107_216503181062963200_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117321_f7abdd3209_c60273367_858896981153800_6221257108893990912_n (1) by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835117111_b3ca2c8cd9_c60344098_316125112388402_9012915040168181760_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The yump or Jump

Slot car racing 32891269257_fa7966e12d_c60042387_450319049054553_4611083262717067264_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 32891269087_e0179e0cfb_c60355039_2267531350178479_1194645359540830208_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47835170451_ec199f44ff_c60042383_418879758891764_8227043850154147840_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 13, 2019 6:19 am

Very impressive Dave. You're not only a genius with a spray gun 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 13, 2019 8:18 pm

well, I must admit...…..….its certainly a lot tidier than my floor, in fact whole garage/workshop...……...and your track is looking great too.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 13, 2019 8:24 pm

been meaning to ask you for days...….am I alright to now mask all thee window openings from the outside by running masking tape right across them putting the stuff on the orange paint matey so I can rattlecan spray the insides black...……..or should I use a humbrol satin black and just mask up with maskol ……..don't want to ruin that beautiful orange you painted on. 

cheers for the advice mate.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 16, 2019 8:12 pm

Had a day off today YEAH HA so it was shed time.......We seemed to have some growth appeared overnight in the form of Trees....the only 2 i had left over from the railway !!

Slot car racing 46947998815_f4f15c17a1_c60410654_328545834497700_1958852420981227520_n by David Jones, on Flickr

So it was now time to put the copper tape to allow the cars to run,I had to make 2 slots in both the baseboards to allow the copper tape to go underneath so allow soldering of the power leads and the jumper leads to power the other board.

Slot car racing 40897623123_e9b47cac15_c60337505_362548231039142_2214214353014489088_n by David Jones, on Flickr

As the tape had to be really rollered down to make it stick and be as smooth as possible I really needed a wallpaper roller  but I ain't got one so the best thing I had was some conveyer belt rollers that I was given so this was a hard nylon and would do the job

Slot car racing 46947999765_7e5eab62c1_c60289346_2396919047257907_283113755842183168_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Pics in various state of being applied

Slot car racing 47074753004_0b2e443f9e_c60658178_2648708591868877_7756184090117668864_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47074753854_b1598786ee_c60333552_421642645083506_5058937365439971328_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811992062_ef3bd1e6c7_c60226689_934949346675325_3650573552781885440_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 46947999025_9f0850ac75_c60362521_2806603052688215_3729578441104687104_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47811991802_23880c3cfe_c60347695_659359841173959_4211873701890621440_n by David Jones, on Flickr

3 hours later I had finished so it was underneath with a soldering iron to solder all the cables to link the power up...By this time Dave was getting rather excited big time.....So out came the power pack and controller and it was time to test the track out....Well that's what I thought and you all know what thought means.....ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DISASTER big time....The car set off down the straight and stopped and wouldn't go any further....Well you can imagine what was said and believe you Me it wasn't oH GOLLY GOSH.......I must admit I was cheesed off big time......AH Ha controller ....WRONG....ok power controller WRONG...ok it's the car not having being run for years WRONG...MMMm so what the heck was going on....not having my Meter at home as it was in tool box in work stumped me a bit.....till I thought about it....Having never done this type of thing before it baffled me for a while till SILLY ME realised I couldn't lay a full circuit in one go due to the actual thickness of the tape...if to much pressure was applied it simply Tore ,and me not thinking properly at the time didn't give it a second thought,and simply joined it up and carried on......trouble is ther is adhesive to stick the tape down,so you can guess why the cars didn't run.....I solder some of the joins up and wey hey they ran a bit tomorrow's job is to not only bring the Multymeter home with me but also some solder nad go around soldering where we loose power bu testing the whole lot with the meter and hopefully I can then run the full lenght of the track

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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 17, 2019 7:43 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup  very neat and tidy I like the tape idea

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 17, 2019 2:09 pm

you are showing your wizardry now matey.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 23, 2019 4:59 pm

Well today I finally got the darned track to work.where I had put tape on top of tape due to it ripping whilst being laid it simply did not conduct electricity around the circuit so I had dead all over the place I eventually tracked them all down and simply soldered it all up wey hey we have it all up and running.

I managed  a best lap of 13.87 seconds nad low and Behold Catherine managed a full lap of 19.57 seconds not bad for a 5yr old,Well it was then Bethan's turn.....MMMMM I wont go into how well that DIDNT go !!!!!!!! lets put it this way the car managed to land on my workbench and daddy was not amused  Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad lord knows how she managed that one,bless she is only 3....Neil there is HOPE for you YET lol! lol! lol!.

