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 Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 7:47 am

Raf Rescue boat 1502 this was based in Tocyn Brwyn Pwllheli and was looked after by my Grandfather WJ Gould who was also a coxswain On the Pwllheli lifeboat.

As I dont have a plan of the actual boat but do have a plan of a resuce launch by Barrie Griffin the baisic hull is pretty much the same on all the craft so new upperworks will be assembled freelance so to speak.

ST 1502 was built in Hythe by the British Power Boat Co Ltd in 1942. She saw wartime service in various part of the UK and was armed and fitted out for Air Sea Rescue duties. She came out of RAF service in the mid 1950s and went into private hands to be converted to a pleasure craft. ST 1502 continued to give fine service in this capacity but eventually fell into disrepair and was taken on by the British Military Powerboat Trust in the late 1990s to be restored to her former glory. This task was given to a party of ex-RAF sailors from the Air Sea Rescue & Marine Craft Sections Club, (Hants & Dorset Branch). The project began with the complete strip down of ST 1502 to bare bones. From there, the vessel was rebuilt. ST 1502 was originally built of wood, designed on the hard chine principle with single diagonal mahogany side planking and double diagonal bottom planking, also of mahogany, on frames. The superstructure was fabricated from wood and extended aft from the wheelhouse to the cockpit. The superstructure roof was of Flexopy, covered with canvas and supported by mahogany beams. She was powered by twin Perkins S6M diesels, Meadows gearboxes and direct drive to Nickel Aluminium propellers. Later craft of this kind had a fuel capacity of 130 gallons, a range of 150 miles and could attain a maximum speed of 23 knots, with a continuous cruising speed of 20 knots. By November 2008, ST 1502 had been waterborne for three years and was operational in the Southampton area. In 2009, she was transferred to the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard open to view by the public.

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46611809514_0408c7b675_c1502-1 by David Jones, on Flickr

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 7:55 am

The hull is being built form Balsa wood for lightness but the hull stringers and the actual hull sides will be form light ply 

All the bulkheads prior to being glued to the balsa

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 44535727110_8660a6fe53_cP1020473 by David Jones, on Flickr

Glued to the Balsa planks

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46352632621_28dabde5a0_cP1020474 by David Jones, on Flickr

These were all cut from the planks with a scalpel ready to be glued to the keel 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46352615731_c2361fbb21_cP1020476 by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 8:01 am

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 44535706910_eb3f74a3d7_cP1020477 by David Jones, on Flickr

These were now dry fitted before being secured to my workbench for glueing 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 32480497898_1bb7e746d1_cP1020475 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 44535700670_dc01dcebc3_cP1020478 by David Jones, on Flickr

I then started to glue all the Bulkheads to the keel making sure they were not only level but square as well

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 44535700670_dc01dcebc3_cP1020478 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 45440072815_0c7042230f_cP1020484 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 45629294964_09f1d3e490_cP1020481 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 44535662860_58bd1db6ca_cP1020485 by David Jones, on Flickr

On the transom I decided to add some strengthner gussets on to it 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 45629282684_5b7ccc6b57_cP1020483 by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 8:07 am

As I needed some stringers bent to go around the hull a jig was built up using some nails as a former,A Kettle was used to steam the wood for it to bend and was left overnight to dry

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47179683612_dfe4cbafed_c52993345_403851300187506_5380004085124562944_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Now me being me decided to skining the lower half of the hull in two parts as on a prior build of an identical hull I struggled to get it done in one piece,well thats my excuse and im sticking to it

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46317326105_2c6db0eb5c_c53259913_2097355207191854_2896879398756024320_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47179683442_ff489eb5c8_c53274882_872363759767135_8314791170177761280_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47179683772_5175117e4f_c52893196_262231634695693_1702835789903167488_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46317326165_b510f9f432_c52950139_2329427327290047_5672005184864124928_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 8:15 am

Top stringers were now stuck to the hull,never will I use balsa bulkheads again due to my clumsy hands !!

