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 Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 10
Join date : 2015-11-30
Location : Leeds/Halifax

Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. EmptyMon Nov 30, 2015 12:17 pm

Hi all

Im Ben and i currently have two RC boats soon to be 3 (fingers crossed)

so my first RC boat is a Pilot boat my grandad built and never finished. I finished the electrics and such probably about 10 years ago. You will be glad to hear this is all still working and intact even thought its not the prettiest electric works ever done but I was 16 then.

my second is a cheaper twin propeller sygma black stealth, which was bought a couple of years ago for something a bit faster - this boat has issues now though - it seems that it doesn't like to turn using its two props (a possible rudder conversion may have to be undertaken - which i will require your help) but does go well in a straight line then a long walk to retrieve it from the lake side.

and the 3rd boat which is under construction is a scratch built RC speedboat based on the minimono and is coming together quite nicely - but will have lots of questions about motors and ESC's and power sources Smile

In turn I would like all three to be working and to be wired right and looking great Smile I'm sure with your help I can get near this Very Happy

also can someone point me on how to upload pictures?

I look forward to your responses

Ben  Thumbup
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Location : Lincolnshire UK

Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. EmptyMon Nov 30, 2015 1:34 pm

Hi Ben and [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

A couple of links below might help, I go the "Photobucket" way. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Looking forward to your photo's 2thumbsup
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 10
Join date : 2015-11-30
Location : Leeds/Halifax

Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. EmptyMon Nov 30, 2015 1:50 pm

Thanks for your welcome, hope to be trying to do some more balsa wood butchery Wednesday so will hopefully take a few snaps then Smile

also would like to mention I have 2 more projects that are waiting to be done after I have completed the three previously mentioned
1. a RC sailing yacht
2. and Id love to build a RC tug boat if i can find plans or a cheapish kit.
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Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2015 5:59 pm

welcome to the site ben...

can't help much with electronics or wiring as my inners look like left over spaghetti...worlds worse.....

but tugs and building I can, as many other members on here also can.

once you have decided what sort of tug you fancy we can point you in the right direction for either a kit or a starter hull where you can build and choose what goes on top at a price suitable to you.

just get posting those photos...........we love photos.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 10
Join date : 2015-11-30
Location : Leeds/Halifax

Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2015 6:12 pm

nhp651 wrote:
welcome to the site ben...

can't help much with electronics or wiring as my inners look like left over spaghetti...worlds worse.....

but tugs and building I can, as many other members on here also can.

once you have decided what sort of tug you fancy we can point you in the right direction for either a kit or a starter hull where you can build and choose what goes on top at a price suitable to you.

just get posting those photos...........we love photos.

well the pilot boat is where my real love as its the only RC model boat of my granddads that was left after he passed away.

I'd like to build a tug boat from scratch and it be able to tow or recover any other boat on the pond. I'm after the type that i used to see pushing great big oil tanker up the Humber and was always amazed how that tiny little thing manages to push that great big barge ( I understand now high torque and larger and possible multiple props) 

Also thanks for the welcome Smile photos should be uploaded tomorrow if work lets me go home this week Smile 

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Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.   Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of. Empty

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Hi all new to RC boats - Well kind of.
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