Lots of work has been carried out today .....As soon as Flicker comes back on line Ill upload some pics and tell you all about it 

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 24, 2019 8:36 pm

Well the first job of the Day was to remove the Hill as I didnt like it and was to high so a new one was made using a new glue gun I was given by the Kids superb piece of tricks from Liddle 

Slot car racing 47925493503_02aa9eaf7b_c61185392_296390494640095_8334621983371165696_n by David Jones, on Flickr

I now needed to finish off the rock foundation 

Slot car racing 47925531706_5c39a7f7f1_c60801514_471021986775684_7762632850368626688_n by David Jones, on Flickr

We now needed some hedges on the new board so I used the kids pool noodles and this was cut using the band saw 

Slot car racing 47925558798_00633b738b_c60897893_310117919908841_6621775178751803392_n by David Jones, on Flickr

These will be covered up using plaster of paris then some scatter will be applied and hedge material as well

A wall was needed from the start shed to the harpin I used some blue foam again cut with the bandsaw

Slot car racing 47925536092_bb549477e0_c60728259_2276573925916413_2904049318375718912_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Some large rocks were also planted 

The Start shed where the timing will be located is work in progress

Slot car racing 47925550066_daff8313aa_c60922097_433042940855687_3501505833622044672_n by David Jones, on Flickr

As the straight is fairly long and there is a chicane I needed some straw bales these were made form some scraps of the pool noodles and wrapped up using some black insulation tape 

Slot car racing 47925527281_0186cc23d1_c61146458_691737934578978_5638093085167583232_n by David Jones, on Flickr

I also started making stage signage using a tooth pick and some scraps of plastic card 

Slot car racing 47925492191_4595dbb381_c61136094_489908458217455_3090499865944260608_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47925568198_0c4cfe4283_c60745843_436531170442486_7284230225817239552_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyFri May 24, 2019 8:45 pm

I used some old Scaletric Armco barrier for the bottom Hairpin which in time will be painted silvery grey 

Slot car racing 47925649001_91a7d9afb1_c60782151_442783989613143_8706382859180441600_n by David Jones, on Flickr

An overall view of what it looks like now 

Slot car racing 47925531681_d35c4f29a3_c61002001_826992794366103_1150081805374717952_n by David Jones, on Flickr

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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySat May 25, 2019 6:42 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon May 27, 2019 9:57 pm

beginning to look wild now mate...……...keep at it...…...shows a lot of different building techniques that can be incorporated into boat building, especially with the foam and fillers. 

I'm enjoying it, and am sure others are too.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 8:22 pm

As I am off on hols it would have been so rude not to spend a day in the shed,right then I needed to apply some plaster of paris on all the new foam,the new mountain and hedges.

All the track was masked up to protect the copper strip

Slot car racing 47953383671_7eae14ea6a_c61485728_665354693911194_1360363082064330752_n - Copy by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953383931_0097afdbfc_c61421035_2261412207278178_9147464751960293376_n - Copy by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953358893_8b4d0aac01_c61564650_856835141344893_2519352842884481024_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953358728_d3b278997b_c61725202_655922594849534_4680252302269874176_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953359003_e73e5abee0_c61523230_421888271941447_6335152271420030976_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953384051_cf5582ef71_c61379516_831540007238987_1257103306535206912_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953343517_b0144bc9cd_c61258622_2143212175776640_8741566398045618176_n by David Jones, on Flickr

All this was painted in a variety of colours grey brown and green this would act as a base for the scatter material 

Slot car racing 47953385216_77ab66d394_c61132681_1852267721539877_2308076448042188800_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953344027_5d05ee854e_c61187910_2220032291416820_3410319511809687552_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The way I do this is simple,I do it using 2 methods either by applying the scatter straight on to hte wet paint or by applying Pva glue diluted with water sprayed on with an old household kitchen sprayer 

Applied straight onto wet paint

Slot car racing 47953383041_43da896a09_c61921354_2160239337438478_1879966249849454592_n - Copy by David Jones, on Flickr

My Grass mix of around 5 different scatters

Slot car racing 47953359658_38361ededa_c61296612_1144438199074932_2853829459784499200_n - Copy by David Jones, on Flickr

I scatter the mix using a kitchen seive

Slot car racing 47953360088_bc9d8c6841_c61209720_635720283566304_625468158806851584_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953343617_89b4684965_c61222295_863760473986399_3317878432481673216_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47953344027_5d05ee854e_c61187910_2220032291416820_3410319511809687552_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Second method is to spray the Pva glue on to the baseboard 

Slot car racing 47953342837_4e35db3487_c61459053_2144019972319315_4730737808883318784_n - Copy by David Jones, on Flickr

Then simply apply the scatter on to the wet Pva glue. I used this method to do the tops of the hedges and the rest of the scenerey.