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40343771623_ec90b70190_c

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40343771623_ec90b70190_c53506248_602807213515227_749347668597145600_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Now the fun begins cutting out the front lower hull sides,and I am Now using a new product to myself Mitre bond to stick it togther

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40343771403_eb08eb1992_c53910552_785311298505021_6947491913498886144_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40343771833_cef917cf38_c53279169_409671436516616_6253249422633730048_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Very Pleased at the outcome only  bit of filler needed at the bow and stern where I got it slightly wrong,but hey ho what hull doesnt need filler 

Now the deck and Ive added another stinger to strenghten the deck area

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47256277072_6d0121dd3b_c53646159_293772621302526_3987129870156038144_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 8:22 am

As I need to do the deck a Boat stand was needed so it was out with the profile Guage to get the profile of the Hull so it could be transferred to wood for the stand

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46588152334_6630c2b14b_c53314610_1027234177477649_4983864150309470208_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 33435786818_fa5ea79043_c53361198_959942821062486_1432181278920146944_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 33435786938_1678f57f83_c53256819_363298474397498_2342388920295096320_n by David Jones, on Flickr

With the stand made attention was then moved to a deck,the hull was placed upside down of a piece of play and scribe'd around to give a deck

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40345804823_1d4ab2b866_c53456701_273043733596207_8953092901718458368_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40345804313_cd78d229c4_c53537466_256654278590270_7865942975799361536_n by David Jones, on Flickr

So this is where we are before the filler work begins

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 33435068808_8d36f388da_c53480593_383748125754415_128744969002287104_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 8:37 am

Right then filler work,I use this stuff in work or Top Stop or Easy light these are the best fillers on the market in my opinion far far superior than your Milliput,P38 etc,These are superfine and so so easy to sand

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47276690642_04617d6e64_cIMG_3082 by David Jones, on Flickr

Having applied some filler it looks a lot more on a pic than actually was put on 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47328146531_17569b647a_cIMG_3083 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46413270015_78224f5dbe_cIMG_3084 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 33452411978_0a275cb8a3_cIMG_3085 by David Jones, on Flickr

This was rubbed down initially with 80 grit DA discs and then 180 grit

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 33453494858_480448f596_cIMG_3086 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46606018244_c02bbf1128_cIMG_3087 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46606012714_27385ee524_cIMG_3088 by David Jones, on Flickr

The hull was then coated with laquer to seal the wood then with filler primer ,this will be a good base for painting later on 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47276649612_c259924437_cIMG_3089 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 32387251707_3c98d0b279_cIMG_3090 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47329151041_d6ab273d60_cIMG_3091 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 32387232767_8fbbc5037d_cIMG_3092 by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47329128611_465f3e6089_cIMG_3093 by David Jones, on Flickr

Right then now the fun begin's with building of the superstructure as I've not got a plan so it is rule in hand lets see it it looks right then measure measure and cut and hope for thee best
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Captain (moderator)
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 9:00 am


I deleted the old thread. Something went wrong with your last post.

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 12:55 pm

Right then the part I wasnt looking forward to but it cam together quite  well in my opinion....well I would say that

First of all some measuring of the other hull and superstructure to get some idea on cabin heights and lengths etc and I deicided in the end what was pleasing to the eye was right.Must admit looking at pictures it isnt far off to be honest with you 

Guesswork and reworking on one side and it works 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47337216691_0851fe3236_c53648548_2115658958547729_4850793754103119872_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Ill let you all decide and let the pics do the talking

 Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 46613836234_4e2c51ec01_c53796561_2254097951309743_3979878801424252928_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47284669002_7e92ac4156_c53423687_2245681585706575_167842880931495936_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 47284669142_395eab2b02_c53302305_405572046861367_5772515382459891712_n by David Jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 40371955243_5b078678a6_c53826574_346718929288588_5067072325556371456_n by David Jones, on Flickr
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 3:42 pm

A Bit More back ground information

ST 1502 was the third craft of the third batch of this type to have been built by BPB as their Yard No. 1888. The craft was taken on charge by the RAF on 24.03.42 and immediately despatched to be used by 51 Air Sea Rescue Unit (AS RU) under control of Coastal Command at Penrhos and Pwllheli in Wales. The tender remained based at the unit for virtually all of her WWII service before being transferred to No 56 ASRU based at Portaferry. The allocation was recorded as 30.05.45, however ST 1502 was not received at her new base until July the same year.

