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 Severn into Arun will go!!!

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2 posters

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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 73
Location : West Yorkshire

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySat Sep 26, 2015 6:47 pm

Whilst waiting for several coats of paint to harden (Micks Severn) and Mersey hull planks to dry and then glue in place (Rhyl Lifeboat) I was asked to sort out one of the small 1/35th ish RNLI Severn Class lifeboats. This was not in the best of condition and the radio as fitted was one of the old 27 Mhz systems so it had to go. The pods were to be removed and proper running gear fitted.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000137_zps5l5zknlk

Whilst taking the boat apart I wondered it it was posssible to make it into an Arun. With the permission of the customer it was decided to try to produce a model of 54-03 Edward Bridges which was stationed in his home area of Torbay and is now in the National collection at Chatham. The Edward was the last of the three early Aruns to have a wooden hull and the first with the upper steering position at the front of the upper deck.

First job was a total strip down and removal of all the gear and mouldings from the inside of the hull.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000138_zpsm77dtryi

The holes left by removal of the motor pods were filled in and sanded to shape. (At this stage I forgot to remove the bilge keels and did it later in the build Embarassed ).

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000139_zps66scespv

The deck was alsao stripped back and all the holes filled in. The lower sides for the new wheelhouse were glued in place.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000140_zpswphh0eon

The vertical moulded fenders were removed to give the hull the more rounded form of an Arun and half round strip added across the stern to produce the fender here. The exhausts were also moved out and down to a more Arun like position.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000147_zpsomrmu74x

The short spray rail of a Severn was lengthened with styrene strip to give the full length rail of the Arun.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000148_zpsvpxm3diu

New 2mm prop shafts were then added and blended in place. (Still forgot to remove the keels!!)

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000149_zpsjf4rv3m8
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Posts : 500
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 73
Location : West Yorkshire

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySat Sep 26, 2015 7:07 pm

The basic box for the superstructure was made from 1mm styrene and the distinctive rounded front produced.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000150_zpsl7edkorm

More simple shapes were added, the upper steering position made and glued in place then with coat of primer we have the new basic superstrucutre.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000157_zpsow9htuva

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000158_zpsb2aima7x

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000159_zpszi3yny5d

Again this boat did not have the later style of tower mast but the arched version so it was made from styrene rod as a sub assembly for fitting after painting the upper deck.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000164_zpshfcbjht5

Take the moulding for the Y boat from the Severn...........

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000165_zpsn5c1dhkl

..... after sanding and painting, in the early colour scheme, you have an acceptable boat for the Arun plus the launch rails used on the early boats were made for it to sit on.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000166_zpsfrr9u3hg

View of both sub units temporarily in position.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000169_zpshh5ihiqc

The windows, vents etc were made and glued in place.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000171_zpsrpy5tble

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000172_zpsuoulp7dt

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000174_zpshg0dvm0e

After everything was given its correct coats of paint it was all glued together and more details added.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000175_zpspykqsyl0

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000176_zps22djrst0

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000177_zpsdmnq5vgs

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000178_zpsvxcutqgq
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Posts : 500
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 73
Location : West Yorkshire

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySat Sep 26, 2015 7:21 pm

The deck had the kicking boards bonded in place and the stanchions and rails added.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000180_zpsu85o8ibo

At the stern the rails have the drop down gate added. This was lowered to allow the launch rails for the Y boat to pass over the stern. The towing post was refitted and the rope reel made from a sewing machine bobbin plus bits glued onto the deck.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000181_zpsn6mhwykb

At the bow the pulpit was made and fitted, the mooring post refitted and the winch made and added along with the large vent.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000182_zpswkhjgibs

The hull has been painted and finished in the early corporate red lining style. Rudders have also been made and fitted.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000184_zpszfyn89zs

The station name has also been added to the stern.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000185_zpspiphcc54

The r/c system can now be finished and the deck screwed back down.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000186_zpskc5ejenx

Views of the boat with just a few more details to add and paint jobs to finish. The sea trials will take palce in a few days time and video will be posted soon.

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000187_zpstbxsnb7q

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000188_zpsjt3zcjrk

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000189_zpspyvhqs1i

So I hope you agree that Severn into Arun WILL GO !! 2thumbsup
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Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 3:04 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Posts : 573
Join date : 2014-01-23
Location : Lincolnshire UK

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 8:22 am

Nice pictorial build blog, thanks for sharing 2thumbsup
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Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 11:46 pm

absolutely brilliant mike...............what a beautiful little you never stop for breath though, lol. 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Posts : 500
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 73
Location : West Yorkshire

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptyMon Sep 28, 2015 7:09 pm

Sea Trials took place this afternoon in the nice weather.

Views on the water:

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000198_zpst4s059jw

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000199_zpspwcatbso

Severn into Arun will go!!! P1000200_zpsks4gueyf

Video clip orf my son trying to see if anything drops off when cornering!! Shocked 

She's now ready to return to station. Thumbup
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Posts : 573
Join date : 2014-01-23
Location : Lincolnshire UK

Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptyTue Sep 29, 2015 7:15 am

What a fast mover she is and even in reverse, seems to handle very well and very responsive too 2thumbsup

And I like your test tank 2thumbsup I have thoughts of building a duel purpose one myself, the Labradors would love it  Thumbup
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Severn into Arun will go!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Severn into Arun will go!!!   Severn into Arun will go!!! EmptyTue Sep 29, 2015 10:26 am

2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Severn into Arun will go!!!
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