When I had finished all the grass material to make sure the scatter has glued down properly I simply wetted all the areas with Pva glue....this dries clear and is a fine mist and sets everything so it does not rub off
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 8:51 pm

I am learning  all the time matey...……….do you buy the green stuff, I e grass already chopped up n ready to spread..
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 8:52 pm

it is beginning to look amazing.
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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 9:13 pm

Neil you buy the different scatters in which colour you wantⓂmg6AKze5fXyHHjQEDJn0Jkw&frcectupt=true

I had some left over from a railway layout that I had in Blackpool a couple of years ago and I cant believe I had enough to do it all,a little goes  along way,Ok I have got to buy some trees and those little buggars are expensive tbh...SSSSHHHHHH dont tell Kelly lol
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 9:26 pm

One use of this scatter for model boats is the Dark grey or even the sand colour as non slip area's pvs on the deck apply scatter pva again and yes of course you can paint over it

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue May 28, 2019 11:36 pm

stavros wrote:

,a little grass goes  along way,

don't tell everyone dave they'll all want a smoke, lol! lol!
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyWed May 29, 2019 9:32 pm

Today I decided a couple of the corners weren't exactly right so to speak to many deslots (cars comming off),and far to many electrical problems so all the copper tape was removed and 2 corners were straightened out.

Now how to repair the old slots and merge into the new one.

First step was to re router a new route,having done this I needed to fill the old slot up and smooth into the new...I used some plastic card smeared with Vaseline to stop the filler sticking to it thus allowing a smooth passage for the cars 

Slot car racing 47961038971_dcf0dd863e_c61834740_319326968979451_2466664228501585920_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47961039016_aa79654781_c61296617_1616830805141335_3130015038241243136_n by David Jones, on Flickr

The entire slot was redone with fresh copper tape this time i managed only 3 soldered joints in it's entire length  and boy oh boy what a difference I no have a smooth running track,whilst I was redoing the tape I also wired it up to allow a controller to be used both sides of the track with some plugs soldered in for ease of removal.

As it is of tonight

Slot car racing 47961039071_8134b8d48e_c61269793_2394397813952873_379781886148345856_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyWed May 29, 2019 9:37 pm

I like it...……… it a lot...……...
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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyThu May 30, 2019 9:35 pm

Well the shed needed roofing and cladding so it was planking day 

Slot car racing 47967874608_2de2eaa19b_c61662320_2186389834779016_2844226015989858304_n (1) by David Jones, on Flickr

I cut some planks I had in stock roughly to length and then started planking using Mitre bond to fix them all in place

Slot car racing 47967865147_baee6545f0_c61539688_302952383920407_1403066795132190720_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967882978_003c9699b2_c61522276_2255839057841154_3973187285326757888_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967882783_318d254c66_c61609920_620234571776519_1755429511278624768_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967882368_2919571718_c61769002_642934056168469_5839795190453239808_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967865372_2f3dd70516_c61328911_351575719044149_9095929009878859776_n by David Jones, on Flickr

I decided not to sand to much of the wood so it would look more realistic  than a totally smooth finish so I simply stained it with some oak stain 

Slot car racing 47967924961_76c31ca20e_c61298178_644022859404323_2169532854751461376_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967883253_7a99e9613e_c61295986_408420636666252_6306508348543991808_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967924821_61d44b2272_c61432368_704453510008596_2789863081621061632_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967924516_cc7255ecc6_c61540951_498083124062390_1087550062252261376_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 47967924326_d0a70bf636_c61625152_300526767524117_7110434988364922880_n by David Jones, on Flickr

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun Jun 02, 2019 11:41 am

what timber did you use dave..looks like obeche, but probably totally wrong...…...looking good matey.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun Jun 02, 2019 5:50 pm

Honestly don't know TBH it was a whitish colour and was bought as  job lot years ago...I know it cost me the vast sum of £2.50 for well over 50 lengths...think I bought it at Blackpool bring and buy or was it Coalville
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptySun Jun 02, 2019 9:50 pm

stavros wrote:
Honestly don't know TBH it was a whitish colour and was bought as  job lot years ago...I know it cost me the vast sum of £2.50 for well over 50 lengths...think I bought it at Blackpool bring and buy or was it Coalville

yeh…...…..just had a close up view of the grain pattern and I'm almost sure its obeche.. a simple test of it is when you sand it, it smells liker old fish boxes...….I love the stuff …..fantastic for sanding and carving.

