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 glossery of brushless motor and lipo terminology

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phil winks
phil winks

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glossery of brushless motor and lipo terminology Empty
PostSubject: glossery of brushless motor and lipo terminology   glossery of brushless motor and lipo terminology EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 10:26 pm

I will add to this as other abbreviations come to mind so prob best to check back regularly as I will edit this post each time.

Brushless motors:
these come in 2 basic types
Inrunner, much like a conventional motor in that the outer case stays still and the rotor is inside. the main difference is the coils are in the outer case and the magnets on the rotor hence no need for brushes, these motors generally have higher rotational speeds but lower torque

Outrunner, these have the magnets in the outer case and this is the rotor with the coils on a fixed stator in the centre of the motor, these generally have lower rotational speeds but higher torque

Kv. = revolutions per minute per volt
A = amps as with brushed motors the max current the motor can be safely allowed to draw
V = Volts again as with brushed motors the max volts that can be safely applied to the motor

LiPo btys (Lithium Polymer)
C = capacity these btys are rated on the max current that can be safely drawn from them thus a 20C 2300Mah bty can be safely loaded to 20 x 2300Mah = 46000Mah or 46 amps (obviously the higher the loading the faster the bty flattens)

charge rate is expressed in "C" as well ie: a 5c charge rate of a 2300Mah bty is 5 x 2300 = 11500Mah or 11.5Amps

Bty format is expressed as cells in series / cells in paralell, so a 2s1p bty has 2 cels in series where as a 2s2p has 4 cells, 2 in series and a further two also in series and both sets in paralell to each other. This is a rare combination but it helps to explain how it works. cells in series produce a voltage that is the sum of their voltages with no change in capacity and cells in paralell produce a voltage thast is the voltage of 1 cell and a capacity thats the sum of their capacities.

low bty so thats it for today

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glossery of brushless motor and lipo terminology
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