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 Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland

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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

Posts : 127
Join date : 2011-06-15
Age : 46
Location : Taunton Somerset UK

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty
PostSubject: Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland   Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 4:57 pm

Due to this theard being lost on the old forum,I can't type it all out again.Here are the pics of the build so far.Any questions I will be more than happy to answer.

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 17102010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 17102011
Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 17102012

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 17102013
Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 10042010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 06042010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 06042011
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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

Posts : 127
Join date : 2011-06-15
Age : 46
Location : Taunton Somerset UK

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland   Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 5:06 pm

Heres some more.

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 07042010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 07042011

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 10042011

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 10042012

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 10042013

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 20042010
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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

Posts : 127
Join date : 2011-06-15
Age : 46
Location : Taunton Somerset UK

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland   Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 5:13 pm

And some more.

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 15042010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 30042010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 07042012
Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 21072010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 21072011
Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 21072012
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cpt jack sparrow
cpt jack sparrow

Posts : 127
Join date : 2011-06-15
Age : 46
Location : Taunton Somerset UK

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland   Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 5:20 pm

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 21072013

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 21072014

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 28022010

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 28022011

Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland 10042014
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Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland   Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland Empty

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Dutch Stan Tug by Damen shipyards Holland
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