Within a few months the craft was on the move to be based at Alness, in Scotland, still with Coastal Command. This allocation was dated 18.10.45 and the craft recorded as received at Alness in November 1945. Post war the ASRU's were deactivated and replaced by Marine Craft Units (MCU). Thus ST 1502 was allocated to 1100 MCU on 23 .08.46 which was based at Invergordon. In line with RAF policy at that time, most surviving wartime built seaplane tenders were "converted" or had a role change and were thus redesignated as Range Safety Launches. Several of the original Mid craft including ST 1502 were upgraded to MkIA specification in the early 1950's. ST 1502 was taken in hand at 238 Maintenance Unit (MU), Calshot on 17.5.50 for conversion on authority dated 14.2.50 (A73418). On completion RSL 1502 was returned to be based at Invergordon/Alness until she became surplus at the end of 1955. The craft was stricken off charge by the RAF on 31.12.55 and subsequently offered for disposal as lying at the RAF base at Calshot.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySat Nov 16, 2019 8:09 pm

Having built the original hull up to primer stage it was decided it was far to small...Well I like all my boats big ha ha.
Having been given a load of plans off a good friend of mine I decided to use the Range safety craft hull usinging pans drawn by Vic Smeed...what a BIG MISTAKE...if truth be known I actually started this last year nad gave up on it due to poorly inconsistent crap plans.......Well if Neil on here can not decipher them let alone a master Modeler who is a retired Naval Architec what hope is there for a mere mortal like me.
Neil bless his cotton socks decided to come to my rescue and make me some new Bulkheads which were duly made and delivered so today I was feeling brave and got the building board out and started on the framework....on went the transom and frame 1 yeah ha it fits...then 2 and 3 and then things went well I may as well say it TITS UP......with all the bulkheads in the keel it would have looked like a dogs dinner with a s curve in the deck let alone along the keel.
As you can well imagine loads of swear words in Welsh and English was said YET AGAIN the ruddy bulkheads were wrong or were they....well in fact they are ish wrong so to speak....the Keel drawing is definatly wrong being around 13mm to low at the bow........frames 5/6 7/8 have all their central slots marked up wrongly a right royal booh booh so a bot of well one hell of a lot of Modeling licence was needed.I had to fix frames 1/2/3 and 4 into place as well as frame 9 ad transom and work out how high or low as the case might be making sure I had a clean line at the keel so the actual hull skins will flow nicely let alone the deck level stringer flows as well,a right royal pig of a job.

I also marked and cut out the bulkhead to gain access to the hull when skinned to fit motors etc.

All the bulkheads have now been glues to the keel using Evostick waterproof wood glue....tomorrow before I glue the stringers to the hull I will infill between the bulkheads to reinforce them as believe you me they will still need to be power sanded to get a decent flow not only at deck level but hul sides and keel level....the plans are that bad.

Pics of where we are now.

How bad is this

  Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074264153_bcac7cdd43_cIMG_4162 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49075000222_f714c75f86_cIMG_4163 by David jones, on Flickr

Starting to level the frames out 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074260893_2ecd035295_cIMG_4164 by David jones, on Flickr

Bulkheads cut out

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074997127_661c55cf09_cIMG_4165 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074788821_7154c1406b_cIMG_4167 by David jones, on Flickr

Nice and level

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074255568_72f7cc6bec_cIMG_4168 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074785166_4bfee37e82_cIMG_4170 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49074251883_3642b2865c_cIMG_4172 by David jones, on Flickr

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySat Nov 16, 2019 8:38 pm

knowing full well that I cut all the frames exactly to plan...……………………………………...the plans show an appalling discrepancy…………...poor old late vic smeed…………….…..but he must have been sorely distracted or got different plans mixed in with each other to show that amount of distortion...…...
it is worse than I imagined when I cut the frames from the plans...………...not one of the old boys better sets is all I can say.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 3:15 pm

OMG what a right royal mess this is nad it is simply down to the innacuracy of the plans 100% due to these to say they are PATHETIC is a total understatement.

