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 Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update!

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Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! Empty
PostSubject: Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update!   Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! EmptySun Apr 03, 2016 4:05 pm

Hey guys sorry its been a while in posting builds the move to wales really took a toll on my build time and lack of usable workshop has put me back on the dining room table of an evening but i'm getting there.

My Girlfriend for xmas of 2015 brought me an older kit of the Dumas Skee Vee 10 kit, so i've been once again up to my old tricks and updating the model from its original intended design to a more modern system as well as again adding my own unique and custom wood job,

These little boats i guess were intended as the basic starting point for racing back in the 6-'s & 70's meant to be fitted with a .049 Cox's although thats still possible today its almost impossible to find anywhere to run with a nitro and given today's modern brushless systems it becomes more reliable as well as more fun to make this boat into a brushless beast.

this boat has been modernised to take a 1/8 outrigger with trim tabs, running a 1100KV 35mm thumper ( my fav brand of brushless) running on a 4s 1300 lipo for around 16,000 RPM on the sub surface prop, she will be fast but not up to race standard, just a nice fast blast around the lake for a few mins.

Now i haven't actually done a blog or have many photos of the build itself, but this post is to show my method for applying the epoxy varnish to wooden areas.

For now before i get to the varnishing i'll upload the images i do have of this build enjoy!

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1710

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1611

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1511

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1411

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1311

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1211

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1111

Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! 1011

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Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update!   Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! EmptyMon Apr 25, 2016 5:43 pm

Very nice work, I see you are using copper wire as a sheer pin Smile,  great idea.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update!   Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! EmptyTue Apr 26, 2016 12:18 am

Aye strong till it needs to snap, I've used breakaway nylon pins before and sometimes they don't snap at all, or thy snap but still hold the rudder in place or even worse just snap under the force of the water when it's bouncing along over heavy wakes! Copper I've found is the best solution and it's cheaper then the nylon counter parts!

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Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update!   Dumas Skee Vee 10 with modern update! Empty

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