I use it for making my grp plugs, it carves and sands so easily.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon Jul 01, 2019 11:15 pm

how's the circuit coming along matey...…...have you done much lately.
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue Jul 02, 2019 9:21 am

N Neil been to busy playing with it...sad I know,bought some cars off ebay and been bust restoring and servucung sime of my older cars....will be doing some more scenerty work when i come back from the Holiday from HELL up in Heysham !!!!!!

people come back glowing green from Heysham. lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyMon Jul 22, 2019 9:40 pm

It's Me again Boring you all to death with my ramblings....MMM do I care do I eck as like HA HA HA

Been quiet on this for a while due to me having far to much fun,running cars and building them.

It was time for do some more landscaping so as i needed to repaint the muddy section of the track with some brown and me being the cheapskate I am....must have some Yorkshire blood in me somewhere,decided a trip to our local Range wharehouse in search of some El cheapo paint and I came away having spent the vast sum of £1.25 for some Kids water based paint.......and YES Neil the girls have had the rest of it  Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

I painted the roads and then thought of course spread it on thick and then apply the scenic scatter using the tea strainers ....Happy days....not only did it stick to the paint succesfully and where the scatter was slightly thin it acted like brown earth underneath it .

The Scenery is now around 85% finished only need to buy 200 odd trees and stick them in

Slot car racing 48350378001_090a064113_c67513442_702643010189231_7548969725020078080_n by David jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 48350512067_6c2dd0bd82_c67417871_2443925355840534_863887312440786944_n by David jones, on Flickr

The brown has been dry brushed along the tarmac to simulate mud carried up the road off the cars

Slot car racing 48350378416_05d3e06ab6_c67234324_714726635653206_5313979498503340032_n by David jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 48350512492_37b42dcfa0_c67162635_2348911805429053_6154626347768479744_n by David jones, on Flickr

As my phone died terminally tonight I will take some pics of the cars with the camera and more of the track tomorrow
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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 8:57 pm

Some of the cars...All of these I have picked up on Ebay sub £20 and some of them now are worth in excess of £75ea!!!!!!....They all were in need of work ...paintwork motors etc

Tr7 Scaletrix being converted to the works rally car...wide arches,faster motor and  a heavily modified Chassis...Will be painted in full Works colours

Slot car racing 48358529301_af3aa8dff5_cIMG_3671 by David jones, on Flickr

A couple of Mini's that I owned is fitted with the old Train motor 

Slot car racing 48358666762_8a64ceb844_cIMG_3670 by David jones, on Flickr

A Escort Mk1 body shell in need of a lot of work !!!!

Slot car racing 48358672327_62b19b8c7b_cIMG_3668 by David jones, on Flickr

Escort Mk2 which I bought to get the running gear for another shell I had....this will eventually be painted in Colin McRae

Slot car racing 48358540311_0c400eb106_cIMG_3667 by David jones, on Flickr

A Vauxhall Magnum/Firenza Resin Bodied kit under construction 

Slot car racing 48358543271_bc9dbc07f8_cIMG_3666 by David jones, on Flickr

Mk1 mini

Slot car racing 48358682402_029e172294_cIMG_3664 by David jones, on Flickr

My Favorite car of all time the Vauxhall Chevette another resin Kit....body is loose on hte chassis as being worked on 

Slot car racing 48358684942_649dbb4424_cIMG_3663 by David jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 48358553431_15c8d80d33_cIMG_3662 by David jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 48358689977_88d5b75b3b_cIMG_3661 by David jones, on Flickr

Scaletrix Works Rs200 4x4 with the 4 wheel drive dissconeted...far more fun !!!!

Slot car racing 48358692622_646c441afd_cIMG_3660 by David jones, on Flickr

Scaletrix Mini this was a limited edition only sold through M/S,just had to buy it as it was in Sponsored by a local childerns program and driven by one of the presenters

Slot car racing 48358563261_33b538bdff_cIMG_3658 by David jones, on Flickr

Ford Escort WRC rally car 

Slot car racing 48358699702_4e7b87af60_cIMG_3657 by David jones, on Flickr

A bit if a rarity this one even though there are hundreds on sale but this one is in a minority as it was released by Scaletrix but with the Name Porsche spelt incorrectly and is highly sought after by this condition it is worth around £80

Slot car racing 48358568046_b0f75100a0_cIMG_3656 by David jones, on Flickr

The Jewel in the crown a Mk2 Escort very sought after model....these are changing hands on ebay anything form £60 upwards

Slot car racing 48358570581_d139959a92_cIMG_3655 by David jones, on Flickr

Slot car racing 48358573226_ab6371e8eb_cIMG_3654 by David jones, on Flickr

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Slot car racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 9:18 pm

excellent stuff Dave.....……...looking forward to seeing this in the flesh in October.
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PostSubject: Re: Slot car racing   Slot car racing EmptyTue Jul 23, 2019 10:25 pm

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