I decided to remove the hull from the initial building board so I could fix it properly to my bench to stop the skeleton pulling and twisting when the stringers were glued on. Bit rough and ready but hey ho it is level

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49078520258_1c21f848be_cIMG_4174 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079252007_8e10a66303_cIMG_4175 by David jones, on Flickr

Yes the keel looks like it has a twist on it but in fact it is an oliptical illusion

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079256067_00dcd4e511_cIMG_4173 by David jones, on Flickr

Here is the start of the problems a wavey hull stringer

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079250037_48b14f2a84_cIMG_4176 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079044576_14b019cd1d_cIMG_4177 by David jones, on Flickr

Oh and a frame that is incorrectly drawn drawn in fact to short...ok and easy repair but an unnecessary one

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079042336_d4caaf5f33_cIMG_4178 by David jones, on Flickr


Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079243872_0b37a7687c_cIMG_4179 by David jones, on Flickr

Twisty stringer 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49079038621_6d0bafcca8_cIMG_4180 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49078505973_9718c912aa_cIMG_4181 by David jones, on Flickr

I will have no option but to simply bodge this hull by eye to get a flowing hull shape and if I built it like it is it would be the laughing stock of any pond...sorry but my opinion of Vic Smeed is rapidly going down hill OK PK OK be did draw some good plans BUT more and more I hear from fellow modelers who have built a lot more than me are saying exactly the same thing...I know for a fact that some of the the so called Big names in the model boating fraternity think the sun shines out of his derrier but als this is NOT the case.

I might sound as I am being big headed in stating that all the frames etc are correct and the the plan is correct and I am wrong.....Sorry but for a chance and in this instance I am CORRECT.

The Saga will continue warts and all and how I can get around this disaster

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 3:58 pm

I feel your total frustration Dave......for old vic was regaled  as a saint to many for his basic model plans for beginners, but this by size and construction is not a beginners build nowadays were people like to be spoon fed...……...and I know of one very good builder who thinks as you do that they are very poor in their accuracy……..

he did some good stuff but I remember when I built the Bustler tug at age 12 [which had very good and accurate plans for a build] my school mate built a Moonmist at the same time ……….and his was awful, plan wise for accuracy...……...but a saint he will stand in the parlance of some.
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Captain (moderator)
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 7:19 pm

I agree with Neil, this is not good enough! Remembering all the changes in ownership of Model Boats over the years I wonder if the original masters have been lost and Dave's plans are the result of a very poor attempt to reconstruct them.

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 7:26 pm

Not at all Barrie the plans used were off a good friend of mine and they have yellowed with age so I presume therefore they are an original set.....i admit this is going to take hours of head scratching to sort out and as I said itr will be a typical no holds barred warts and all build.

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 7:38 pm

Stavros wrote:
 and as I said itr will be a typical no holds barred warts and all build.


that's what I like...…….none of this cover up and look what I did first time round with no blunders milarky………… one ever learns from that subterfuge……….we all make mistakes...……...i'm proud of mine,  lol! lol! lol!
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 9:37 pm

Neil I call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel not a lot of people like that at all especially on some forums...I ONLY get riled when someone I KNOW is wrong.............and I AM RIGHT...I will keep going on the hull as it is now a challenge....I suppose the biggest challenge after sorting the hull out will be the superstructure and there are no pans for it ill do what i do best winging it ha ha

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 10:20 pm

Have you seen this picture of ST 1502??

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptySun Nov 17, 2019 11:07 pm

Yes thanks 

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyWed Nov 20, 2019 6:12 pm

After a lot of head scratching how I was going to fix this mess I came up with as Blackadder said WE HAVE A CUNNING PLAN BALDRICK and i Hope i have cracked it.

How was I going to get out of the mire...well quite simple really dont worry about the stringers not being straight...who sees them anyway !!!!! and Simply fill the gaps from the frames to the hull with some spare plywood or quater by quater ramin.........

Right we now have a stringer that is now pleasing to the eye along the hull

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49096220202_1de23dc047_cIMG_4196 by David jones, on Flickr

it actually with a bit of thought and inginuity fits the bow at the same point...well thats a result 

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49096030641_a29da3c0cd_cIMG_4195 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49096217917_306f0863a1_cIMG_4197 by David jones, on Flickr

Now as in MY opininon frame 1 is incorrect in the sense that the curvature on it compared to frame 2 is like chalk and cheese and would be a right so and so to get ply to bend 3 ways in one I cut up a spare frame...(.sorry Neil but NO way am I building a second) and I will glue this to the stringer when it has been glued to the bow and will give a far better bow flare yet again in MY opinion and wil be far far pleasoing to the eye

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49096215837_e66497f29f_cIMG_4198 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49095507918_3d985b25bc_cIMG_4199 by David jones, on Flickr

Ive left the obeche stringer clamped up overnight as it will take on the hull shape without being steamed...WISH i had used this wood years ago,let alone this Aliphatic has now got a new fan.

One of the best tools I have bought is a detail sander it is darned marvelous for getting into corners and getting the correct profile on the frames

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyWed Nov 20, 2019 7:17 pm

i'm disappointed with you my friend...….

what sort of dad are you to leave your daughter on her 6th birthday, to play in your shed...…..

ooops, I forget, I left my daughter on the morning of her birthday to go down to the beach to view the RIVERDANCE  Belfast steamer in her precarious beached state, just down from the Norbreck……….made her wait till she came home from school to open her pressies...……..naughty old dad...………...I understand totally...…… are resilient,  lol! lol! 

looking good mate.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyWed Nov 20, 2019 9:53 pm

ER Neil Catherine's Birthday was YESTERDAY and in any case actually I did leave her and went to shed BUT to make her a Play Tray 18x18 with a border with grass on itr so her horses can feed LOL...BUT as I was on official keep in the good books with the daughter I was allowed to  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyWed Nov 20, 2019 10:34 pm

stavros wrote:
ER Neil Catherine's Birthday was YESTERDAY and in any case actually I did leave her and went to shed BUT to make her a Play Tray 18x18 with a border with grass on itr so her horses can feed LOL...BUT as I was on official keep in the good books with the daughter I was allowed to  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

ahh bless her...……...there's no better toy that one dad made...……..remember making mine toys and strollers...…….still got them in the loft...……...gets you in the good books too.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyThu Nov 21, 2019 7:01 pm

Thats quite correct Neil

Well as the bottom stringer had set it was on with the second,as soon as it had party set the hull was removed off the blocks and then reset into the original building block and believe you Me there was a big sigh as it simply went in like a plug so no twisting YEAH HA.

It wa so so pleasing to see that i had managed to get the bow stringers  spot on another bonus.

So now it was time to extend the bow so it would be level with the frame,next was to get the curvature of the deck stringer so out with my flexible thingy to get it right and transferred it to my workbench...a few nails later and it was ready to accept the stringer,this was simply bent by turning on the hot water tap and left to percualte for 10 mins or so and then a run to the shed and bend it around the nails this was done twice....and seeing as my Obeche stringers are not long enough i'll simply but them up with a glued bit behind it to strengthen it.

It was after doing this that Dave  discovered a fundamental error on MY part  ONE of MANY I suppose !!!!!I had not allowed a wide enough cut out in the frames it needed to be 20mm wider both sides...this ill do later as i need also to make slots in the top of the bulkheads to take a deck stringer.

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100972321_35b5c2ce01_cIMG_4204 by David jones, on FlickrRaf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49101168987_afbf3efc45_cIMG_4206 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100466643_0542dfa762_cIMG_4202 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100969156_bd2b7fa3f9_cIMG_4207 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100460218_a003f872d0_cIMG_4208 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49101164357_0264fc1013_cIMG_4209 by David jones, on Flickr

Marked out ready to be cut,the pink marks on top of the bulkheads are for the deck stringer

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100964546_36017960e7_cIMG_4212 by David jones, on Flickr

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 49100963206_2c5d452e17_cIMG_4214 by David jones, on Flickr

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyFri Nov 22, 2019 11:55 am

well rescued matey...…….looks a lot straighter now.
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Forum Overlord
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyWed Jan 15, 2020 10:18 am

More updates on this please Stavros!!!!!   

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyThu Jan 16, 2020 9:53 pm

Got a Major health problem at Mo so really struggling got a slipped disc in Neck ruing on my spinal cord so got numb arms and fingers at the mo

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1715
Join date : 2011-06-10

Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyThu Jan 16, 2020 10:12 pm

Well we Hope u have a speedy recovery, Take it easy till then, we'll look forward to an update when your up to it and fit.

Best Regards


I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyFri Jan 17, 2020 12:48 am

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Oh I know your pain, many years ago I had crush fractures of C6 and L11 & L12 vertebrae have worn a back brace for 25 yrs now and still need to be very careful of my movements.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502   Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502 EmptyFri Jan 17, 2020 12:53 am

jeeeze matey, that's bad news...…….i'd suggest bet rest, but withy the two wee ones there'll be none of that...………………...take it easy, and get rest.
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Raf Rescue Launch ST 1502
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